Reincarnation in Naruto World (Reborn into Naruto World with Tenseigan)

Chapter 402: Naruto

The red-eyed cricket quickly noticed the two menacing figures, and his expression suddenly changed: "Everyone pays attention, and another enemy approaches!"

He Shizang's face was a little embarrassing when he heard it.

Right now, the fog team didn't even see the face of the hunting target Osumaru, and the trouble ran into one after another, which really annoyed him.

The ghost drew his sword to his shoulders, and while looking at the two figures rushing up, he said, "These two chakras are a bit wrong!"

Hyun's complexion became more and more dignified. As a pupil of blood-supplying ninja, he naturally noticed the stranger one step before the ghost.

In his eyes, his pair of red eyes twinkled with incomparable brilliance, as if to thoroughly see the two figures coming at him, but no matter how he launched his red eyes, what caught him was a weird chakra That is a kind of chakra that is both extremely huge and sullen, giving a dim feeling.

As the two figures got closer and closer, several members of the fog team also saw the appearance of each other.

The other party was wearing armor that was obviously in the style of the Warring States Period. The forehead was covered with wooden leaf foreheads. Although his expression was slightly dull, his posture was unusual. Although he was just two people, he came on the attack. , But it feels like thousands of troops, unconsciously feeling an inexplicable palpitation.

"Well, why do you look familiar?"

At the same time, the bottom of the heart of the 藏 Shizang and the ghostly rushed to this idea.

If the horns are here, he will be able to recognize the identity of the two who came galloping at a glance. After all, one of them was the target he had assassinated.

He shouted, "Their Chakra reaction was very violent, especially the one with the red armor on the left. The Chakra reaction in his body is almost four generations!"

The 'four generations' in the mouth is undoubtedly the citrus Yakura as a three-tailed person.

A ninja, the Chakra response in his body can be in line with the human column strength, the rest is nothing, it is enough to be surprising and daunting!

At this moment, the two figures approaching the Mist Squadron stopped abruptly, and the man in the red armor tied his hands with a seal, and immediately screamed, "The mystery of the wooden cymbals, the tree kingdom came!"

Boom boom ...

As the ground shook the mountains, countless trees broke through the ground, tumbling the three men wrapped in the mist team.

"The first generation of Naruto !?"

The three members of the fog squad stagnated, and then shocked and dazed at the same time.

There is no doubt that the armor of the Warring States style, the guards of the wooden leaves, and the iconic clogs were all concentrated on one person, and the three members of the mist team instantly guessed the identity of the ninja in red armor. !!

The white-haired ninja in blue armor also clasped his hands at this time and yelled, "Forbearance, the art of darkness!"

Several people who were hiding from the mist squad of trees and sea were suddenly dark in front of them, only to feel that they were in the abyss, let alone the five fingers were out of reach, and the five fingers were in front of them, and they were not clear.

"Second Generation Naruto !?"

After guessing the identity of the first generation of Hao Ying, it is not difficult for a few people in the fog team to guess the identity of the second generation of Hao Ying. For a time, the hearts of several people fell to the bottom.

Uh ...

After wielding his beheaded sword to cut off the entangled tree branch, Ji Juzang shouted, "Let's escape each other. Good luck to everyone!"

Ghostly and aunty did not question, in the face of this situation, retreat is the only option.

All three were experienced ninjas, and their ability to escape was first-rate. Before they were completely submerged by the sea of ​​trees, they all rushed out of the envelope of the sea of ​​trees and the 'dark-walking technique', and fled away embarrassed go with.

The lotus that fought farther and farther with Jun Ma Lu, also noticed the situation here, and he immediately left behind Jun Ma Lu, flickered, fled the battlefield, and shouted: If you want to save your life, do n’t use the “Bone Veins” anymore. As long as you do n’t use the power of blood veins, it ’s no problem to live to be thirty! ”

"Oh Lord Oshimaru doesn't need waste ..."

Jun Ma Lumur, who was standing still, whispered to himself, and immediately withdrew from the state of curse.

What Dasuwan needs for him is his only meaning of survival. If he can no longer use 'Bone Vein', then he has no meaning for Dashewan.

If so, he would rather die!


High cliff.

After seeing the identity of the first generation and the second generation of Haoying, the fog team immediately fled and fled without even the courage to fight.

Laughing embarrassedly: "Master Osumaru, Xiao organization is too small to look down on you."

Dashe Wan shook his head: "These guys are not easy. This technique alone may not clean them up."

The first-generation and second-generation Naruto in the state of filthy soil rebirth, despite the brief encounter with the three members of the fog team, Dashe Wan still saw some clues.

Although the three members of the Mist Squad were all barn owls, they did not actually pay much price, and they escaped the first generation of 'Tree Boundary' and the second generation of 'Dark Walk'.

This undoubtedly shows that the first and second generations in the state of 'dirty soil reincarnation', regardless of the power of the operation or the subsequent manipulation of the operation, are extremely thin and rigid. No one can escape!

Hearing the regrets in Osumaru's words, he laughed and said, "Your improvement on the filthy soil rebirth has been very effective!"

Osumaru smiled to herself.

The "dirty soil reincarnation" he exhibited at this time is not the "dirty soil reincarnation" of the second generation of Naruto. He has made drastic improvements on the basis of the "dirty soil reincarnation" of the second generation of Naruto. Only then did he dare to psyche out the creator of the second generation of the "dirty earth reincarnation" forbidden technique.

However, due to the strength of the first and second generations ~ ~, they are too powerful, and if they are not careful, they may get rid of his control, so he has to impose multiple prohibitions on the 'dirty soil' of the two, and This also caused the first and second generations in the state of "foul soil rebirth" to look a bit stiff, without the slightest living spirit, and their strength was very different from their lifetime.

After seeing the fog team, several people had fled and said, "It seems that this time, the limit of this operation cannot be tested."

At this time, Osumaru lifted the filthy soil rebirth and said, "It doesn't matter, there will be a chance soon!"

Looking around to Osumaru: "Do you want ...?"

Dashe Wan put out his tongue and licked his lips: "Yes, this time I will go to Koba to discuss the alliance!"

Immediately after the establishment of Yin Ren Village, a request for alliance was issued to Muye.

Zuo asked again, "Do you need to notify Tuanzang?"

"Tuanzang ..." He sneered disdainfully, and Oshimaru said: "His roots have been disbanded by the old man, and he is no longer qualified to cooperate with me."