Reincarnation in Naruto World (Reborn into Naruto World with Tenseigan)

Chapter 368: Promotion

For the next two weeks, the ninja world was calm.

The Xiao organization did not take any revenge, as if it had disappeared overnight in the ninja world, but the three major ninja villages did not take it lightly, everyone knew that this was just the calm before the storm.

Why Xiao organization did not immediately retaliate, and Hyuga did not know the specific reason, because during this time his connection with Shinichi was completely cut off.

There are only two possibilities for this situation. Either the environment in which Zhen is physically located and the inconvenience of passing messages, or the identity of Zhen Yi is exposed, and Xiao Xiao has been cleared.

In contrast, the sundial mirror is more inclined to the former.

Because Shinichi is a one-way contact with him. Except for himself, only Shui Shui can see some signs. Others do not know the identity of Shinichi. So as long as Shinichi does not die, he is unlikely to be exposed. of.

As a result, Hyuga speculatively speculated that members of the Xiao organization are likely to all be gathered together, hidden in a secret stronghold, and under surveillance by the earth and the earth.

As for why the organization did not immediately retaliate, Hyuga suspected that it might be related to Nagato's body.

If Nagato is transplanted with primary cells, even the pupil strength of his recurrent eyes and the constitution of the whirlpool family, it will take a short period of time to adapt to the primary cells, and master the 'wooden blood relay limit'. If he hadn't transplanted the primary cells, he would be afraid of being injured in bed, and he would not have time to plan revenge.

After three weeks of recuperation, the petrification of Hyuga mirror body finally subsided. He rushed to the dark base as scheduled and cancelled his injury leave.

Later, Hyuga received a new appointment and he was promoted.

The large number of downsizing in the shadows has caused more and more novices to be recruited. As a newcomer who has been in the post for only a few years, he has quickly become an old man in the shadows.

'Taking the old with the new' has always been the tradition of the dark parts of the leaves. Therefore, under the situation of insufficient staff, the eleventh class was split by three generations. The captain Kakashi was transferred to the first special tactical team and became the first special tactical team. Kay was transferred to the Fourth Tactical Squad and became the Deputy Captain of the Fourth Tactical Squad.

Hyuga was transferred from the 11th class and became the captain of the newly formed 7th class. Only Shizui remained in the 11th class, taking over the position of Kakashi and becoming the captain of the new 11th class. .

The promotion of ordinary shadow members to the shadow team captain seems to have only risen to a small first order, but in fact, the position of the sundial mirror has changed dramatically.

The vast majority of members of the shadows will not change their identities throughout their lives until they exit the shadows, because the shadow squad leader is already a high-level member of the shadow.

When he was promoted to the leader of the dark team, Hyuga had already been promoted from special to forbearance. At the same time, he also had the candidacy of the leader of the dark unit, the captain of the shadow guard, and the squad leader.

In theory, as long as Hyuga is not dead on the battlefield, has not defected, and has not lost his qualification as a ninja because of injuries, then it is logical for him to become a village elder candidate or even a Naruto candidate.

Therefore, the shadow squad leader is the most critical step for the ordinary ninja to move to the top of the village.

If you can't take this step, then you can only turn around as an ordinary ninja, and once you take this step, you will be considered to be in the top circle of the village.

Uh ...

The sun-mirror that launched the telekinesis fell into a driving range in the village in the sound of a breaking wind, and this is the meeting place for the newly formed seventh class.

Seeing the captain's arrival, the three of them who rushed to the driving range early hurriedly greeted them.

The three were all dressed in the dark parts of the leaves and wearing masks on their faces. Two of them were slender, with red hair like fire, and long purple hair like a satin. From the figure, Both of them should be young female ninjas.

The remaining one was a male, of medium build, with a long sword on his back.

"Specially forbearance, red evening sun, report to you!"

"Specially forbearance, Xi Yuexiyan, report to you!"

"Special forbearance, Moonlight Blast, report to you!"

The three men took off their masks and looked at Hyuga mirror quietly.

Because Hyuga is also dressed in a dark part and wearing a mask, the three of them only know that Hyuga is their captain, but they do not know the identity of Hyuga.

Hyuga mirror chuckled and immediately lifted the mask on his face: "I am the new captain of the seventh team, Hyuga mirror."


Hung was taken aback, she apparently did not expect her captain to be facing the mirror on the same birthday.

Moonlight Blast and Miyue Xiyan were also a bit surprised, but they were both the descendants of Sun Xiangjing, and soon calmed down.

Sun Xiangjing leaned on a big tree with his arms in his arms and leaned lightly: "From now on, I will be your captain. In the task, you must obey my command unconditionally, understand?"

Red, blast, Xi Yan nodded together.

The rules in the dark are much stricter than the ordinary Ninja squad. When performing secret tasks, the captain of the Hyuga mirror even has the power to execute members who violate the order.

Hyuga mirror laughed: "Introduce yourself, such as what you are good at, what are your specialties, etc."

"I can perceive Chakra, I can temporarily act as a perceptual ninja, I can perform jutsu, and I am best at the family's secret secret illusion, and phantom ..."

Perhaps because of the scene when he was hoisted by Hyuga Mirror during the previous special test, the voice of Hong's self-introduction is getting smaller and smaller.

Xi Rijia is also one of Muye's Mystic Ninjas. However, due to the heavy casualties of the clan people in the Ninja War, they are not as powerful as the big Mystic Ninjas.

But the imaginary art of the Secret Family's Secret, and the imaginary art combined with illusion and body art, are still very powerful. In the original space, even though Xi Xihong is not as strong as Kakashi and Kay, but with outstanding magic skills, she can be regarded as a leader in the village's upper tolerance.

Moonlight Blast then took a step forward and introduced himself: "I am good at wood leaf flow swordsmanship, I can perform a variety of wood leaf flow swordsmanship, and cough ... I also mastered the" transfusion blood following limit ", can sneak into the investigation or Assassination, cough ... "

In a few words, Moonlight Blast coughed habitually.

The next Xi Yan asked with a look of concern: "Did you just drink the medicine before going out, why did you cough again?"

Moonlight Blast shook his head: "I'm fine."

"Master Gangshou returned to the village, you better go to Master Gangshou to check your body, even if it is a swordsman ninja, physical fitness is very important!" After a pause, he turned to Sun Moon Mirror and confronted Yue Yuexi. Yan said, "Xi Yan, it's your turn."

Xi Yan said: "I am also good at wood leaf flow swordsmanship. I can perform a variety of wood leaf flow swordsmanship. I also master the techniques of stealth and assassination, and have performed many assassination missions."

Hyuga nodded, and immediately fell into thought.

Counting the newly-formed seventh captain, including the captain with white eyes and long-range reconnaissance ability, from the point of view of staffing alone, it is obviously biased towards investigation and assassination.

At present, although the village has not yet issued any tasks, Hyuga speculates that the three generations arranged so that nine out of ten would like to let this newly formed seventh group perform some more difficult investigation or assassination tasks.

His eyes turned red from the evening sun, the moonlight blast, and the faces of the three moons, and the face of the sun mirror gradually faded.

Previously, in the eleventh class, because there was a water stop, he could go to work at any time and anywhere, and it seemed that his official duties were busy, but in fact, he could allocate time to him.

But now he has become the captain of the seventh class, and the members are all newcomers, and it is not easy for him to think about it.

Just as Hyuga wondered whether to let Itachi become his shadow person, and when he was busy, he made a guest appearance on the captain of the seventh group, Hong Mina came up and asked curiously: "Mirror, Xiao organization really did the village say So powerful? "

Hyuga deliberately sternly: "Call the captain!"

Red pursed his lips: "Hum!"

"To the publicity, the village did not tell the truth."

Red smiled: "I just said, how strong can an organization composed of rebellion!"

Shaking his head, Hyuga mirror said slowly: "I mean, in order to avoid adverse effects, the village deliberately weakened the threat of Xiao organization in the propaganda, and the actual situation is that Xiao organization one-on-one can destroy any Ninja village, Including our wood leaves. "

The red smile was frozen immediately, and the blast and Xiyue also opened their mouths slightly, shocked.

Sun Xiangjing went on to say: "I can be your captain, just because all the members of the seventh group were killed in the battle, so don't underestimate the enemy and meet any members of the Xiao organization. Save your lives! "

Under normal circumstances, it will take at least another five or six years for Hyuga to become the leader of the dark squad, so his promotion was entirely due to the serious downsizing of the dark squad, and many dark squads were even killed. Class is one of them.

After formally taking over the seventh class, Hyuga came to the Naruto building and was preparing to report the situation of the seventh class to the three generations.

Previous reports of such matters were handled by the captain Kakashi. Now Hyundai Mirror is also the captain, so this kind of thing fell on his head and could not escape.

Just as Hyuga entered the main entrance of the Naruto building, a group of ninjas dressed as Cao Ni happened to walk out of the Naruto building.

Cao Ren and his party were headed not by others, but by the acquaintance of Sun Xiangjing, the upper ninja dragon of Cao Ren Village.

In order to quickly find the Loulan Queen's descendants, Rixiang Jing went to Cao Ren Village to post a commission task. At that time, Cao Ren who accepted the commission task of Ri Xiang Jing was Long Lan.

After glancing at Long Lan, Sun Xiangjing quickly retracted his eyes and closed the rebirth eye under the mask.

With the increase of pupil strength and the enrichment of insight, Hyundai Mirror is long ago, so just a quick glance, he can see that the strength of this dragon blue is very strong, in terms of Chakra, it has reached the elite The level of tolerance, and the nature of the Chakra is very special, it is a masculine chakra-like physique chakra.

"Cao Ren Village still has some details ..."

After making a secret noise in his heart, Hyuga mirror crossed Cao Ren's party and entered the Naruto building.

When he arrived at the Naruto office, Hyuga mirror said, "Master Naruto, the seventh day of the dark part will report to you!"

The three generations who were dealing with piles of documents piled up on the table did not look up, but just responded and asked, "It's a mirror, how is your injury?"

Hyuga mirror replied, "Healed."

"Very good!" The three generations closed the documents in their hands, then took out a portfolio from the drawer, handed it to Hyundai Mirror, and said, "I suspect that Wu Yin has been penetrated by Xiao organization. These are the materials of Wu Yin Village. , Study it carefully, and start as soon as possible, I need to understand the true situation of Wuyin Village! "

Heixiang Jing tentatively said, "Our seventh class has just been formed, and the members are not yet familiar with it. It may take some time to prepare for the task of sneaking into the fog investigation."

The three generations shook their heads: "There is not much time left for us. I can only give you a week of preparation time. After a week, you must immediately lead the seventh class to leave."


Hyuga stopped talking and left the Naruto office with a portfolio.

For the tasks assigned to him by the three generations, he had long anticipated that he would either sneak into Wuyin Village or Yuyin Village. After all, Red who is proficient in illusions and Moonlight Blast and Xiyue Xiyan who are good at sneaking in assassinations are performing such tasks. The three generations have concentrated so many outstanding candidates in one class, and the purpose is self-evident.

After returning home, Hyuga mirror immediately looked at the information in the portfolio.

There are many spies planted in each of the five big ninja villages, and Muye naturally has information sources in Wuyin. According to the news returned by the spy installed in Wuyin, the current Wuyin is surging undercurrent.

Four generations of Shuiying sent out to assist Xiao's elite team ~ ~ Only the ghostly one returned to Wuyin. Among them, except for the watermelon and puffer ghosts who died in battle, the "ghost man" would not cut and the six-tailed pillar. Li Yugao had all disappeared.

The disappearance of Renzhu Li naturally caused an uproar in Wuyin, but the fourth generation of water shadow did not seem to care, and did nothing, which also caused the internal dissatisfaction of the fourth generation of water shadow in Wuyin.

Sun Xiangjing shook his head with a sigh. "It seems that the water shadow is really controlled by the soil."

The shadow of a village turned out to be the puppet of others, which is absolutely a shame to Wu Yin, one of the five big forbearance villages. At the same time, because Wuyin is one of the top five forbearing villages, the village has deep heritage and countless elites, so the abnormality of the fourth generation of water shadow has been noticed by many people in Wuyin village.

Intelligence even shows that there may be a coup in Wuyin Village in the near future.

"Don't cut it again? Or beautiful photos?"

How did Mei Zhaoming come to the top? He Xiangjing has no memory of it, but he remembers that he never launched another failed coup, then became a bereavement dog, and fell to the point of being a thug ...