Reincarnation in Naruto World (Reborn into Naruto World with Tenseigan)

Chapter 491: Don't think you won


Taking the soil to control the emerald blue ‘Suzano No Hu’, howling from the sky, the two giant divine shurikens were pinched by their hands instead of sending them out.

Under the whirlpool mask, the face was covered with soil, and the kaleidoscope in the eye socket slowly whirled, catching every movement of the sun-dial mirror on the ground.

At this moment, the sun mirror pushed away the red side.


Unsuspectingly red, in a muffled sound, he flew out fiercely and fell into a pit in the distance.

Immediately, the eyes of the sunward lens gradually condensed, locking the soil in the air.

Under the wind mask, the blue tendons near the temples on both sides of his eye sockets bulged high, and his high-purity white eyes were urged to the extreme!

Both sides are using pupil technique to capture each other's movements and predict their attack style.

As in childhood when they studied in the ninja school, they were all childish at that time, one was unfamiliar with the use of white eyes, and one did not even open the writing eye. Today, they are already able to influence the future of the ninja community. The strong one.

At this moment, they met each other's eyes.

"How long can your body hold on? Can you be as fast as before? How many chakras do you have to splurge? Huh, do you still have a chance to win?"

Take the soil in his heart and sneer.

He was very clear that 'Wind Chime' had been involved in the battle since Wu invasion of Konoha. He has fought fiercely, Wuliu, and Nagato's "Tiandao" and many other powerful enemies. The magpie ninja and the advanced mystery of the corpse bone, the dance of early fern, even if the wind bell is as talented as the dried persimmon ghost owl, with ample chakra volume, it should be exhausted at this time.

"You have to break through the" Suzano "in order to be sure!" After a pause, Hyuga hoped secretly: "With soil, can you still make mistakes? Will you give me a chance?"

Sun Xiangjing is very sober, he knows whether he can succeed, it is not entirely up to his own side, mainly depends on whether the soil will make mistakes, as long as the soil does not make mistakes, then he has no chance at all!


At this moment, the "Suzano Nenhu" who driven himself with the soil shot the magical shuriken in his hand, accompanied by a deafening roar, the huge magical shuriken shot with a strange arc, one left and one right. Sun mirror facing the ground!

"Cut, Uchiha Stream Throwing!"

Hyuga mirror sighed.

The shuriken throwing method with soil is a typical Uchiha stream throwing method, because the flight path is not straight, with weird arcs, so even with white eyes, the sun mirror is difficult to be accurate in a short time. Anticipate the trajectory of the shuriken and make a safe dodge path.

Knowing that the more hesitant and hesitant it is, the easier it is to be passive, so Hyuga swayed into the mirror body shape, and did not retreat, and rushed towards the soil head-on.

Only by giving enough pressure to the soil, can there be such a glimmer of hope that the soil will make mistakes and lead the soil to hook!


Suddenly, the bone of the left leg of Sun mirror made a crisp sound.

Suffering from the pain, Feipu lost his balance and the speed of the attack suddenly slowed down.

Hyuga mirrored her heart: "Abominable, I can't hold my body!"


The two giant divine shurikens in the air, accompanied by whistling sounds, one left and one right, were in front of the mirror of Hyuga.

Many Hyundai mirrors had no choice but to roll on the spot. Although it looked a little embarrassed, it was dangerous and dangerous to avoid the mighty shuriken that almost flew past his back.


Suddenly, the black gilt cloak on the back of the sun mirror was swept away by the aftermath of the divine Shuriken passing by. The flesh on his back was not spared, as if shaved by a sharp razor. Layer, blood DC!

Thrillingly avoided the sun-reversing mirror with soil attack, instead of paying attention to the injuries on the back, he launched a counterattack, spreading a pair of iron sand wings on his back, flying into the sky, waving the bone blade in his hand and chopped to the belt.


far away.

In a dark ruin, the absolutely body slowly protruded out of the ground.

Looking at the soil and sun mirror in the distance, Bai Jue said, "Are we no longer close? How far can we help the soil?"

Hei Shao shook his head: "The underground is full of dense bone forests. If we get closer, we will die. Would you like to taste the bone blade of the guy organized by God?"

Bai Jue smiled: "Don't make a joke, but his bone blade can be split with the soil" Suzano "."

Hei never spoke again, but instead cast his gaze on the sun-dial mirror in the distance, as if thinking about something.

Bai Ju suddenly whispered again and again: "Strange, that guy of God's organization obviously has something wrong with his body. Why should he maintain such a large bone forest underground? Since it is not useful, it should not be lifted as soon as possible. , Reduce the burden on the body? "

Listening to Bai Ju's whisper, He Jue also frowned, and then burst out of his heart, blurted out: "No, he may know that we exist, maintain the bone forest below the ground, just to keep us from approaching , There must be something hidden underground! "


On the battlefield.

Using the "magneto" flying sun mirror, the speed suddenly returned to its peak state, unexpectedly gave the soil a bit, and from the bottom to the top, the soil "Suzano Nobo" was opened again.

Seeing his own "Suzano Nenju", under the humble bone of Hyundai Mirror, it was crispy like a piece of tofu. Despite the depression in his heart, he immediately responded and lifted the "should" Zonenhu ', to save pupil strength, while he was not in front of the mirror blade, he entered a state of' blurring '.

And he tried his best to launch the last shot of the sun striker, which seemed to be unable to support it, and spit out a big blood directly in midair ~ ~ Then, the iron sand wings on his back broke instantly and could not maintain the 'magnetism' He planted it directly from the air and fell to the ground fiercely.

The soil in the state of 'blurring' also fell to the ground at this time, and the corners of his mouth rose up: "Can't you hold on so soon?"

While lying on the ground, Hyuga coughed up blood, raised his right finger to take soil, and drank, "Ten fingers wear bullets!"

Xiu Xiu jeer

The rapid bone bombs made a howling sound.

However, no matter how fast the bone bombs are and how powerful they are, they can't hurt the "virtual" state of the soil. They pass through the soil, as if they passed through a piece of air, a ghost.

With soil slowly walked towards Hyuga: "Honestly, I'm a little curious who you are. A master like you shouldn't be anonymous, but it doesn't matter anymore, everything is over!"

Sun Xiangjing said hard: "Don't think you won!"