Reincarnation in Naruto World (Reborn into Naruto World with Tenseigan)

Chapter 374: Outbreak of rebellion

As night falls, as the temperature drops, the mist gradually appears and becomes denser.

Bathed in the dense misty night, the entire Wuyin Village looks extraordinarily quiet. There are almost no pedestrians on the street, and all the shops are closed. Even the lights are rare.

There were only occasional barks of dogs, and the painful moaning of street beggars due to hunger, making Wuyin Village a bit angry.


Dark shadows appeared on the quiet streets.

黑 These dark shadows are like ghosts, they pass silently in the dense fog, and even a slight wind breaking sound is not emitted. It can be seen that these people are all ninjas who study the hidden assassination of the fog.


Before long, a scream of sorrow came from the direction of the Water Shadow Building!

The mourning piercing the quiet night seemed to be the beginning of a turmoil. Then, a burst of roars, a cursing sound, and that sharp alarm sounded one after another in Wuyin Village.

"Finally started!"

Hearing these noisy, many thoughtful people in Wuyin Village, flashed this thought in their minds at the same time.

At this time, the sundial mirror in a residential house also opened the curtains.

"One place ... two places ... three places ... four places ... are there four battle points ..."

Because he used a fire avatar, he could not see the thick fog outside the window without a white-eyed heliostat, but only by the sound of fighting, he could roughly judge the outside battle.

The scuffles outside the puppets erupted at almost the same time. There were four points of engagement, all around the water shadow building.

Vulnerable fighting also occurred in other areas of Wuyin Village, but those fightings were either looting by fire, looting a trading company, or being deliberately provoked by the rebels, restraining the hidden part of the fog that was still loyal to the fourth generation of water shadows, preventing them from supporting in time. Water Shadow Building.

"it's time."

He whispered a secret, and the sun flickered into the mirror, disappearing in place.

The owner of this house turned a deaf ear to the sunken mirror that broke into his home, as if he didn't notice it. After he left, he slowly returned to God, and when he heard the sound of fighting erupting outside, he immediately hid In the corner, trembling shivered.

动 This kind of turmoil often occurs in Wuyin Village, and residents can only bite their teeth to bear ...

Uh ...

Water Shadow Building in the ground palace.

Dried persimmon ghost pushed open a stone door, scanned the closet behind the door, and saw two figures still standing quietly in the closet. Then his face sank and he walked in calmly.

The two in the secret room, at this time, also set their sights on the ghosts who walked in, but soon they regained their sights and kept silent, and the quiet room returned to silence again.

Leaning against the wall, Ghostly felt uncomfortable.

This "uncomfortableness" stems from the oppression felt by the other two in the back room, sneaking away, and there are not many ninjas in the misty village that can give him oppression, so he can't help secretly guessing The identity of the two opposite.

"From the hair accessories, are they Yehui's clan, haven't they been clanned?"

"The other guy can't see his identity, but there is always a feeling of seeing through him, is it my illusion?"

Because the two people on the opposite side are dressed in the hidden part of the fog, and they are also wearing masks, Rao is a ghost and has great knowledge. It is difficult to guess the true identity of the two for a while.

When the ghost was secretly thinking about it, a sound of footsteps came from the depths of the secret room.

After a short while, a thin figure appeared in the back room.

"Master Water Shadow!"

的 The three, including the ghosts, greeted the small figure at the same time.

The thin figure that appeared in the back room was not someone else, and the fourth generation of Shuiying Citrus Orange Yakura, who had not officially appeared in the village for a long time, glanced at the three in front of him slightly dullly, and then fell on one of them. With no emotion on her body, "Well, next time, I will dig out your red eye with my own hands!"

隐 The hidden part of the fog named 竜 竜, but pulled out his long sword, and shouted, "You are not the fourth generation!"

He is the only ninja left by the blood-eyed giant red-eye family in Wuyin, because the red-eye people also participated in the rebellion set off by the blood-ji ninja before. Although he did not participate in the family's rebellion, he also suffered Involved, had to join the dark part incognito, becoming an inconspicuous member in the dark part.

Just now, when he saw the fourth generation of Shuiying, he opened his red eyes subconsciously, and found that the fourth generation's brain was full of other people's chakras, which is obviously a phenomenon controlled by illusion.

With the scream of 竜, the ghost 另外 and the other person also became alert.


At this moment, there was a chuckle behind the fourth-generation Shuiying, and then a figure wearing a swirl one-eyed mask came out from behind the fourth-generation Shuiying.

Xun asked: "Did you control the four generations with illusions?"

Shrugging the water in the palm of his hands shrugged his shoulders, and then spread his hands and laughed: "It really can't hide from you, what a nasty pair of eyes!"

"Xiao organization? The four generations have been controlled by you for a long time!"

After seeing the soil in a red cloud suit, the ghost suddenly realized that all the previous speculations had come to fruition.

Belt soil did not deny it, but flung a document to the ground casually, and said lightly: "Well, if it wasn't for me, as the remnant of your red-eye family, you would have been executed in the dark. Ghostly, the watermelon mountain puffer ghost I tried to kill you the second time, but I stopped it. Lotus, I didn't save you from the death row. I'm afraid you have even rotten your bones. "

I picked up various execution documents issued by the village on the ground, and the faces of the three ghosts were cloudy.

After experiencing an ideological struggle, I dropped my sword-holding hand and asked, "What do you want?"

The lotus flower also looked towards the soil, and there was both expectation and vigilance in the eyes.

The ghost ghost grinned shark-likely and laughed: "You called us here in the name of four generations, shouldn't it be to kill us?"

"Of course!" After a pause, he took the soil and said, "You are all deserted by the village, staying in this dark village, sooner or later will be removed like garbage, why not choose another way of living? "

I wondered, "Do you want us to join Xiao organization?"

He laughed with a smile: "Yes!"

He and Lotus stared at each other, then nodded together.

As the remnants of the red-eyes and Huiye who participated in the rebellion, Wu and Lotus have no place to stay in Wuyin Village, so they do not have much loyalty to Wuyin itself.

Coupled with Xiao's fame in the First World War, he frustrated the joint raid of the three major ninja villages of Muye, Yunyin, and Sandy. Joining such a powerful organization is equivalent to rebirth.

鬼 鲛 has long been tired of the endless killing of each other by the mist, and after groaning for a while, he also agreed to the proposal with soil.

"I'm glad you all made the right judgment."

三 These three were selected and selected by layers, so their choices had been expected.

The ghost ghost asked at this moment: "What about the outside rebellion?"

Bian Duman shrugged and said, "It's just a farce. At the appropriate time, you can end this farce, but remember, don't kill and never cut."

I asked, "Why not kill him? You want to put him in the organization?"

He laughed with a smile: "The organization has no interest in him, but just keeps him, those old things in the disgusting village, don't you think this is a very pleasant thing?"

I do n’t want to cut any more people who have more ambitions than strengths. They are not interested in such people.

In fact, the most promising soil in Wuyin Village is only dried persimmon ghosts. As for the red-eyed crickets and Huiye's lotus, if it is not a threat from the organization to the soil, he is not prepared to recruit them. Organized because the minds of these two people are difficult to predict, trust, and difficult to control.

I listened to the words, and both I and Lotus grinned.

The elders of Wuyin who suppressed the rebellion of the **** giants before, even though they suffered heavy casualties, still have a few people left, and the two who are the remnants of the **** giants naturally have no good attitude towards these old guys.

The ghost ghost asked, "What about the diaphragm muscle on his hand?"

He took the soil and said, "If you can grab it, the diaphragm will be yours!"

The ghost giggled and stopped saying more ...

Uh ...

At the same time, he controlled the Sun Mirror, which is a fire 遁 avatar, bypassing the battle around the water shadow building and sneaked into the water shadow building.


As soon as a misty ninja opened his mouth, the short knife in Hyuga's hand pierced into the other's chest, so that the other's shout didn't swell out, and it stopped abruptly.

Pulled out his short knife, while Sun Xiangjing shook off the blood stains on the knife, he secretly said: "Is the internal defense so weak?

潜 He sneaked all the way, but met only three misty ninjas, and they were all ordinary ninjas, which really made him a little strange.

He discerned the direction, and Sunview mirror came to the southwest side of the Water Shadow Building, and secretly said, "Where is the entrance?"

According to the information returned by the spy, the fog hidden mystery archives and collections are all in the underground palace below the water shadow building, and the entrance to the underground palace is in the area where the sun mirror is located at the moment, but the specific place is where the village is planted in the fog The hidden spy failed to detect it.

After opening the eye of the eternal kaleidoscope, the sun-dial mirror carefully looked around.

Eternal Kaleidoscope writing wheel eye has no white-eye perspective ability, but the subtle insight is above the white eye, so after some observation, the sundial mirror immediately found a hidden dark door.

Opened the dark door and entered the underground palace. According to his own experience, Sunxiang Jing searched through the dense area of ​​sealing technique, and soon found a place suspected of mystery archives or collections.

"Two squads, eight ninjas ..."

Hidden in the corner of the sun mirror, locked the position of eight guards, and then walked out slowly.



Looking at the sunward mirror that suddenly came out, the eight guards were on alert, but only one person was seen, and they were dressed in the misty ninja. The guards did not rush, but spread the formation and surrounded him Up the center.

Seeing the mirror to silence, the leading guard said fiercely: "Who are you and why did you appear here? You better answer honestly, otherwise, I don't mind letting you taste the torture in our Blood Mist Land! "

The next day, he picked up the corner of the mirror's mouth, and the eternal kaleidoscope writing wheel eye in the eye socket slowly rotated.

Suddenly, a golden phantom was projected from the body of the sun mirror, and in a blink of an eye, the golden phantom turned into a half-length giant holding two golden swords.

Looking at the sudden appearance of the golden giant, all eight guards fell into a short sluggishness.

I have n’t waited for them to return to God, the half-length golden giant holding the golden flame double swords, and then chopped them into a dim mass of flesh instantly!

After solving the guard at the door, Sun Xiangjing's gaze fell on the secret library in front of him.

The door of this secret library was now shining with a seal-like brilliance. Obviously, a very clever seal was written by the fog. The sundial mirror knew nothing about this seal and wanted to use normal methods. It was impossible to lift the seal, so he launched 'Suzano' and prepared to forcibly break it.

As for the guards just now, they just resolved by the way.

Boom ...

Accompanied by a bang, under the slash of the golden sword of Sunstory Mirror 'Suzunenhu', the glimmering seal did not fight for more than three seconds, it completely disintegrated, and the gate of the secret library followed. Collapse.

The next day, he put away ‘Suzano Nobu’ to the mirror, and stepped into this secret library.

After looking around for a moment, Hyuga mirror slightly disappointed and said, "Is it a collection library ..."

As one of the five big ninja villages ~ ~ Wu Yin's collection library should reasonably be rich in treasures, but considering that water shadows are reduced to playthings with soil, even if there are really good things in the collection library, I am afraid it is early Was ransacked by soil.

Therefore, compared to the collection library, Sun Xiangjing wants to wash away the hidden secret archives of the fog.

I have already come in, but I want to take a look around Hyuga mirror.

The most collectible collection in the Kumo Hidden Collection is swords. The rows and rows of display racks are filled with a variety of sword ninjas, but they are not considered treasures, far worse than Hikaru's own Kusamaru pills.

Soon, Hyuga came to a display shelf deep in the collection library, his gaze was frozen, and he murmured: "Five hidden swords ..."

Uh ...

The other side of the palace.

日 When Hyuga moved to the door of the collection hall with ‘suzano no yu’, he felt the ground trembled with a brow of soil, and secretly said, “Someone broke into the underground palace?”

虽然 Although fierce fighting erupted outside, the ground palace was covered with various seals, and the shock of the ground could not be transmitted to the depths of the ground palace, so it was only possible that fighting broke out inside the ground palace.

As soon as his thoughts moved, he stepped into the whirlpool and disappeared into place.

A moment later, a vortex appeared abruptly in the collection library, and the soil came out of the vortex, staring at the sundial mirror looking at a display stand.

Looking at a foggy ninja dressed in a sundial mirror wearing a foggy shadow mask, he was wondering with soil, and secretly said, "Who is this woman? Is it someone on the side of Elder foggy, or a spy in another village?"

Thinking of this, he reached into the sun's back with soil ...