Reincarnation in Naruto World (Reborn into Naruto World with Tenseigan)

Chapter 552: Only Uchiha brought soil

After returning home from the dark base, Hyuga found a humble scroll in the room.

"Are the scrolls of contact again?" Frowning slightly, Hyuga whispered in secret: "Cut, come every few days, this organization is too impatient!"

Slowly, the scroll was opened. The sundial mirror found that there was still only one coordinate in it, and after a little groaning, he decided to leave for the coordinate location.

Liaison with Xiao Organization can not only temporarily protect Ning Ci's security, but also detect the organization's movements. This is especially important after Shinichi is closely monitored and unable to pass information outside.

As in the last contact, the location of the coordinates was near the village, so after a while, Sunview mirror quietly arrived at the contact location this time.

Know soso

As soon as the sun side mirror arrived, there was a sound in the grass not far away.

He opened his eyes and took a look, and found a stream of chakras emerging from the ground, so he smirked and said, "Hey, I finally arranged for someone to meet me!"

When Xiao organized the meeting with the liaison officers, it showed that he had initially trusted in Sunward Mirror, which was undoubtedly a good start.

In the blink of an eye, a white figure emerged from the bushes and greeted the eyes of the sundial mirror.

This person has no wear on his body, and his body is covered with white muscles. It looks a bit gelatinous, not as layered as normal muscle tissue.

Needless to say, this is a special clone of Bai Jue.

Hyuga asked, "Who are you?"

Bai Jue took a closer look at Hyuga and immediately said, "Hyuga, I'm your liaison. You can call me 'Absolute'."

Hyuga mirrored indifference: "When will you give me what I want?"

Shrugging, Bai Jue said, "The organization is not satisfied with the information you provided last time. If you want to get rewards, you must provide more and more valuable information to the organization."

Hyuga mirror sank: "Are you playing with me?"

"No no no" waved his hand, Bai Jue said: "We know that the organization is always fair. If you want to reward, you have to come up with information worthy of our reward for you. Last time you said that the information organized by God is only your village Naruto knows that, if so, then you should find a way to get the feeling of God's organization directly from Naruto. "


A sword flashed and Bai Ju's right arm was cut off with his shoulders and fell to the ground.


Bai Jue's avatar stepped back two steps, looking in horror at the sundial mirror holding the short sword.

After slowly inserting the Kusanagi pill in his hand into the scabbard around his waist, Hyuga mirrored indifferently: "What kind of thing do you dare to point and draw in front of me and go back and tell the guy wearing the vortex mask to continue our cooperation? Go down and immediately put back my disciples. If you know that the organization can't let me see your sincerity, then don't mention the cooperation! "

Why did Bai Jue ’s avatar not expect that Hyuga will be so strong, he hesitated for a moment before he said, "Don't forget, the scroll of information you passed last time is still in our hands. Think about it if we take that scroll. Give it to Naruto, what will happen to you! "

Sun Xiangjing pressed one hand on the blade of Kusamaru and said coldly: "The threat does not work for me. It is not so fast to crack the 'bird in the cage', but the release of my disciples is a prerequisite for cooperation. If you connect My disciples are unwilling to let go. Why do I believe your sincerity and why I risk you? "

Bai Jue was speechless for a moment.

One shot and two shots is not the best choice for Xiao organization, because even if the sun mirror is solved, they will not get any benefit. If you find another informant, it will not only cause the alertness of Koba, but also Encountered the same problem as Hyuga.

"Well, I will report your conditions to the organization, but if you really want to solve the 'bird in the cage' on your forehead, you must provide us with real and effective information. There is no room for bargaining on this point."

Having said that, Bai Ju's avatar didn't give time to answer to Xiang Xiangjing, and hurried into the ground.

It can't say why, when facing the sun mirror, he always felt panic at the bottom of his heart, and he felt that the sun mirror was far from being as uncomfortable as the band said.

After confirming that Bai Jue's avatar had left, Hyuga stepped forward to pick up the right arm of Bai Jue's avatar that he had just cut off.

The sudden shot just now was actually intended by him, because in order to stay in the blood following fusion ceremony for a long time, and to provide him with more and more detailed experimental data, he must first solve the body problem of the group. .

Although the right arm currently being transplanted by Tuanzang has the property of not excluding any transplanted organs, it is not the flesh and blood of Tsang Tsang after all. In the ceremony, it will inevitably become an uncertain factor.

The best way to make up for this loophole is to change a right arm, a right arm that can only be consistent with Tuanzang's body.

Heixiang Jing had considered cloning a right arm with the cell tissue of Bai Jue, but it was time-consuming and labor-intensive, and he would expose his cloning technology to Tuanzang and Dashe Wan, so the contact person who met Xiao organization was After a special type of Bai Jue avatar, UU reads The idea of ​​beating off the right arm of his opponent naturally emerged in his mind.

Because Tuan Zang had transplanted the primary cells, transplanting Bai Ju's right arm had no obstacles for him, and could further strengthen his already aging physique.

But how to turn this right arm into Tuan Zang's hands, it takes a little thought of Sun Xiangjing.

Fortunately, it is very close to the village and not far from the new base of the Tuanzang root. As long as he arranges a round, he can guide the root ninja to discover this unique right arm.

Another contact point.

Like Hyuga, Itachi also received a scroll of contact from Akatsuki.

Worried about Sasuke's safety, Itachi rushed to the coordinate position in the scroll early, seeing that there were no liaison personnel of Xiao organization, so he leaned against a big tree and waited quietly.

A moment later, Bai Jue's avatar, who was chopped off by Hyuga mirror, appeared in front of Itachi.

The contact person of the Xiao organization was not the last mysterious man who wore a vortex mask and claimed to be Uchiha. It was a weird man with one right arm missing and all white, and Itachi frowned.

Bai Jue ’s avatar did n’t make any mistakes, and said directly: "You can call me 'Absolute', and I will be in charge of contacting you later. We have been following up the investigation of the information you passed last time, but we still need more information Suspect. "

Itachi calmly said: "According to your request, I have read the relevant records in the clan. Although there are many clan people missing in the Third Ninja War, but afterwards either the corpses have been found one after another, or there have been sightings of death. Witnesses, who were truly found missing and could not be determined to be alive or dead. Only Uchiha brought soil. You guys asked me to find more suspects so soon. Have you ruled out his suspicions? "

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