Reincarnation: Demon Hunter

v11 Chapter 80: Uncoordinated Sonata (13)

Chapter 80: Uncoordinated Sonata (13)

The morning sun shone through the branches and leaves of the surrounding woods, and the bright and warm sunshine made the people who were ready to start again, and they could not help but squint and stretched out a comfortable waist. ——


The sudden slamming sound broke the silence of the morning, not only letting the birds who just hunted back to the nest fly again, but also attracted the attention of everyone in the temporary camp; and as another perpetrator The big man scratched his head with embarrassment and raised his hand. Like a spoofed elementary school student, he stood there, still intact before he was still in his hand. At this moment, he was completely out of the car door. .

"Darran will make you feel bored even if you are sitting in the car, but we don't need to open such a big mouth. If you know that it is more than 80 kilometers per hour and you are taken out from this place, it is not something to remember. "The little man walked helplessly to the big man's side, smiled and took the door pulled by the partner's hand, and grabbed the repair tool from the trunk in front of the other side: "You can better control Before my body, I forbid you to touch anything; I don't want to walk the rest of my journey with my feet."

The big man looked at the warning line drawn by the small wrench in his hand, and scratched his head again - he certainly wouldn’t be angry with this sly, just simply wanted to help, but suddenly thought of the companion just After I said it, I became overwhelmed; after all, after he woke up from a deep sleep this morning, he had already crushed two lunch boxes, a pot and just been pulled off because of sudden changes in his body. Car door...

"The increase in strength is a good thing, without any troubles." Going behind the big man, Ye Qi patted the other person's shoulder, smiled and gestured to the side, and sat down straight: "You are now It’s just because of the sudden increase in power that can’t be controlled. It only takes a while to get used to it and become the same as before.”

Looking at the big man who was sitting down cautiously and fearing to break any item again, Ye Qi couldn't help but smile and waved his hand: "Dallan doesn't have to be so careful, remember and let it be natural, and I know some Ways to get you up to speed with these sudden powers..."


"of course it's true"

The big man’s surprise was pure, and Ye Qi nodded affirmatively and made a guaranteed gesture. Last night, there was no such thing as Ye Qi’s anticipation. As time passed, Ella’s fluctuations In his blind bucket perception from fierce to moderate, coupled with a long and steady breathing, no doubt the other party has made some choice.

Although some of the disappointment mystery was delayed, there was no unhappiness; after all, everything was in his grasp, wasn't it?

Of course, one thing is beyond his expectation - after having enough food and after enough rest, the big man who wakes up suddenly increases in strength; it is not a breakthrough in ability, but a simple On.

Especially after seeing the big man under the command of a small man, he punched his fist with one hand and brought the wind pressure and whistling to bring the stone in front of him. Ye Qi showed a brilliant smile - although it was beyond his Expected, but this kind of accident, he would rather meet a few times

Ye Qi can be sure that when the big man completely grasps this sudden strength, the power alone has already entered the point where many hunters can't reach for a lifetime - a sudden increase in power is a good thing, but The necessary caution is still necessary; therefore, Ye Qi and the young man carefully carried out the most comprehensive examination of the body of the big man at the current stage.

After the inspection, Ye Qi and the young man came to the conclusion that “everything is normal”; after drawing this conclusion, they removed the white robe sacrifices and the prisoners who had no voice at all; including the habit of silence. Both Ava and the temporarily joined Enid have had considerable curiosity about the situation of the big man.

Especially the small one is even more curious; obviously it is the loss of power, why he still has the feeling of being soft, and his companion is spirited and powerful. So, the little one pulls again. I lived in the big man and started another check, and kept asking questions that he felt might be a problem; however, after checking again and asking questions he thought were doubtful, he still had nothing.

"How do you have the taste of those guys in your companion?"

Such an interesting thing, how can a strange wolf not participate; when Ye Qi and a small man first check whether the big man has a hidden danger, it appears in the heart of Ye Qi; and through his own way Odd and the big man's body contact, explore what; and finally in a doubtful tone, what was identified.

"What guy?" Whether the health of the companion is healthy or not, Ye Qi will certainly not be sloppy, and immediately asks; and the wolf once again lets his contract companion realize his own 'bad' character: "Of course It’s those guys."

"You are not funny at this joke." Ye Qi responded coldly to the wolf and waited quietly for the other party's answer. The wolf said in a strange smile: "It's just that you don't have a sense of humor; And I believe in the principle of fair trade, I need an altar..."

"Altar?" Ye Qi's heart glimpsed slightly frowned, and interrupted the other side: "I hope I will not hear anything that has soul, blood, virgin what makes me disgust"

"Of course not, and the last one, most men are very fond of it?" The wolf continues to play a 'humor' that is very low in Ye Qi's view: "I only need a simple altar but of course That must be after my spokesperson walked the world."


After closing his eyes and squinting for a moment in the temple, Ye Qi took a long sigh of relief - for the altar of the wolf, it still has some reservations in the depths of the heart; but at least he knows that the big man is fine; after all With the treacherousness of the wolf, if the big man really has a critical situation, it will never be so understated and exchanged with a distant altar.

PS finally coded out, decadent and friends went out to post hi word and red paper, put the gun; so tired, whether it is married, or we are all tired of helping... However, it is finally hard work, tomorrow Just ate the meal and it almost came to an end...

Thanks again for the reward of the 100th starting point of the Starry Sky and the reward of the Magic Moon の 殇 100 starting point ~~~ 颓 鞠躬 鞠躬 Thank you again for all the support of the decadent brothers and sisters ~~~. . . .