Reincarnation: Demon Hunter

v12 Chapter 38: I am waiting for you (11)

Chapter 38—I am constantly waiting for you eleven

Towering, a touch of light suddenly appeared in the line of sight of Ye Qi in the advance - a subconscious blink of an eye, quickly adapting to the sudden appearance of light, Ye Qilu slowly leaned forward with caution; although he and The relationship of the witch is very special, but this does not mean that the relics related to him and the witch are also very special.

These relics that existed before the sublime era, there is no automatic identification of the advanced technology that has recently been applied by the highest government. The sudden appearance of light comes from a crystal placed on a stone-like stone platform. ball

The stone platform, which is half an adult and tall, passes through the slender pillars. It is a square square about one foot square, and it is quietly recessed on a curved plate, and the shiny crystal ball is As if it were inlaid, it was placed on top of it.

At a distance of about three steps from the crystal ball, enough for him to take any measures, Ye Qi stopped.

"What is this?" With a learned existence like a wolf, Ye Qi can not give up, he indirectly asked: "Arranged enchantment magic items?"

"It's an enchanted item, but it's definitely not the kind of crystal ball that you can compare with the inferior magic items. Even if it is compared with the high-level sacred, it is not inferior." That guy will use such items as the last defense. It seems that the inheritance of himself is not as indifferent as the superficial one." The yawning wolf is lazy, but it gives accuracy. The answer, but also gave his own advice: "If you do not want to be injured for no reason, I suggest that you turn around now; do not take your life safety as a bet, after all, your life is now related to me. Success"

“Is it just success?”

Ye Qi asked undecidedly - even if the wolf had never elaborated on it, but for the companion contract signed at the beginning, after so long exploration, Ye Qi already had a general concept.

Probably this contract will have some unpredictable secrets that he doesn't know, but the core concept is definitely what he guessed to be inferred—one glory, one loss

Although Ye Qi can't be sure that he is dead, what kind of damage will the other party suffer, but in the case that he is in danger every time, the other party is always just right, the other party will never want to see such a situation. Device: no ads, full text,

Of course, the profitability is also a considerable part of the reason.

"Sometimes, in order to succeed, the more you can live and die." For Ye Qi’s problem, the wolf does not spend too much energy to answer, but instead uses a lazy, sleazy style of dialogue that says: “Don’t, Don't you think so?"

"In order to succeed, the more you die, the hero or the hero's practice and me? Just come here, find my own woman." Ye Qi's mouth emerged with a hint of self-deprecating smile, raised his foot, stepped forward, palm slowly Put it on the crystal ball...

A gentle, slightly warm egg white light flashes out from the center of the crystal ball when Ye Qi's hand is placed on the crystal ball; and the transparent crystal ball is filled in the blink of an eye, illuminating Entire dark corridor

Ye Qi has no understanding of the enchantment of the similar existence of the wolf and the use of the power of faith. In the end, for a person who has only a half-knowledge of the power of faith, wants to understand the power of using faith. It is too difficult to extend the magic enchantment; it is like a viewer who has only seen a professional fighting game. It is unrealistic to go to a professional fighting competition. It is full of fairy tales.

However, from that faint warmth, Ye Qi can clearly feel that he will not encounter the danger in anticipation - the light slowly overflows the crystal ball, slowly wraps Ye Qi, and when that When the light of the protein color completely shrouded Ye Qi, a long-lost, familiar voice suddenly sounded in his heart.

"I am waiting for you"

The towering, no beginning and ending sounds appeared in Ye Qi’s heart, but the familiar tone made Ye Qi’s unconscious mouth curl up, subconsciously saying: “Besica, I am coming”

"Although I don't know if you will come, I don't know what the idea is. I left this recording. If you can hear this recording, I will be very happy to prove at least, I will not treat you as And throw away those unqualified toys."

"The demon hunters like me can't be the unqualified toys of the sages of the Holy See."

"Good, good, I admit that I am a bit stunned now; countless generations of witches have not done anything, and I have suddenly succeeded in it; maybe I should buy lottery tickets or bet on horses instead of choosing to be a courier. Future things"

"Lucky and unfortunate are relative. No one will be unfortunately accompanied by a lifetime. Similarly, no one can continue to be lucky; therefore, a job of keeping a living is inevitable."

"Oh, I think you will definitely want to know about your child. However, I can't do anything about it. Although I read through all the records I can find about the witch's pregnancy, these only tell me that I will be pregnant. With the child becoming very weak, it will become an ordinary woman in about three months, and it will fall into a lethargy in about five months, until the child is born. However, if the child is born smoothly, my strength will be As the child is born, he recovers quickly and indirectly becomes the top powerhouse in the day."

"啧啧 The strongest person in the day, the younger brother, are you a little envious?"

"What do you admire? There is one point; however, maybe after the birth of the child, I have become a daylight? After all, according to what I know, the time is very long."

"Unfortunately, this time is a bit long; those who told me that I would sleep for about ten years"

"With ten years in exchange for a top-ranking strongman, I think countless people will be happy to promise such a deal. After ten years, I promise you that the first person you see after you wake up is absolutely I"

"Right, I will have a daughter, don't ask me why I know, this is a feeling that the witch naturally produces after pregnancy. What kind of name do you want to give her? Although some are not willing, I will still The power to name your child is given to you as the father of the child."

"Yebei, my last name, plus a word in your name"

Ps again, desolation thank you all the brothers and sisters who support decadence
