Reincarnation in Naruto World (Reborn into Naruto World with Tenseigan)

Chapter 1018: Just now!

"Kirin ...!?"

The **** soil spit out almost instantly who knew the enemy who attacked himself, and where the attack came from. Therefore, he was surprised at the same time when he quickly lifted off the ‘sacred power’.

"how is this possible!"

He was full of surprise, not without reason.

It must be known that even the eight-tailed pillar Li Qilabi, when he was first dragged into the ‘shenwei’ space, fell into a brief dazzle, which did not disturb his subsequent confrontation with the fourth generation of Leiying.

And the strong thoughts in his heart were pressed down, and he quickly looked down with soil, and found that his abdomen was penetrated by the entire hole, blood spewed out, and it instantly splashed to the ground!


Gritting his teeth, he half-knelt on the ground with a sound of "嘭", and gasped heavily.

After implanting the first-generation cells, his physique was far beyond the scope of a normal person. For ordinary ninjas, the injuries that were fatal were not much to him.

This is why he dared to use Kakashi's 'Thousand Birds' in original spacetime to crack the spell set by Uchiha's spot in his heart, because even if the heart is hit directly, he cannot be killed immediately.

It is because of this arrogant physique that at the moment of his injury, his heart is more shocked than worried.

But now he found something wrong. The abdominal injury was obviously more serious than he expected. The vicinity of the wound was completely paralyzed: "The **** unicorn is using 'Thousand Birds'? But 'Thousand Birds' It shouldn't have such great power! Is it the "purple electricity" of what it is called? "

the other side.


Seeing that Sui Su was suddenly injured, Xiang Phosphorus and I Airo immediately cheered up.

With respect to the ‘sacred power’ with soil, Xiang Phosphorus and I Ai Luo knew something about it, because Sun Xiangjing had detailed the characteristics of all members of the Xiao organization with the two in the air fortress.

The introduction to strip soil is the most detailed.

So after discovering that Sui Sui was suddenly injured, the two of them immediately realized that this was an attack by Sunrex Mirror, which also meant that Sunrex Mirror did not lose consciousness, but was cooperating with them in the space of ‘Shenwei’.

"We want to create more opportunities for adults!"

After calming down, I love Luo quickly said in my heart.

"Huh!" Xiang Phon answered, and she saw the belly with the soil and the blood spilled from the ground. She felt a sigh of relief, and said, "It's worthy of being an adult!"

Uh ...

At this time, Shuiyue also rushed over and fell to the side of Xiang phosphorus.

Looking at the messy surroundings, and kneeling to the ground, in the heavily damaged soil, he exclaimed: "Xiangxiang, did you hurt him?"

Xiang phosphorus shook his head: "It was the captain that injured him!"

Speaking of this, Xiangphos briefly talked about the situation just now.

Shuiyue, who understood, confirmed: "So, as long as we continue to attack him and let him have to perform the kind of" time and space jutsu "before, will the trapped captain manage to attack him?"

Xiang nodded, "Well, that's it."

Shuiyue twisted her neck: "Fun!"

Xiang Phosphorus said at this time: "I thought you would escape, thank you for coming over!"

Shuiyue smiled immediately: "Hey, the beheading sword and the double-bladed sword have fallen into Xiao organization's hands. Now that there is a chance, what can be said can no longer let the 鲛 diaphragm muscle fall into Xiao organization's hands."

Listening to the conversation between Xiang Phosphorus and Shuiyue, he got up from the ground while covering his belly with soil, and snorted coldly: "Huh, I didn't expect it to be put on by a few of you."

Xiangxiang and Shuiyue were in awe when they heard and spoke, because the tone of the soil was indifferent, and they did not look like they were badly damaged.

"Sorry, such an attack makes no sense to me!"

Taking the soil as he talked, he removed his hand covering his abdomen, and the hole he had pierced just now had recovered almost now.

"He's talking [] lies!"

The incense phosphorus with reincarnation eyes instantly broke through the lie with soil. The injury caused by the sun mirror was not enough to kill the soil, but it was by no means as meaningless as the mouth with the soil said.

Shuiyue poked his lips: "The guys in Xiao organization are really monsters!"

"Just now I just care!" I wiped the dust off my body, and said with soil: "Now I want to be serious!"

The voice didn't fall, and a cyan phantom was projected from the body with soil. In just a blink of an eye, this phantom became a huge cyan 'suzano'.

Although it is only half-length, this ‘Suzano Nobu’ ’is wearing heavy armor and a huge black shuriken in each hand.

Under "Suzano No Hu", with one hand on hips with soil: "You can push me to such a share, you are proud of yourself!"

After regaining the kaleidoscope writing wheel eye that was given to Kakashi, the double “Divine Power” band naturally gained the ability to open the “Suzano”.

Not only that, because the pupil strength has recovered to its peak, the "Sin Luo Vientiane Power" of Yin and Yang in his body is also much stronger than when the single kaleidoscope was used to write the round eye. If it was not injured, he could even open close Completely powerful 'Suzano no Hu'.

"Shen Luo Tian Zheng!"

‘Suzano Nenju’ with the soil did not scare Xiangxiang. After learning about the state of the sundial mirror and redesigning her tactics, she no longer hesitated and took the lead in launching an offensive against the soil.


The huge storm instantly swept through the soil ‘suzano no ku’.


In a roar, the soil-bearing suzunenghu shot the two huge black shurikens in his hand, then raked his hands to the ground, trying to stabilize his figure.

However, the "Shen Luo Tian Zheng" which broke out in the overload mode of phosphorous was extremely powerful, even if it was a powerful 'Suzano'. After fighting against this repulsive force for a while, it gradually became unsupported, and then with the surrounding vegetation Gravel and so on were taken off together.

At the same time, the two giant black shurikens shot with the soil 'Suzano Nenhu' passed through the repulsive force and flew away at the phosphorous and water moon.

Faced with such a huge shuriken, Xiang phosphorus and Shuiyue did not dare to resist, and quickly leaped to both sides, avoiding dangerously.

Uh ...

Uh ...

And when the two black giant shurikens hit the ground ~ ~ The expected roar did not occur with the splashing dust. On the contrary, the place hit by the two giant shurikens was completely distorted. Deformed, then disappeared without a trace, leaving only a giant pit with a diameter of about five or six meters and a depth of three or four meters, without even a trace of smoke in the pit.


The two men who avoided each other dangerously took a breath.

If it were n’t for the two giant shurikens that had passed through 'Shen Luo Tian Zheng', the speed was slowed by the repulsive force of 'Shen Luo Tian Zheng', and they would not have been able to escape smoothly.


In the ‘Shenwei’ space.

The ready-to-go Hyuga mirror suddenly snapped, then looked up, and saw a large mass of dirt smashing his head and covering his face ...


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