Reincarnation in Naruto World (Reborn into Naruto World with Tenseigan)

Chapter 492: Big eyes and small eyes

"You **** organization is really confusing!"

With soil and chuckling, he kept walking, still walking towards the sundial mirror.


While sun coughing, he coughed blood heavily, and strove backwards.

It's just that this A-type wind-wrapped clone has reached its limit, and the limbs of the body are not so obedient. The speed of retreating is very slow, and it is not as fast as the soil that comes slowly.

Seeing this situation, he said with a play on earth: "I can take care of you here, and I can breathe a sigh of relief."

far away.

Mihikari has basically lost his ability to move, and the red crawling out of the pit has no hesitation, and he will rush forward when he gets up.

She also knows that even if she rushed up, it would not be of any use. At most, it was to lose her life, but in a sense, she could not remain indifferent to the distress of ‘wind chimes’ that saved her life.

At this time, Kakashi held red shoulder and whispered, "Relax, he paid such a large price for guarding Koba. No matter what his identity is, we Kono ninjas won't just keep watching. Watch him killed! "

Kakashi has long seen that the 'wind chimes' organized by Red and God seem to know each other, and they seem to have a close personal relationship.

Red bit her lip and said, "I never hated my incompetence like I do today!"

Kakashi turned his eyes to the distant land and said, "Don't be discouraged, we are still young and have a chance to become stronger. Tonight is not your end point!"

After all, Kakashi made a gesture.

Suddenly, three members of his special tactical squad came together, each holding a specially crafted bitterness, a firm look, and no fear on his face.

This special tactical squadron was precisely formed by Muye in order to target the soil.

The three generations have spent a lot of thought in this regard, destroying the village's traditional rules, regardless of merit and contribution, as long as they show their talents in space and time ninjutsu, they are eligible to be selected and try to cultivate the 'Fei Lei Shen Zhi Operation '.

It was also the three generations of bold behaviors that violated the rules. Only four ninjas, including Kakashi, who practiced the `` Flying Thundercraft '' were selected from the village's nearly 10,000 ninjas.

However, because the practice time is short and the talents of several people are not as good as those of the fourth-generation Naruto, even the captain of the special tactical team, Kakashi, has barely mastered the "Flying Thundercraft", which is far from being skilled. .

But now they have to take a shot, because once the ‘wind chimes’ of God ’s organization died in the hands of the enemy, then no one can restrict the powerful enemy of the current Xiao organization.

Shabu shabu

A series of specially made Kuwu shot at the soil, blocking his route to the sundial mirror.

With a grin on the corner of the mouth, let those special sufferings penetrate the body of his ‘virtualized’ state.

The sun mirror on the ground cursed inwardly: "A bunch of stupid people, don't get in the way!"

Suddenly, each figure flickered to the position of the first porter system, while catching the special system in the air, he turned back and shot the second round of the system.

Bringing the soil has long figured out the way of the "Flying Thundercraft", the body quickly switched between "virtualization" and "realization", but only three punches and two feet, the three members of the special tactical team were knocked down in Ground.


At this time, a sharp sound like the sound of thousands of birds suddenly appeared behind the soil.

With soil, he "blurred" immediately, and allowed Kakashi, who was attacking behind him, to penetrate his body with Ray Light, and then when Kakashi penetrated his body, he launched a wooden puppet to penetrate the card. Cassie's back flew it out.

Watching Kakashi's special tactical team was cleared away with the soil, Hyuga mirror frowned secretly: "He is good!"

The confrontation just now came with unexpected caution, and ‘virtualization’ and ‘realization’ were only between the slightest, and there was no chance of a half-shot.

Kakashi, who fell to the ground, covering the wound penetrated by the 'wooden claw', asked the question that had been pressing to the bottom of the soil: "Tell me, who are you?"

He took a moment to hesitate, thinking and answering: "Since you care so much about my identity, I will tell you frankly, I am Uchiha!"

"Uchiha!" Kakashi said in surprise, "It's impossible, he's already dead!"

With soil at this time, he stood still, gave Kakashi a glance, and said fiercely, "Huh, stupid person who doesn't understand anything, lie down, don't get in the way. Your waste is not qualified to die in my hands. ! "


Kakashi for a moment didn't know what to say.

With soil no longer paying attention to Kakashi, he stepped in front of Hyuga.

Seeing that the band of soil came over in a state of "blurred", Hyuga mirror stood strong from the ground, holding a bone blade in his hand, and rushed towards the band of soil in a disorderly manner.

Take the soil and do not dodge, let the sundial mirror pierce through his "virtualized" figure, and then proceed like this, and enter the "realized" state in an instant, launch the wooden cutting 'cutting technique', and then enter the 'virtual' again. The state of “Hua”, the switching between “Hua” and “Hua” is less than one second.

At this time, a sharp wooden stake pierced the back of the sun mirror in an instant!

This is the 'cutting technique' of wooden clogs. Once stabbed, if the caster is willing, he can launch the wooden clogs again to allow the wooden stakes pierced into the target's body to grow rapidly and instantly destroy the organs inside the target. This is a trick Very fierce clog jujutsu!

Tinkling of small bells

But the moment a wooden stake hit the back of the sun mirror, a metal-like attack sounded!

With his eyes fixed on the soil, he discovered that a layer of periosteum protruded from the back of the sun mirror, blocking his 'wooden'.

The blown-out Hyuga mirror fell to the ground again, spitting blood, and panting, it seemed that the strength of turning back was gone, and the back was completely handed over to the belt.

When I saw this, I couldn't hurt the other person, and I was a little angry with the soil. Now I was so horrified that I could say: "Your periosteum can block my 'wood cricket', can you also block my 'divine power'?"

After making up his mind, he took the soil out of ‘virtualization’, and launched ‘sacred power’ towards Sunview Mirror.

Suddenly, a twisted vortex appeared on the back of the sundial mirror!

One second

Two seconds

The twisted vortex quickly expanded ~ ~ is about to devour the entire body of the sun to the mirror, and the soil also exited the ‘virtualized’ state for almost two seconds!

Seeing that most of the body of Hyuga mirror was distorted, with a sigh of relief, "It's finally over!"


At this instant, a sword of flame broke through the ground without warning, stabbing the body with soil from bottom to top.

Hyuga, who was stripped of time and space by ‘Shenwei’, reluctantly turned around, waved his hands towards the soil with his untwisted right hand, and smiled, “Hi, farewell!”

But the smile on the face of Sun Xiangjing soon solidified, because he found that not only the soil was sucked into the flame sword, but he was connected by ‘Shenwei’, and his body began to melt and was quickly sucked into the flame sword.

The scene changed.

In the "Fist of Ten Boxing Swords" illusion, Hyuga and Dato both stare with big eyes and small eyes.