Reincarnation: Demon Hunter

v10 Chapter 30: Extracting darkness (on)

Under the night, Ye Qi, who was flying, covered the bright moon in the sky, and the airflow that was rushed down suddenly made his windbreaker look like the wings of the eagle. Just staring at the car directly below, Ye Qi’s mouth was slightly upturned. After a long wait, in the face of the upcoming battle, the excitement of the demon hunter is spread throughout the body.


The scorching fireball filled with explosive energy, with a dazzling tail flame, shot from Ye Qi's hand, flew straight to the car below - the rolling black mist swallowed the fireball as if it had swallowed the grenade and bullets before. Go in; however, the instantaneous black smoke is like boiling water. Generally, a trace of fire penetrates the thick black fog, just like the rising sun, when a bright light is revealed. The darkness passed away.

The scattered flames of 1ang can not help but dispel the black fog that wraps around the car, and even the car itself is shaking under the high temperature!


It was louder than the sound of the grenade explosion, and there was a shock in the surrounding ground. The entire car exploded into a pile of burning iron waste after the fuel tank exploded.


The crisp bell sound is extraordinarily pleasant in the burning sound of the fire; the hand is placed on the handle, Ye Qi eyes staring at the burning car in front, the perceptual instinct of the blind bucket is all around, and the other side will not think of each other. It would be so simple to die in a raid; after all, the demon that is still hidden behind the shadows, absolutely has the ability to help the other side to escape the level of attack.

Of course, it does not rule out the possibility that the demon will abandon the other party; however, from the current situation, it is obviously not that time - greed, not just the root of humanity, from the wolf, Ye Qi is obviously able to feel the martial arts, the sacred king, the sacred king, the night slay, the **** of the gods, the throne, the sacred priest, the ninth day, the strongest, the abandonment, the big prince, the prince, the night sacred god, the throne, the sacred, the sacred world, the most powerful, the abandonment of the week. Royal martial arts 乾 将 将 将 将 将 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神They also have the same y look like human beings. They also count on gains and losses, they will also be happy, and they will be angry and sad. Therefore, in the face of such gods, even the indigenous natives, Ye Qi will not exist. Awe; not to mention he is not!

In Ye Qi’s heart, it’s just that these devils are placed on the same level, and even some of them are not disdainful or despised, but for Ye Qi, the devil and the self-control are already The strongman is marked with an equal sign; in the face of such a strong, even if their strength is strong enough to be awesome, but it is only a "savage beast" acting instinctively!

Facing the beast, Ye Qi naturally would not place it in the same position as him.

The unknown god, in front of him, is not enough, but he does not know how to completely hide himself. It is still just a beastly beast. Of course, Ye Qi will not be taken lightly when facing any opponent. Especially, once brilliant, standing in the peak.

With the help of blind bucket perception, the surrounding situation is like a clear lake surface, which is reflected in Ye Qi’s brain. Any ripples and ripples are clearly visible; therefore, when something that causes ripples and ripples appears, it will be so Conspicuous, it can't be ignored.

"Oh, this is not a game to catch míz!" Ye Qi looked at him about fifteen feet in front of him, where the car burned in the smoke: "And, Mr. Spas, you don't know you. Is it hard to be tempted to play such a game at an age?"

After Ye Qi’s voice fell, there was no answer, only the burning sound of the flame—the flame did not burn out when it was just exploding, but it still burned, and the smoke that was brought up filled the surroundings. The pungent smell frowned, and then looked like a helpless shrug, with his right hand extended.

Five magical missiles shimmering in incandescent light quickly formed in Ye Qi's palm, and then flew straight to the target of Ye Qi's perception - hey, the magic missile flew in the shadow of Ye Qi. On the goal; nothing, there is no role at all.

In the thick smoke, the huge arm that appeared before, like a siege shield once again appeared on the marching path of the magic missile, easily blocked the five magic missiles - for this, Ye Qi did not accidentally Although the magic missile is fast and has a rare tracking, he has not forgotten that the magic missile is the essence of first-class magic - weak.

Of course, this is only relatively speaking. In the face of ordinary people or rookies in the dark world, magical missiles still have unimaginable power. However, it is not enough to see Spas in front of the demon standing behind them.

However, what is this?

Odd is just trying to get the other party out, and his purpose has now been reached; therefore, this is enough.

"How did you get the flaws of my servant?"

In terms of tone, Ye Qi can judge that it is not Spas that speaks, but the demon **** hidden in the other ring. After all, this arrogant and contemptuous tone, except for some in the Holy See. Outside the high-ranking people, Ye Qi only heard from the mouth of the devil like the other.

"Now? No, no, I don't have any flaws in your servant!" For such a tone, Ye Qi is almost instinctively annoying; therefore, when answering, the tone is more proud than the other, and avoids ridicule: "But you! The disgusting thing on your body is like leftovers left in the bucket, rotted for three months, so I am in the two districts!"

"Although I don't care about his own health hobby! But as a temporary neighbor, I feel that I will remind you later! Oh, sorry! Did I say that it was too direct and eventually evolved? However, I think you must not Will mind!"


Two palms that are comparable to the big are like stone bombs that were hit by a catapult, and they rushed toward Ye Qi - this is the answer given by the other party to Ye Qi; and obviously, the other Not as angry as Ye Qi said, but it has already reached the point where it can't be added.

The figure was slightly stunned, and Ye Qi’s right hand held the handle, his eyes staring at the two huge palms that came from him, and the sudden opening of the blood in his palm—although the sudden blood The mouth is very attractive, but Ye Qi’s attention is not here; his eyes crossed the two offensive palms, looking for the best offensive opportunity from the tight gap that was blocked.

A chance to kill!

This... this... shame... I went to buy a car with my friends in the afternoon. It’s not too late to come back. The result is not finished in 3k... I’m sorry everyone...

Also, how is the 6k Cui more and more ............ This will be a dead person... tears... (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point () to vote, The monthly ticket, your support is my biggest motivation.)