Reincarnation in Naruto World (Reborn into Naruto World with Tenseigan)

Chapter 635: Big loss

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"Hell, I didn't expect to maintain the fusion of the three types of chakras. It would consume so much chakras!"

The sunbrows frowned, and there was a fine sweat on his forehead.

He is very clear that the fusion of Chakras of various attributes will consume a large amount of Chakras, which has been confirmed from the 'blood following fusion ceremony' before the group.

It was just that he didn't expect that the consumption of just three different properties of Chakra would be so large.

"A single Chakra item is enough to get rid of most of the ninjas. No wonder it has been over a thousand years, and the entire ninja community has only developed a kind of existence and inheritance of" dust "."

The No. 2 soil salamander clone of Sunward Mirror was excellent in all aspects, but it was so. When he tried to combine the three attributes of soil, fire, and wind, Chakra felt faint.

It can be seen that 99% of the ninjas in the ninja community are not even qualified to try to practice blood and then eliminate them. And very few ninjas with a large number of chakras may be stuck in front of each level because of their chakra attributes, experience and skills, etc., so the six Taoxian people created the ninja world for so long and were developed. There are very few types of blood to be eliminated.

"It is already so difficult to maintain the fusion of the three attributes of Chakra. It seems that the elimination of blood is the limit of the ninja under normal conditions!"

While Hyuga mirror clenched his teeth, he secretly analyzed.

After experiencing the difficulty of cultivating blood and then eliminating it, he suddenly realized that he understood why there are two types of Chakra ’s blood succession limit in the Ninja world, and there are three types of Chakra ’s blood succession elimination. Carat's Blood Following.

Chakra, which fuses three attributes, is already the limit of a normal ninja.

If you want to go further, then you must use external forces, such as Chakra fruit that directly devours the **** tree like Kaguya, like Uchiha, and Uchiha with the soil to become the pillar of the ten-tailed person, or like Beiluhu, Tuanzang also uses the power of rituals.



A lot of sweat slipped down the sun's cheeks and splashed onto the stone bricks of the driving range. Drop after drop, after a while, a pool of water stains accumulated.

At this time, the sundial mirror was a little dizzy, but he did not give up, and still clenched his teeth.

Because after this period of running-in, he found that the chakras of soil, fire, and wind in the body were no longer mutually exclusive as they were at the beginning.

"There is a play!"

Feeling that the fusion of the three types of chakras in the body is getting closer and closer, Hyuga mirror refreshed and became more devoted.

Soon, a new type of chakra that was different from earth, fire, wind, and even ‘burst’ Chakra, appeared in the body of the sundial mirror. He was shocked and said, “Success ?!”

Just before Hijoki's face glowed with a smile, before he smiled, he suddenly found that he had lost control of this strange Chakra.

When he died, a dazzling white light flashed in front of him, and he lost all his vision.

Rumble ...

Accompanying this dazzling white light, the roar came from the direction of the head, shocking his eardrums, and at the same time, he felt a tremor under his feet!

The inconceivable Hyuga mirror stunned: "How ... what happened?"

He is now in an air fortress located at a high altitude. Even earthquakes, tsunamis, and even hurricanes cannot affect the air fortress with defensive enchantment protection so severely.

Soon, the dazzling white light disappeared, and his vision gradually recovered.


What caught my eye was a mess, and the entire driving range was almost destroyed. Not only that, a large hole with a diameter of ten meters was also opened in the dome!

Oh oh ...

Immediately afterwards, the alarm bell in the air fortress was a masterpiece.

This set of alarm bell system was installed in the air fortress by Sunxiang Mirror after receiving the huge sum from three generations. Only when the defense enchantment in the air fortress is attacked will it sound.

And only when the defensive enchantment in the air fortress is broken and the main structure is damaged, the alarm bells will be so dense and so sharp!

Uh ...

A figure hurriedly fell into the driving range. It is the three generations of Fengying people who are responsible for the daily maintenance of the aerial fortress.

Seeing Hyuga mirror standing in the middle of the field, he quickly asked, "Master, what happened?"

Still staring at the large sun-dial mirror above his head, he waved his hand: "Release the alarm, it's just an accident."


The three generations of Fengying Renji didn't ask much about the reason, but just answered respectfully.

Although Hyuga is driving the clone of No. 2 soil cricket at this moment, the conscious person endowed by the reincarnation eye Chakra only recognizes the soul and does not recognize the body, so no matter what body he replaces, he is given life by the sun. It can be recognized immediately ~ ~ Sun Xiangjing also ordered: "Yes, don't forget to appease the two little guys!"

What he was referring to was, naturally, Ai Luo and Xiang Lin who lived in the air fortress.

Since moving to the fortress in the air, Iro and Xianglin, who had a bumpy childhood, lived a carefree life. Today, they suddenly encountered this accident, and Hyuga estimated that they were also startled.

After the three generations of Fengying Renji left, Ni Xiangjing looked annoyed: "I'm really faint. How can I fumble 'Dust' in the air fortress? Isn't this uncomfortable for myself?"

Talking, he couldn't help looking at the big hole pierced above his head, and wanted to cry without tears.

"This chain runs through three floors? And it's still such a big hole. How much does it cost to fix it? It's a big loss!"

To repair such damage, you don't need to calculate it. Hyundai Mirror knows that at least 10 million starts. If you include the cost of restoring the defensive enchantment and the cost of reconstruction and reinforcement of the damaged area, tens of millions may be thrown in.

His body flickered, and Hyuga rushed to the laboratory in fright.

After a careful inspection, it was confirmed that all areas in the laboratory were not affected by the accident just now, and he breathed a sigh of relief while being grateful for the additional reinforcement he had done to the laboratory.

Returning to a messy driving range again, Hyuga leaped forward and jumped to the outer wall penetrated by the hole, carefully inspecting the top of the fortress for damage.

And looking at the messy breach, he understood that although the accident just now was most likely caused by his own "dust" Chakra's out of control, what he just performed should not be regarded as the real "dust" because the real "Dust", the traces left after the attack will be very smooth and flat, as if cut by a sharp blade, it can never be as messy and chaotic as before him ...