Reincarnation: Demon Hunter

v2 Chapter 14: Apostolic test

Take back the belongings, bid farewell to the guardian demon man and leave the tower of thorns - the last sunshine boy did not appear, the hunter is very angry, after all, facing a person who is not aware of the strength, even if It is not an easy task for the other party to be malicious.

"Ye, congratulations!" The huge body is a place that cannot be ignored, no matter where it is placed. Looking at the giant man who beckoning himself, Ye Qi returned a good smile: "Thank you, Ted!"

If there are two other instructors facing this time, Ye Qi will definitely not be so kind, although it will not be inconsistent with the rules of the headquarters, but it is inevitable to be ridiculed.

"Let's go, I will take you to change clothes! I must have leaf you can't wait to take a shower?" Juhan's smile is still so generous, but at this time it is also inevitable for two points - a daily knife Ye Qi, practicing, is naturally inevitable, and if you want to use the cup of water to brush your teeth and wash your sweat in the cell, it is obviously a fantasy! So the week is sweating and there is no change of Ye Qi, the body emits There is a taste that no one can ignore.

No wonder the guards have gone so fast, it turned out to be the case! Didn't the boy come because he didn't want to smell this smell?

Ye Qi, who was reminded, smelled his own taste, could not help but laugh at himself, then shrugged and looked at the giant Han: "I don't mind giving me some rich food except for clothes and bath water? Of course, any bread is exceptional!"

"of course!"

Under the leadership of the giant Han, Ye Qi returned to the central castle. When Ye Qi is finished washing and changing clothes, a rich breakfast is already on the table - milk, bacon ham, muffins filled with honey...

Looking at the breakfast on the table, Ye Qi felt that she had never understood the depth of John's resentment against potatoes at this moment.

"Ye, the test of other new apostles has been completed, and the system has been started three days ago..." When Ye Qi was so devoid of demeanor, Juhan made arrangements for his next trip: "So, after breakfast, you need to go to the Tower of Athletics with me to complete the final test of the apostle, and then start learning with other new apostles!"

“C-level mission: a test of the apostles. Complete the apostolic test at the headquarters.”

Ye Qidun received the system task prompt, but it immediately returned to normal.

A test has a C-level, it seems that a certain department of the Devil's Headquarters has paid special attention to me!

After defeating Nobel, fighting Ted, killing Koster, and uncertain design Pach, if the Hunter Headquarters no longer pays attention to the initiator of all of this, Ye Qi will worry about whether the other party is going to play. Patterns - Powerful power is daunting, but what is really terrible is the secret plot.

Whether in history or in legend, there are countless heroes who are invincible on the battlefield and have countless enemies, but they are defeated by conspiracy woven by casual lie. Even the heroes who died in the dead place, even the woven lie of the lie after death, distorted the world and became the scum of countless people who did not understand the truth...

Hero? People who are not afraid of death can do it, aren't they?

The location of the Tower of Athletics and the Tower of Thorns is exactly a diagonal. And unlike the dead silence around the tower of the thorns, the tower near the athletic tower is very lively, with many people coming in and out. There are also a few of these new apostles. After seeing Ye Qi, they are very eager to say hello - the power and final words of the fireball in the collection hall a week ago. Already let all the new apostles remember him. In particular, the words made the new apostles feel up to him.

The demon hunter smiled at the same enthusiasm for several new apostles, then gestured to the giant Han in front of him, and several new apostles immediately smiled and made a gesture of cheering, even asking about the leaves. I don’t have to go with him.

This is the case with the demon hunters. They are unruly and disobedient, but they have a heart that is always hot. Once they have acquired friendship, they are the life and death.

Refused to the goodwill of several new apostles, the demon hunter walked into the tower of athletics under the leadership of the giant Han. The wide hall, the flat stone floor, the walls of various shields and weapons, and the sound of the screams from the tower from time to time, let the hunter who just entered the scene even have the feeling of entering the military camp.

“The atmosphere is good? Here is my favorite place!” Juhan excitedly introduced to the demon hunter: “The Tower of Athletics is the best choice for testing and training, and it is very good to be held here several times a year. The scale of the competition, I was the champion of all the competitions last year! Of course, the year before..."

Behind the excited giant Han, the demon hunter heard the other party's detailed introduction to any area around him, and even the shields hanging on the wall are all like a few know that the other party is not imaginary- - Here, it is indeed the favorite place for the other party. Otherwise, it is impossible to even tell a candlestick inserted in the wall to tell a history...

"right here!"

With the demon hunter walking through the hall and coming to a front door, the giant Han straight opened the door and went in. The demon hunter naturally followed in the back, but when the demon hunter crossed the huge body-shaped room in front, he found a character that should not appear - Pach Deco.

Huh? I did not expect him to recover so soon! Could it be that the Deco family gave him a treatment from the Holy See for treatment?

On the day when Pach was shackled, the demon hunter saw it with his own eyes. According to the injury, it was estimated that he was not lying on the bed for a few months. But now that the other side is a little white except for the face, it is standing in front of him with nothing to show the fierce light. It is really to let the demon hunter have to sigh the benefits of the family.

In addition to the Paige that the demon hunter does not want to see, there is one person in the room, but the rest of the person is also a cold-faced man who the demon hunter does not want to see, and obviously the other is the same. However, this person is a little better than Pach, at least nodded to the demon hunter. Of course, this is purely ceremonial and there is no trace of friendship.

"New Apostle Ye Qi test, start! Test instructor, Pach Deco!"

With the announcement of the cold-faced man without feelings, Pach, who stood on the side and stared at the demon hunter, suddenly showed a hazy smile.

PS decadence thanks to bloody, Xuanyuan*煦, midnight, three or three more brothers' rewards~~~嘿嘿~~ 颓 问 问 兄弟 兄弟 兄弟 兄弟 兄弟 兄弟 兄弟 兄弟 兄弟 兄弟 兄弟 兄弟 兄弟 兄弟 兄弟 兄弟 兄弟 兄弟 兄弟 兄弟 兄弟 兄弟 兄弟 兄弟 兄弟 兄弟 兄弟 兄弟 兄弟? Which brother knows, give a squandering solution~~~Thank you~~~