Reincarnation in Naruto World (Reborn into Naruto World with Tenseigan)

Chapter 1238: Resurrect 10 tails

Of course, no one stopped it, which is a false proposition in itself.

There is a big ninja community, not to mention the five ninja villages and various strange ninja organizations. The three holy places alone, "Miaomu Mountain", "Longdi Cave" and "Wet Bone Forest", can not be left to the sky Spear 'ruined the ground.

And according to the observation of the heliostat, there seems to be no strong defense in this part of the "Sky Spear" Kita.

The wanted criminal named Disonas climbed to the top of the tower with his hands and feet, so the heliostat suspected that some powerful ninjutsu might destroy the base of the "Spear of the Sky".

"The guy who made this weapon must be a lunatic!"

After a little emotion, the heliostat dropped his gaze to Di Sonas who was struggling to climb to the top of the giant "Spear of the Sky".

"Is he the murderous man ..."

His eyes narrowed, and a trace of doubt appeared on the face of the Japanese mirror.

This "Sky Spear" is obviously a destructive weapon that makes an indiscriminate attack on the ground, so he does not quite understand why Dissonas, who has tried his best to launch the "Sky Spear", insists on climbing to the top of the tower .

"What does he want to do?"

The heliostat supported his chin with one hand, and his eyes were full of inquiry.

The scum of Disonas obviously wouldn't want to use the "spear of the sky" to commit suicide, so he must climb to the top of the "spear of the sky" for other purposes.

At this point, he looked down at the heliostat, looking at the ancient book that was thrown on the ground by Disonas, and the glass organ suspended from the ground and faintly halo ...


Muye Village.

Rumble ...

Listening to the thunder, the three generations of Huo Ying who were working in the Huo Ying Building frowned and turned to look out the window.

It was clearly noon at high sun, somehow, suddenly the dark clouds covered the roof, and the lightning flashed.

Standing up to the window, three generations looked at the clouds in the sky, and found that the clouds were different from normal rain clouds, but a large cloud layer that could not be seen at the end, as if a curtain covered the earth.

Not only that, the thunder and lightning shining in the clouds are also abnormal crimson red, revealing a strangeness that is unclear.

Uh ...

At this time, a dark tribe arrived at the elder's office and reported: "In three generations, the intelligence team has identified that the cloud group is spreading from the direction of the 'giant pit'!"

"Jupit ...?!"

The three generations suddenly looked awkward.

This ‘giant pit’ is where Kakashi and Asma are investigating. This strange cloud is spreading from there, undoubtedly indicating that something must be happening there.

Before waiting for the three generations to make deployment, Zilai and Gangshou joined the office.

The three generations said quickly: "You two happened to be here, something happened to the" Juge Pit "!"

Zilai also asked: "Is it Da She Wan?"

The first suspect in this investigation was Da She Wan, so when something went wrong at Jukeng, I hurried to see three generations.

The three generations shook their heads: "It's not certain yet."

I thought about it without thinking, "I'll go for a trip!"

Tsunade said, "I will go too!"

"Okay, this time the reinforcements will be led by the two of you!" After a pause, the three generations again urged: "Just in case, you better bring the seal class!"

With the vision of the three generations, it is natural to see the situation in front of me, and it is not something that the wanted criminal of Desonas can get out. Therefore, there must be other secrets involved. If you take the seal class, you will not be at a loss.


Qi Qi responded, and Ziran and Gangshou did not delay, immediately turned to prepare.

After Zilai and Gang and the dark part of the report all left, the three generations looked at the scene like the end of the world, and sighed quietly: "How come this kind of thing has become more and more frequent lately, is there really something big happening? "

Three generations of the prophecies of the toad immortal that the ninja world is about to usher in change.

It is for this reason that the ominous hunch in his mind is getting heavier in association with recent events, such as the ‘Grel mine vein’ that appeared suddenly not long ago, and what is happening right now.


Xiao organized a secret base.

Slowly he leaned out of the ground and said to the soil lying on the stone bed: "Hey, it seems that something interesting happened again!"

There was no sound from the soil, but he sat up silently from the stone bed.

Asked in despair: "You ..."

Before he could finish talking, he took the soil and removed the bandage that tied his left eye.

Suddenly shut up and looked breathlessly toward the earthy left eye.

After a while, the bandages that were **** were all taken apart by the soil. Immediately, he slowly opened his left eye, revealing the recurrent eyes with a circle of patterns in the orbit of the left eye.

Staring at the reincarnation eyes in the left eye socket with the soil, he was overjoyed: "Are you used to it?"


With soil nodded gently.

In order to adapt to the reincarnation eye faster, he deliberately removed the kaleidoscope writing eye that belonged to him from Kakashi and transplanted the reincarnation eye.

Because only one reincarnation eye was transplanted, and he had a kaleidoscope in his body to write the 'Senro Vientiane Power' from the fusion of the first round cell, so he did not spend years to adapt like Nagato Instead, it took a few months to adapt.

Take the soil and then commanded: "Go and prepare!"

An unexpected look: "What, start now?"

There is no doubt that what he brought the soil to prepare him is not anything else, but the resurrection of the "Ten Tail", and he obviously did not expect that the soil will be so eager, just adapted to a reincarnation eye, he will immediately become a ten tail People column force.

With soil, he asked: "Don't you think it's a good time now?"

Suddenly stunned, suddenly realized.

The "spear of the sky" in the launch, UU reading will undoubtedly attract all the eyes of the ninja world, whether it is the five major ninja villages, the **** organization, or the big wooden man on the moon, so take advantage of this confusion The resurrection of Ten Tails is the safest and most confidential.

After trying to understand this, he glanced deeply at the soil.

With the soil in the base, he could clearly perceive the situation of the outside world. This is really a bit beyond his expectations. This shows that after adapting to the reincarnation, the perception of the soil has been qualitatively improved, but now Obviously it was not time to struggle with this, so he immediately said, "I will prepare for it."

Nodded with soil: "Move faster!"

There was an immediate wriggling movement, which retracted into the ground.

After refusing to leave, he sat on the stone bed and murmured in the dark soil, "Lin, I will end this chaotic old era for you!"


The second offer is more, ask for recommendation tickets, monthly tickets! In addition, thank you to the students who are rewarded today, thank you all!
