Reincarnation in Naruto World (Reborn into Naruto World with Tenseigan)

Chapter 1380: Gene completion method

"Ah! Hi!"

In the driving range, Xiaohuahuo is working hard to practice soft boxing.

Her little body flickered around the field, not only being extraordinary, but also without a trace of chaos, showing a very high talent for soft fist.


Listening carefully to the movement in the field, the corner of the Japanese foot raised slightly.

Undoubtedly, the talents displayed by Hua Huo made him the last owner of the clan family very satisfied.

The daily difference around him also nodded: "Not bad, not bad!"

As the "cage bird" was lifted by the Japanese mirror, the old system of splitting the family was broken, and the relationship between the two brothers, the Japanese foot and the sun, became more harmonious. They no longer need to separate each other because of the family. , And deliberately to maintain up and down.

A moment later, Japan's solemn face looked forward and asked: "Daily difference, do you think there is hope for Huahuo?"

The Nikki thought about it and shook his head: "I can't say this kind of thing right! But Huahuo's talent is not worse than Ning Ci. It is one of the most talented children of their generation. It should be promising. Let the mirror take a look!"

Japanese foot deep thought: "Well!"

Obviously, what their brother was talking about was whether Spark had a hope of awakening and reincarnation.

With the release of the "cage bird" that bound the Japanese people, the family of the Japanese people were encouraged, not only the teenagers, but also the middle-aged like the sun, they were put into practice, hoping to awaken and reincarnate like the Japanese mirror eye.

There was no way before, and everyone could not see the hope ahead.

Now that there are two examples of heliostats and big barrel wooden houses, everyone knows that there are still reincarnations in front of white eyes, so they all want to try the possibility of awakening reincarnations.

Therefore, the entire clan is full of cultivation voices, and the various driving ranges are almost full of people.

For this point, the Japanese mirror is a little surprised. He guessed that everyone will be greedy and reincarnated, but he never expected that everyone will be so crazy.

Then he had a headache.

Because he is very clear that through normal practice, the probability of awakening reincarnation eyes is very small, and there is almost no operation space. Whether it is the method of obtaining reincarnation eyes by heliostats, or the method of obtaining reincarnation eyes by Datong Mushe people universal.

The risk of injecting the gene solution is very high. Currently, the Japanese mirror has not yet found a solution.

Once gene completion fails, there is a gene collapse, which will directly affect the Chakra properties in the body, and then affect the fragile spirit attached to the body.

In other words, if it was the person who died of the gene collapse, Nichigo Mirror was not sure of resurrecting it perfectly. That's why he didn't inject the gene solution into Nichigosuzu.

The method of merging high-purity white eyes in the big tube wooden house cannot be popularized.

Because the purity of the blood of Datong Mushe people is far more than that of ordinary Japanese people. With his blood of this purity, a pair of high-purity white eyes are fused, and the fused reincarnation eyes are not stable enough, let alone others.

It can be said that at present, for the entire Japanese family, the only one who may be awakened and reincarnated is Ningci alone.

This is not to say that Ning Ci's talent is so high, just because he had transplanted the reincarnation eye of the heliostat, and the white-eyed Chakra in his body was infected by the reincarnation Chakra, so it was so possible.

As for the rest, no matter how talented you are, how hard you try, the probability of awakening to regenerate your eyes is very small.

Looking at these hopeful, sweating tribes in the driving range, the heliostat really didn't want to let their hopes be shattered, so in addition to preparing for the wedding these days, he was also wondering how to increase the probability of the awakening of the rebels.

It does not take everyone to be awakened, but at least it must be the same as the awakening kaleidoscope writing wheel eyes of the Uchiha family. As long as talent, effort, and luck are enough, there is a possibility of awakening.

And he can only rely on the giant reincarnated eye to think about it. After all, he cannot continuously transplant his reincarnated eye to others.

He decided to design a ritual similar to the "Blood Following Fusion Ceremony", so that every clan with the qualification of impacting reincarnated eyes would be instilled in the chakra of the giant reincarnated eye, and the chakra of the reincarnated eye with extremely high purity would be used to induce the mutagenesis The white-eyed Chakra, in this way the nature of Chakra changes, carries out gentle genetic completion, thereby increasing the probability of elite people awakening to regenerate their eyes.

He has estimated that as long as the giant reincarnated eye can really become a "six-level" after digesting all the white eyes, the giant reincarnated eye theoretically has the ability to complement the genes of the Japanese family.

In this way, under the condition of not too bad luck, maybe every ten years, a awakening reincarnated clan can emerge in the Japanese family.

This method can also allow the heliostat to have absolute control over the giant reincarnated eye, grasp who can awaken the power of the reincarnated eye, and firmly control the reincarnated eye within the family.

If this system can be successfully implemented, it will not take decades, even if it is not a Japanese mirror, the Japanese family will become the strongest ninja in the ninja world!

And while the Japanese family was busy preparing for the wedding of the Japanese mirror, and busy training, the shadow guard of the Japanese mirror was not idle, and began preliminary training.

In this process of familiarity with the power of the "Six Dao Levels", Naruto and Otsuki Mushe are fighting in the "Shenwei Space" with soil, and actively challenging the Sasuke of Xiang Phosphorus, he was directly thrown into the Styx by Xiang Phosphorus. Santuchuan'...

Although only a few days, but after the competition and groping between peers, they are more familiar with themselves and each other.

On this day, the Japanese mirror gathered the five of them together and said, "The process of running-in is over. From now on, I want to continue training for you."

Naruto is not at all frightened: "Teacher, we have already prepared!"

Sasuke glanced at the fragrant phosphor on the side, and then asked, "Master Huo Ying, what special training?"

Xiang Phosphorus, Zi Yuan, and Da Tu Mu She all looked towards the heliostat.

The Japanese mirror didn't explain, he just launched "Huangquan Biliangban" with a smile, opened a space door, and then took the lead into the deep space door.

The five members of the Shadow Guard did not immediately followed up and stepped into the space door.

But as soon as he crossed the space door, the five members of the Shadow Guard had no time to look around, and they fell to the ground without exception.

"How is this?"

In an instant, Naruto recognized that this was the ‘hypergravity space’ that was one of the ‘starting ball spaces’ they had fought with Otaki Muhuiye once.

"What is this place?"

Da Tu Mu She's face was horrified, trying to get up while fighting the terrible gravity.

Sasuke explained with a sullen face: "Here is one of the "super-gravity spaces" in one of the different spaces of Datong Muhuiye!"

Not far away, Ri Xiangjing smiled: "Welcome to the new driving range!"


The second one is more. It will be a new week soon, and the list will be updated, so please ask for a recommendation ticket and do your best. I hope everyone will support it! In addition, thank you to the students who are rewarded today.