Reincarnation in Naruto World (Reborn into Naruto World with Tenseigan)

Chapter 427: Good luck

"It's really exhausting today."

A wood-leaf ninja watching the night on the street, while smoking a cigarette, complained to his companions around him.

The companion on the side echoed: "Yeah, but fortunately no one is making trouble."

The maintenance of high-intensity guarding by Koba naturally does not come without a price, the most obvious of which is that the workload of duty ninjas has all increased a lot.

The smoking ninja then dropped his cigarette **** on the ground, then stepped on it, extinguishing Mars on the cigarette butt: "It's so late, I don't think anything will happen again."

Suddenly, a dark shadow emerged from the dark corner, and a fist hit his throat with precision.


The attacked Konoha Ninja couldn't even cry out for help, and the whole person withered and fell into a coma.

Another Koba ninja startled: "You"

As soon as the voice started, a severe pain came from his abdomen, and then, the whole man fell out of the huge force from the abdomen and smashed into the corner and passed out.

"How could it be so weak?"

Slowly dropped his right foot, and Jun Malu's indifferent expression flashed a little doubt.

The young age, coupled with the simple mind, made Jun Malu's information to the outside world completely rely on the narration of Dashe Wan, Dou et al., In addition to hunting some robbers and rebellions under the arrangement of Da Shewan, It has very limited contact with the outside world and does not have its own knowledge of the tolerance world.

In addition, after being injected into the 'spell mark' by Dashe Wan, his strength has increased day by day, and the digging of his own 'bone vein' has continued to deepen, and his strength has changed every day. In a way, he was at a moment unsure of his strength position in the ninja world.

Obviously, there should be some powerful enemies in the impression. Suddenly, all of them became vulnerable. This is how Jun Malu feels now.

Glancing at the two wooden leaves ninjas unconscious on the ground, Jun Maru secretly said, "Master Osumaru will not deceive me. It seems that I am indeed stronger!"

Jun Maru does not know that he is actually in a higher position in the tolerance world. Under normal conditions, his strength is close to Shang Ren. In the state of 'curse mark', his strength is closer to the elite's tolerance, regardless of his position. Which Ninja village belongs to the elite class, this is also the main reason to provoke him to deal with the sun mirror, and the big snake pill also acquiesced.

Although the defense of Muye has been strengthened a lot, it is mostly concentrated in core areas such as the Naruto Building, Muye Hospital, and the root base. Although ordinary residential areas also have a lot of patrols, these are made by Zhong Ren The patrol formed by Xia Ren naturally could not stop Jun Malu.

After dragging the two comatose wooden leaf ninjas into the shadows on the street corner, Junma Lulu slightly discerned the direction, and immediately flickered, and disappeared again like a ghost.

After passing several more blocks, Jun Malu gently fell to the roof of a house.

Standing on the roof, he glanced coldly at a small yard across the street, and according to the information given to him, the yard in front of him was the home of Hyuga Mirror.

"I will make you pay!"

After making up his mind secretly, Jun Malu fluttered across the street, sneaking into the courtyard quietly.

After listening quietly for a while in the courtyard, after confirming that the people in the room were not aware of anything, he lightly touched his toes, jumped up, and entered the room through the window on the second floor.

Although there is no light in the house, the moonlight outside the window is bright, so everything inside the house is unobstructed.


Jun Malu was taken aback, because he found that Sun Xiangjing was sitting in the room, looking at himself calmly, without any waves on his face, as if he had expected it.

Hyuga mirror faintly smiled: "It seems I'm lucky!"

Previously, the provocation on the street by Dashe Wan was intended to attract Jun Malu to the door. Because the soil brought him a lot of pressure, he must speed up his "blood following snare plan".

However, if you actively find Dashe Wan and ask for the collection of Junma Lu cell tissue, it will not only take time and effort, but it may also be pierced by your own researcher.

Therefore, at the time, the Hyuga mirror had an idea and tempted Jun Malu to come forward.

But the village is currently under martial law, and he is not sure if Jun Malu has the courage to come to the door, so he has to wait at home and bet his luck.

"It turned out that you had been prepared!" Jun Malu quickly pulled away the shock on his face, and took out a bitterness from the storage bag around his waist, coldly: "This is also good, I am I want to fight against you fairly! "

"Silly boy, fair battle or something, just the story in the book"

Speaking of this, Hyuga mirror slowly extended his right hand towards Jun Malu.

Suddenly, Jun Maru felt an unprecedented huge attraction, pulling his body!

His ten-year-old immature body simply couldn't resist the traction of this huge adsorption force, and instantly lost the balance of the body, and the whole person was yanked to the sun-mirror.

"What is it !?"

Jun Malu's face could not continue to remain indifferent.


Soon, Jun Malu's body was sucked into the right hand of Hyuga mirror, and a low dull sound of a palm stroke was issued!

Shocked, Jun Malu was about to launch a blinking technique, and wanted to temporarily distance himself from the sun mirror, but suddenly found that Chakra in his body was out of his control.

At this moment, Yu Guang in the corner of his eye noticed that the sun-spot mirror was under the right hand of his chest, and many ink-colored seals spread.

These ink-colored seals ~ ~ are like chains, with his chest as the center of the circle, spreading in all directions, and his breathing room covered his whole body.

Jun Ma Lu stunned and said, "Can you perform unsealable seals !?"

"If it's only to this extent, I can still use it without a seal." Hyuga retreated his right hand, and immediately got up and walked towards the cabinet by the wall.

Jun Maru, bound by the "Four Elephant Seals", immediately gritted his teeth and urged the "Spell Seal" to forcibly break the control of the "Four Elephant Seals" on his body.

When I came to the cabinet, I didn't look back at the camera. While looking for something in the cabinet, I said, "Are you sure you want to do this? Once it's out, the big snake ball will be troublesome!"

Hearing a bit of hesitation on Jun Ma Lu's face when he heard Daxiang Wan being mentioned to the mirror.

At this time, Hyuga was holding a large plate to collect blood samples, and the tools of the cell tissue came over and laughed: "Relax, I won't treat you like that!"

Looking at the smile on his face, Jun Malu suddenly felt a bad feeling in his heart.