Reincarnation: Demon Hunter

v17 Chapter 127: Single knife to go to the meeting

In Ye Qi’s [blind bucket perception], the second wave of dark mercenaries is five or six for a small team, and then there are ten teams of people who appear on both sides of the street in exchange for replacement. After that, two teams were separated and the roads in front of and behind Ye Qi were blocked. From this arrangement, the dark mercenaries who came out this time had great confidence; at the very least, they had begun to consider the leaves. The odd retreat is blocked, isn't it?

After encircling Ye Qi, these dark mercenaries did not launch the attack in the first place, but continued to wait for Ye Qi to walk on the ground less than twenty yards away from Ye Qi, and passed from the soil. The bursts are magical fluctuations; obviously, it is a touch-type magic trap; and the range of this magic trap is unusually large, the width is equal to the level of the front ground, and the length is longer than the width. It's about fifteen feet or so. Therefore, if any normal person wants to pass through here, it will inevitably step on this trap, even if it is not very delicate, but it is very simple, even rough.

However, the delicate magic trap is also useless for Ye Qi who has [blind bucket perception]; at the very least, in the scope of [blind bucket perception], Ye Qi, who is so unconscious, continues to move forward. In the "blind bucket perception", he can clearly perceive that as he approaches, the people who are hiding are more and more furious.

In this regard, Ye Qi shook his head and couldn't help but clarify the confidence of these people from where they came from. Want to ambush him? Even the most basic information was not investigated clearly, so it was attacked; it was not brave and fearless. It is the performance of impulsive ignorance.


At a distance of about two yards from the magic trap. Ye Qi stopped. The right hand is held on the handle of the knives.


The scorpion knives are once again sheathed, the gray sword wind, or seriously say that the knife wind flies with the wing of the knives, and flies out from the blade of the knives, one by one, sprinkled around, and brought up A piece of scarlet is for Ye Qi. This level of opponents, even without the need to pull the knife seriously, because, in some respects, none of these people can be dangerous to him; even if all add up, it is just a little trouble.

However, Ye Qi did not want to spend the same time with the other party; after all, the time on the invitation was eight o'clock, although it was because of the identity of the dark mercenary and the unintentional intention. Ye Qi does not care, whether the other party will be embarrassed, angry or not; Apart from these guys there, there are still others waiting for him.

For example: Chameleon.

The other party who disguised again apparently has entered it safely; if he wants his allies to wait, it will make Ye Qi unwilling to go.

Therefore, Ye Qi decided to speed up the pace.

As for how to speed up?

Infused with his belief that the blade of the knives is sharp and unparalleled; and those who block will prove this!


"The hand of the abyss is really rich, 100,000 Kimpton, so I made a reward!"

"Yes, 100,000 Gimpo!! Stacked up, should it be higher than the warehouse top here?"

"If the opponent is not the Shack's dragon, I really want to try it!"

"Yeah, yeah; although Kimpton is good, but it is useless, it is useless!"

This kind of argument, after the leader of the Abyss, 'Mental Thought' half an hour ago, after the reward of Ye Qi’s head, 100,000 Kimpton did not stop; even though the dark mercenaries were in a very large valley at this moment. Warehouse, but that filled the barn long ago, and the sound of the overflowing crowd together was not a whisper, just like a bunch of flies gathered together, it was distracting.

"Everyone's response is good, thanks to your blessing!"

The leader of the Broken Mind 'Commander' sat at the only table in the barn, joking to the same 'sickness' sitting on the side; the tone was full of ridicule and gloating, in fact, such ridicule and gloating Ever since I learned that the deputy of this old opponent in front of me has died, I have never stopped.

For his old opponent, the commander is too clear, the other party will definitely fight with the Shack's dragon to fight for you; and as long as he maintains his current attitude and position, he can reap a considerable victory. The hand of the abyss won the victory, or the dragon of the Shak won the victory. For him, it will be a harvest. If the former wins, it will definitely be a tragic victory. If it does not fall into the ground, can it be worthy of the hatred between them? ? And if the latter wins, it is even more wonderful, and he will accept the remaining land on his own.

This is something he has been dreaming for a long time; this time it is the closest he has to his dream. To this end, he has to thank his deputy, the deputy who has a respectable age and experience. A simple change made him get a good situation now; therefore, he was very willing to listen to his deputy’s opinion and retracted his gaze to his old rival as he planned to move, and turned to another A man here.

It was also dressed as a dark mercenary, but this one was wrapped very thoroughly, even under the hood that blocked most of the face, there was a black cloth that blocked all the parts under the bridge of the nose, only Showing a pair of dim eyes that are as dead as a dead person; it can be said that except for the 'bad thoughts', this man is the most embarrassing existence among the people in the place, not because it is the leader of the horror nest, but also because it is the whole body. The chill that is emanating, the kind of murder that can only be possessed if you don’t know how many people you have.

In this regard, everyone present is very clear about understanding, because behind this man, within a certain distance, no one exists. 'I don't like someone standing behind me, because it will make me anxiety! The person who stood behind the 'lizard' became a corpse after such a sentence; and this gradually became the rule of the leader of the horror nest, the 'lizard'.

"Are you sure you want to take this list?"

The leader of the broken mind, the 'Commander’, asked the ‘lizard’.

"The killer has money to pick up the mission!"

And the answer to ‘lizard’ is that it’s just that; The ‘commander’ could not help but laugh. He said: "Let's wait and see!"

Although the leader of the horror nest, the 'lizard', has not been out of the task for quite some time. But this does not cover up the name of his strongest killer; and the men in his hands-on training are undoubtedly confirming such names with constant tasks; and this is another dark shadow that is also known as a killer. For the sake of it, it is not good news.

"The killer should also be rational, not a machine!"

Continue to tell the different ideas of the two sides, 'nightmare' put the stack of legs crossed on the table in front of the table, this position can not see any temperament of the killer, but like the head of some car owners; And his whole person's appearance is completely explained to the car owners, Lothar beard. Strong arms, but with a big belly, a blue headband with a skull and a head wrapped in a head without any hair, if there is a high-powered motorcycle parked beside him, then simply People feel that it is a good fit.

As one of the two largest organizations in the two dark mercenary circles that arrived at Dud in the latest, all members of the Shadow Shadow and their princes had their own anger, which they thought was an insult to them; Therefore, after entering this barn, there is an atmosphere of arrogance. This is especially true when faced with old rivals.

"The coward who only uses emotions. Never know the true meaning of the killer!"

The 'lizard' eyes with no emotions looked at the 'nightmare', the latter showed no signs of weakness; a dignified atmosphere appeared in the moment around the two, making the surrounding dark mercenaries look around They are back again, but it’s good-looking, but if you put your life on a lively event, it’s not worth it.

"Two calm, calm down!"

A slick, funny accent, suddenly rang, it was like a clown in the circus. The thin, dry man who sat in the five people suddenly opened his mouth; he waited for his round eyes and touched With a beard on the corner of his mouth, he said: "We are here for what purpose. Don't forget the two! Although there is a little accident now, such an accident does not make us lose the proper path, isn't it?"

As he said, the thin, dry old man still touched his thin beard, and the round eyes kept turning, just like a big rat with a human hand; the old man After a few laughs, he continued: "And, we don't just have an accident, there is a surprise!"

Saying, the old man’s eyes are on the way out of the reward, and he has been silently saying “bad thoughts”.


A sheepskin scroll was thrown straight onto the table by 'Evil Thoughts'. The wooden poles and the table top of the reel also made a collision. The sound of 'Evil Thoughts' across the mask was still snoring: "The Treasure of 'New King Treasure' Figure, the head of the Shaker Dragon is coming back! The previous 100,000 Kimpton is equally effective!"

"Yes? But is this true? Come, let me see, make a good distinction!"

The thin, slender old man said this, and reached out and wiped the sheepskin roll.


A small five-inch, dagger with only a thin blade, with a touch of cold light appeared in front of the right hand that the old man stretched out, deep into the table, leaving only a small dagger handle; horror The leader of the nest, 'Lizard' turned his head and said coldly: "No one can move until my people come back!"

"You are so sure that your people can complete the task? Kill the Shaker Dragon? Hey, don't be kidding!"

The leader of the shadow of the darkness, 'The Nightmare', shakes his legs on the table and says it in a disdainful tone. At the same time, his eyes look at the 'bad thoughts': "How do you add 100,000 Jinpu? If you are willing to do it, my people will help you! Of course, although it is more expensive, it is definitely worth the money; after all, everyone including me, the shadow of darkness should be better than the nest of horror It’s twice as high!”

"Maybe I should let you wake up, don't always dream!"

The fingers of ‘lizard’ trembled and suddenly. Several cold awns crossed. Pointing to ‘nightmare’; the latter is not at all concerned. Still sitting in the chair, even the jitter of the legs did not change, let those flying knives come over; many of the dark mercenaries who saw this scene involuntarily gave a scream, but, When the exclamations had not completely disappeared, the flying knives all fell from midair in less than five inches from the 'nightmare'.

"Is this trick? I haven't played since!"

It seems that the ‘nightmare’ that has long known everything reveals the kind of provocative smile. He stretched out his rough hand and touched the thick beard on his chin. He smiled and said: "Or, after the things here are known, let's change places, come to a real test, how?"


The answer to the ‘lizard’ was exceptionally simple; the dark mercenaries around were excited again. For these dark mercenaries, watching the battle between the two kings of killers is definitely not to be missed. Especially after such a match, it was just after the secret gathering that it was just two royal feasts prepared at the same time. It’s fascinating.


Huge, even the sound of the explosion that trembled on the ground overshadowed the mercenaries' whispers, and their eyes looked at the distant fire.

"It should be the magic trap, it exploded!"

"Magic trap? Is it a hellfire?"

"This kind of violent explosion, even if it is a strong day, you can't hold it!"

Obviously, the arrangement of magic traps is very clear to the people in this barn; and because of the clarity, they can make such a guess.

Is the Shaker Dragon so finished?

Damn, I know that this is a good deal, I should go!

100,000 Kimpton! 100,000 Kimpton!

Many people's hearts have all come up with such an idea. In the corner of the barn, Yi Rong modified with his own chameleon but the whole body trembled, pale face, she subconsciously stepped forward; And when she was ready to shout, Raul, who had already met her, grabbed the chameleon’s wrist.

"Don't be nervous, little Taylor!"

Raul's voice is very low, so low that only the chameleon can hear it; he said: "The guy won't have anything, he is the man you are looking at, you have to believe in your own vision; and, in such a flame Dead, is he still a descendant of that adult?"

Dragon blood!

Yes, the dragon's blood, has a great resistance to the flame!

After hearing the persuasion of her elders, the chameleon immediately returned to God; however, her eyes were still slightly stunned. Obviously, she could not completely let go before she saw Ye Qi appear again.

And looking at his own calm younger generation, such panic, Raul could not help but sigh, and it was a stinky boy who became more and more tired of Ye Qi!

"Look! Look! Someone there!"

The shouts of loudening the volume attracted the dark mercenaries who were talking around, and the big men sitting at the table looked there in the direction of the voice master. A calm figure was slowing down. Close to, the golden fringe on the windbreaker is looming in the faint fire, and the long knife at the waist is undulating with the ups and downs of the steps, and even the bell on the handle is screaming.


It’s crisp, it’s coming into the silent barn at the moment, falling into the ears of every dark mercenary; and when the two big bonfires lit outside the barn illuminate the young faces of the comers, all The dark mercenaries who saw this portrait, they exclaimed: "The Dragon of Shaker! It is the Dragon of Shaker!"

This exclamation did not stop Ye Qi’s footsteps. His left hand was worn on the knives of the knives. He ignored the dark mercenaries around or with surprises or faces, and went straight to the middle of the barn. Zhang gathered a table of five great men in the dark mercenary community.

With Ye Qi’s walk in, if there was no pressure to start covering the entire barn, the dark mercenaries who were exclaimed would no longer have to worry about it privately. They felt like a big stone pressure at the moment. On their chests, they can't breathe at all, and Ye Qi's footsteps are like a drum that is being beaten. Whenever their heart beats, the drum will ring ~www.mtlnovel. Com~ just like to let the heart burst open.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

From the outside to the inside, it is impossible to breathe; the swelling from the inside to the outside is like an explosion; two very different feelings make all the people present uncomfortable, and those who are slightly able to restrain the darkness of such a situation The mercenary, looking at Ye Qi’s gaze, was amazed.

Does one want to suppress so many of us? !

In their stunned eyes, it is clearly with such meaning.

Ps second more ~ ​​timing ~

Today is the weekend, there is something wrong, it is timed in advance!

There is also the Xiongtai who asked for the update of the character card. Someone replied in the book review area for the decadence; um, thank the good man! ! ! Decadence and tears say ~~~

Thank you for the reward of the starting point of the big 疵 疵 588, the reward of the starting point of the sn100, the reward of the starting point of the x100. ~~~ Deprecated here, thank you to all the brothers and sisters who support the decadence~~~(To be continued...)