Reincarnation in Naruto World (Reborn into Naruto World with Tenseigan)

Chapter 458: 5 shadows gather

Soon, Hyundai Mirror converged and observed the experimental results of Tuanzang.

‘Ghost Bud’ incorporates the characteristics of flesh and blood, so that it can change its shape arbitrarily. Therefore, it is difficult for the seal technique based on the seal technique to maintain effective control over it for a long time.

Because if the seal is not lifted, the 'ghost buds' cannot swallow the fusion flesh.

However, if the seal technique is lifted, the seal method written on the 'ghost buds' will inevitably have defects due to the expansion and deformation of the 'ghost buds' themselves.

Once the defect reached a certain level, the seal burned on the 'Ghost Bud' would naturally fail.

Sealed "ghost buds" test bodies were recorded in the incubation tanks, without exception, all of which occurred. The seals recorded on them, because of their distortional changes, appeared large and small. Defect.

"Four Elephant Seals ..."

"Five Elements Seal ..."

"Seal of evil law ..."

"Gossip Seal ..."

Through one-by-one observation, Hyundai Mirror recognized many of the seals he was familiar with, many of which he had never even seen before.

According to his experience, if there is no accident, the seals recorded on the "Ghost Bud" test body will be invalidated for a maximum of one week.

Hyuga sighed secretly: "It seems that the ordinary seal technique has no way to restrict 'ghost buds'!"

Seals such as the "Four Elephant Seals" are already considered to be extremely high-end seals in the ninja world, but even so, it is still difficult to restrict the "ghost buds" for a long time.

In other words, all seals based on the burn-in seal method cannot meet the needs that restrict the 'ghost buds'.

Only seals based on spirits and chakra powers, such as ‘King Kong Blockade’, ‘Bad Ghosts’ and ‘Nine Dragons’, can meet the needs that restrict ‘ghost buds’.

But in this way, it can no longer be done by outsiders. You must cultivate this type of sealing technique yourself to be able to restrict the 'ghost buds' in your body at all times, and ensure that the 'ghost buds' do not get out of control.

Tuanzang said at this time: "You have also seen that ordinary seals have a very poor effect, and they have no effect on restricting 'ghost buds' for a long time."

Da Snake Pill picked from the corner of his mouth and laughed: "Maybe we can try to improve the 'King Kong Blockade' of the Whirlpool."

Hei Xiangjing bowed his head gently: "Anyway, the target is only the 'ghost buds' that can swallow the flesh, not the huge tail beast of Chakra. Even if some seal power is sacrificed, it does not matter."

It is really difficult to improve a top-level seal technique while maintaining the seal power, which requires a lot of calculations and experiments, and even some luck.

But if it is allowed to sacrifice a part of the sealing power, it will be much easier to improve.

Dashe Wan turned around in front of the cultivation tank, and then said, "The main material of these 'ghost buds' is also problematic. The glue selected by Beiluhu is too unstable. We may try other more stable materials to improve' Ghost Bud's stability. "

Sunward Mirror came to another incubation tank, and while observing the 'ghost buds' in the incubation tank, he proposed: "In the process of cultivation, there is actually room for improvement. We can try to cultivate them in 'ghost buds'. At the beginning, the fusion with their own flesh and blood was carried out. Although this raises the cost of 'ghost buds' cultivation, it can increase the tameness of 'ghost buds'. "

The current process of Beiluhu is to cultivate the "ghost buds" first, and then let the "ghost buds" fuse with its own cells.

The process of cell fusion is put behind, although the growth rate of "ghost buds" is guaranteed, but because "ghost buds" grow independently, even if the fusion with cells succeeds in the future, it is also "wild and difficult to tame".

According to the thinking of the sun direction mirror, the process of cell fusion is moved forward, although the cultivation rate of 'ghost buds' is greatly reduced, but as long as one of the 'ghost buds' is successfully cultivated, then this strain will be fused at the beginning of growth The host cell's 'ghost buds' taming degree will far exceed the 'ghost buds' that grow independently.

Listening to Hyuga Jing and Osumaru, you suggested me sentence by sentence. I originally thought that the test had fallen into the dead end, and suddenly I felt a sense of openness.

He looked at the two people who were still discussing how to improve the "Ghost Bud" Hyuga and Osumaru, and secretly said, "It is right to let them participate in the experiment!"

Tuanzang didn't know that these ideas to improve the 'Ghost Buds' were not the temporary intentions of Hyuga and Osumaru, but they had been conceived in the mind.

Just suffering from insufficient financial resources, it is difficult to put it into practice.

For example, the choice of colloidal materials is not a fool. He chose this colloidal material, obviously because of his consideration. Maybe there is still a better colloidal material in the ninja world, but to find a better material, the human and material resources required are simply inestimable, and it may even cost a lot of money and lose nothing.

As for the improvement of the process ~ ~, it will directly affect the 'ghost bud' cultivation rate.

You must know that ‘probability’ is a very magical thing. Once it is reduced to a certain level, the test cost will increase ten, one hundred, or even one thousand, ten thousand times.

In fact, these suggestions belong to either don't try, the first test is a bottomless pit, so Hyuga and Osumaru just want to use the financial resources of Tuanzang to try them one by one before.


Outside Muye Village.

Uh ...

In a burst of wind, several figures fell into the forest.

These figures are all dressed in the dark parts of the leaves of wood. If Hyuga is here, he will surely recognize the person who is the head of the shadow guards of the three generations of Naruto.

After looking around, the captain of the Shadow Guard shouted to the deserted Lin Zi: "Sir Shadow, we are ordered to meet you."

At this moment, a stream of light flashed through the forest.

Many figures emerged from the invisibility state. The original seemingly empty forest, more than a dozen figures appeared in the blink of an eye, and the leader was the third-generation earth shadow Onoki of Yanyin Village, and behind him were three. The team's elite Ito.

The captain of the Shadow Guards stepped forward and said, "His shadow, please follow me into the village."

Ohno nodded, then asked, "Are all others here?"

The captain of the Shadow Guard replied, "Yes, Fengying, Leiying, and His Excellency Water Shadow have all arrived successfully."

Ohnoki shook his back, and said with a depressed expression, "I didn't expect our five shadows, and there were such sneaky moments, hey, how terrible!"

Soon, under the leadership of the Shadow Guard captain, Tu Ying and his team bypassed the wood leaf patrol team. Like the previous Feng Ying, Lei Ying, and Water Shadow, etc., they quietly entered the wood leaves ... 8 )