Reincarnation: Demon Hunter

v11 Chapter 78: Uncoordinated chorus (11)

Chapter 78—Uncoordinated Sonata (11)


The dry firewood that was put into the bonfire pile immediately gave off a crisp sound, and then the fire that had just fallen down, it rose again, and it looked so strong - Ye Qi was lying flat on the blanket, side Putting his head under the arm and closing his eyes, as if he had fallen asleep, the entire camp was removed from the sound of the flames, and there was a burst of even breathing.

This is already in the middle of the night, Ye Qi has just replaced the Awa in the middle of the night. Originally, with the help of the animal partners with Ava, the vigil of the night should be very easy. After all, the animal is sensitive at night. Far beyond the imagination of ordinary people; however, nothing is absolute, Ava can use his ability to arrange animal partners to watch the night, others can use similar abilities to make animal partners lose their due effect - The ability of animal partners is only negotiating for control, not completely absolute control

Therefore, in addition to the vigil of the animal companion, the vigil of the own is also very important. This is not to be omitted as the strength changes, but an instinct that needs to be engraved in the bones; unless you are living with yourself and your partners. I don't care – the original vigil is naturally the average share of Ye Qi, but the two are big and big, although the two are already awake, especially the latter who ate and ate nearly ten people after waking up, but this Can't explain anything, the two are obviously still in a state of disengagement; therefore, the vigil is flattened by Ye Qi and Ava.

As for Enid?

She is sleeping with the captives, the task is probably the heaviest - Ye Qi, with her eyes closed, the blind bucket feels like a calm lake, the entire camp is covered, and the weapon slowly radiates around; Those slightly arranging fluctuations slightly smaller than ordinary people, showing that Ava's animal partners are still doing their tasks with due diligence; and the newly replaced Awana gradually calms down as quiet as the small and big men. Fluctuation indicates that the three companions have entered a deep sleep; after all, they have suffered a series of battles in two days, and they have only rested for less than four hours. Even a good demon hunter can't stand it.

The fluctuations in the entire camp are reflected by the blind sense to the mind of Ye Qi without exception. Therefore, any existence that is different from these calm fluctuations is so conspicuous - one of them is a temporary guest guarding female hunting. The devil, the slow fluctuations but very favorable, plus the sound of breathing if you upload it to Ye Qier, it is obvious that the other party is using the special method to restore the lost physical strength and spirit while guarding the prisoners; Ye Qi is not surprised; after all, with the militant character of the other side, if there is no such way to quickly restore physical strength and spirit, then the innumerable challenger has already laid the throne of Shack.

As for the other fluctuations that make Ye Qi pay attention to it, it is the Ella Luo who is close to the female hunter. The volatility and violentness are obviously caused by the inner thinking and the emotional fluctuations...

Feeling the fluctuations that would occur in the conjecture, Ye Qi’s mouth couldn’t help but slightly upturned, and brought up a sneer-like arc—about the behind-the-scenes employer’s rhetoric, Ye Qi was still between believing and not believing; Such a wizard aristocrat will save the life of the 'useless' subordinate. Ye Qi is saying nothing and will not believe it; not all the dark wizards are like the friends of his disciples, Merlin. The goodness is preserved in the depths, and most of the dark wizards are arrogant and pretentious. Apart from themselves, everything else will not be placed in their hearts, even if they are the same as the Dark Wizard.

Take sympathy? It’s really boring tricks.

Thinking of the other side's purpose, the taunts contained in Ye Qi's mouth are more intense - three times and four times to change the original intention, even if serious people will lose the last bit of patience, not to mention that he is not a very patient People, especially when facing enemies; therefore, in order to survive, the other party has to make up for the mistakes made before - for those who value friendship, he shows a Those who give up their own interests will undoubtedly get his goodwill.

Of course, the opponent who was seen by Ye Qi did not get what he expected; however, Ye Qi did not reveal the other's thoughts; because he wanted to see what the other party would do next, thus confirming the doubts in the heart.

The other party said that her behind-the-scenes employers are the people of the Holy See, and the other party said that it is extremely reasonable, everything is so natural - between hiring the same camp and hiring hostile camps, even if the latter is slightly more difficult, but Ye Qi still tends In the latter case; after all, I can use a little money to make two enemies fight, and if I take advantage of the benefits of the fisherman, even if there will be some difficulty, Ye Qi will find a way to overcome it.

Of course, all of this has a premise, that is, there is no hatred between Ye Qi himself and the Dark Wizard; and if it is not because he had sinned the Dark Wizard before Shake’s departure, then Ye Qi is likely to choose to believe. The other party's words - but everything is fast, the volatility reflected by the other party is getting more and more fierce, obviously it is already the most crucial moment, and when this time is over, it is the time for the final showdown.

"If possible, I advise you not to wait until the little girl shows up." Through the link of the contract, the wolf always likes to go out of the ghost; at this moment, it suddenly slammed out, and said in Ye Qi’s heart that it is unclear. : "Otherwise, all your hard work in these two days is in vain."

"What do you mean?"

Ye Qi wrinkled his brow and asked in a deep voice - although the wolf likes to use various means in the transaction, but those are based on facts, without any exaggerated fiction; therefore Ye Qi does not I doubt the words of the wolf, but ask straight.

"I just found out that there is a special energy in your friend's body that changes with the mood of that little girl..." The wolf spoke and said, as if admiring the general sigh: "It's really clever. Conceived; the era really does not improve? Even the magic is the same, although in our time there are similar tricks, but there is no such clever 呐"

"Say, your condition"

Although the strange wolf is only a lot of praise, but Ye Qi also understands the meaning of the other party, immediately asked without hesitation - every transaction is always like this, Ye Qi has become accustomed to the skills of the other party; The other party is absolutely full of confidence to solve the problem in front of him; of course, he pays a certain price is inevitable.

After a sneer, the wolf said very fragilely: "I need a spokesperson in the world."

PS Spring's sake? There are so many people who have found that they have a cold...

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