Reincarnation: Demon Hunter

v11 Chapter 61: Rescue (6)

Chapter 61—Rescue (6)


The blood of the dark purple sè is splashing around, not only the skull, but the entire upper half of the body. Under the double fists of the big man, it is turned into the end of the beach. Although these zombies are obviously modified, they still can't get rid of The zombie is a big but slow-moving special; when encountering an opponent that matches it, or when attacking, the zombie is of course unfavorable; however, it is faster than them to be like a big man. And when the power is bigger than their opponents, the zombies are completely smashed into targets.

"It’s already the fourth one." He licked his hand with a pungent smell. He couldn’t call it blood blood. The big man looked at the little man who had become silent since the fourth zombie appeared. He didn’t understand the loud voice. Remind: "Datong, it is already fourth; we should retreat according to the plan."

"hold on"

The little man was immersed in the urging voice of his companion - according to his prior schedule, after three to four attacks, he began to transfer quickly, and quickly retreated to the outside of the search; but all this has a premise. : in his prior reservation plan

Yes, I have already been attacked by four zombies, but this is far from what he expected to be - the interval between the four zombies is too short.

And this is definitely not a good phenomenon - there is nothing wrong with this situation:

1, here is the power of the far-off prisoner;

2, like them, Ava and Enid, who are doing the attraction task, have a situation; however, the first one is negated by the little one; because the little man is confident in his cooperation, Ye Qi’s charm will never fail; so the first one is left, only the second one.

Ava and Enid have troubles

As for Ye Qi?

A small man who knows Ye Qi’s strength will not worry about Ye Qi’s problems.


Thinking and the like is really a less-loving behavior for the big man; especially when there are companions around him, the big man throws this behavior outside the astral; he just needs to do him well. It should be done, and the other ones will do it for the companions.

Hey, hehe...

The bushes and leaves were broken and hanged, and the sound of the shackles sounded. After the big man moved his shoulders slightly, he walked there.



The little man raised his head fiercely and warned his companion; however, the sand of a grayish sè was faster than his voice—a piece of sand that suddenly appeared from the ground, like a hidden The traps usually appear suddenly, and then quickly wrap the big man in front of them, and then merge into the ground again as before.


The little man rushed to the place where the sand disappeared. He just looked down and immediately sneaked a sigh of anger - there was something to the other side, but more about his own.

Obviously, something has gone wrong, but he did not immediately inform his companion, and the companion suffered an ambush from the other side; this is definitely not a smile for the little man; even if the big man retreats without any loss, the little man will be guilty. And once the big man gets hurt, even...

Then a small man will definitely blame himself for a lifetime.

The other party uses a sand-like ability, which is similar to that of Darlan; then it is absolutely impossible to use sand to make Dardan suffocate and faint; it is bound to choose a battlefield to solve Dardan; Safely solve Darlan, you will definitely choose...

The little man who flies in his head, his eyes are condensed, and he looks at the open space less than forty yards away from him. Only by getting rid of the limitations of the roots of trees and bushes can he deal with Darlan in the best condition.

The little man who thought of this was flying all the way to the open space; but, a few feet away from the open space, his whole person stopped and flew back - 嗤嗤嗤

A row of white spears over 15 feet in length rises from the ground; although the sound is slight, the power is very strong, and within the range they rise, not just the bushes, even the netg people's waist thickness The trees were pierced and brought in the air. The flying branches and leaves were in the mud. The little ones could clearly see the rows of white spears, one after the other, the joints and sizes. Not the same, but it is solid and compact, especially the front end is specially polished into a sharp triangular shape.

These spears, which are made entirely of bones, are definitely not made up of the same kind of creatures; not only because they are of different sizes, they do not form a normal proportion of bones and joints; more because the small ones have already swept There are no less than three types of bone joints that he is familiar with.

"Hey, that big man, but the prey of Angliol" suddenly appeared in front of the bone spear, and there was a shrill sound like a nightingale under the hood: "And you are my prey"


During the speech, the other party did not follow the common sense suddenly, and a row of bone spears spurted out from the ground; the small man turned back and the fly made a dodge, and the danger was avoided. Attack.

"It’s a pity that it’s a little bit worse."

Looking at the innocent little man, the other party shook his head and sighed; the little man frowned, but when the little man was ready to speak, the sudden movement under his feet immediately made him back again.


Another row of bone spears spurted out 嘎嘎嘎 and escaped? "The ugly laughter carries a common man who is difficult to understand and cannot understand. "Many of my opponents are destroyed by me and you are with them. It is a little stronger, but it is just a little."


A bottle of water was thrown out of the little man's hand and squatted on the ground; suddenly, a smog of smoke shrouded all within a 30-foot radius—a series of attacks that had already let the little man dismiss the other nonsense Mind; after all, if it’s not his cautiousness, it’s like roasting pigs on the bone spear at the moment; and, more importantly, no one can be sure if the other side is re-applying at the moment.

So, the little man decided to start with a strong hand.

Ps today is February 14th Valentine's Day, but the decadent but the cup has a cold, and still has a low-grade fever... What a sad reminder of this thing, squandering, tears, tears, tears

Thanks again for the moonlight and shadow of a monthly ticket~~~ Defamation, and I look forward to your brothers and sisters more support; after all, only with the support of brothers and sisters, decadence can better code down~~~