Reincarnation in Naruto World (Reborn into Naruto World with Tenseigan)

Chapter 758: Promise of Resurrection

Muye Village, Death Forest.

After walking into an inconspicuous tree hole behind Hyuga mirror, Shinichi discovered that there was a mysterious passage deep into the ground.

Along the dark passage, when I came to the underground laboratory site of Hyundai Mirror, I really looked at the various instruments and various surgical instruments around, and sighed: "Oh, I didn't expect that you should There's a secret laboratory here! Hey, the guys in the village probably don't want to break their heads! "

Hyundai mirror ignored Shinichi and went straight to the depths of the laboratory's former site.

Since moving the laboratory to the fortress in the sky, it has become a small studio for sun mirrors. Some operations or small experiments that do not need to be kept secret will be performed here.

For example, in the surgery of stopping the transplantation of the primary cells, the sun mirror was done here.

Seeing the mirror to the depths of the laboratory, really quickly converged and curious, quickly followed.

Shinichi's return caused a lot of turmoil in the village.

As a member of the former Akatsuki group, although Shinichi did not commit too bad crimes, after all, he participated in the operations of the multiple Akatsuki organizations. Not long ago, the Akatsuki organization raided Yanyin Village. Zhenyi was also one of the attackers. Many people are disgusted, even clamoring for severe punishment of Shinichi. The three generations of Toei Onoki are the representatives.

But for Koba, Shinichi's return not only means that the village has a Ujibo strong with a kaleidoscope, but also through Shinichi, a former member of the organization, to understand the internal situation of the organization, and Targeted analysis of the weaknesses of various members of the organization.

Compared to punishing Zhenyi, accepting Zhenyi obviously brings more benefits to the village.

Therefore, both the Naruto family and the Uchiha family have chosen to support and tolerate the return of Shinichi, and the Uchiha family in particular has used the influence of the entire family after the return of Shinichi to all parties. The forces exerted considerable pressure.

However, due inquiry is still essential.

Therefore, during the week of Shinichi ’s return, almost all of them spent in the interrogation room in the Naruto building, and they were neighbours for a week with the day difference that was also detained in the interrogation room.

The Uchiha family is obviously much stronger than the Hyuga family, not to mention that Shinichi is a Uchiha who has a kaleidoscope writing wheel eye. His return has further strengthened the Uchiha family ’s influence like Japan and China. After a week of interrogation and explaining all the information of Xiao organization, he lifted the ban one step before the day.

Although he could not leave the village without authorization, he was given the right to move freely within the village, and this was the scene before him.

At this time, Hyuga led Shinichi to a storage room.

Going to the deepest cold room in the storage room, Hyundai Mirror slowly opened the cold room, showing the remains of Uchiha Yui.

Yu Zhibo in the cold room had a calm face. At first glance, it seemed as if she just fell asleep. Compared with the living person, it seemed that she had less ruddy face, as well as breathing and heartbeat.

In preserving Uchiha Yui's body, Hyuga uses the latest technology. This is not only to fulfill his original promise to Shinichi, but also to make it easier to revive Uchiba Yui in the future.

Because the better the corpse is preserved, the less the magical power of the magician consumed by the caster, and the smaller the price paid.

As soon as he saw Uchiha's body in the cold storage, Jin Yi's disposition was quiet immediately.

Sun Xiangjing leaned against the wall with her arms in her arms and said, "I promised you, I won't break my word, I have kept her body very carefully."

Looking at his girlfriend who seemed to be asleep, Shinichi's eyes immediately became wet, and then he quickly turned his head to the side, avoiding the eyes of Hyuga.

Knowing that Zhenyi didn't want to let him see his embarrassment of crying, Sun Xiangjing left the storage room without a word.

After a long time, Zhen came out with some redness and swollen eyes, rubbing his eyes, and pretending to say casually, "Unfortunately, something accidentally fell into my eyes just now, it's really uncomfortable."

Sun Xiangjing was too lazy to poke him, but just asked: "Relax?"

I really nodded my head, and sincerely saluted to Hyuga mirror: "Thank you."

Sun Xiangjing waved his hand: "I said, this is what I promised you, you don't need to thank, but in a short time, I have no way to revive her, I hope you can understand."

Shinichi asked eagerly: "When can you resurrect her?"

Hyuga mirrored a gentle tone of explanation: "I haven't resurrected her strength yet. As for when I can, I can't say for myself, but it should not be more than three years."

Below six levels, the cost of trying to resurrect a dead person is often high, no matter how tricky it is.

For example, the "Dragon Life Rebirth" of Cao Ren Village and the "Birth Rebirth" developed by Shayin's mother-in-law, both need to sacrifice themselves to resurrect the dead, and they also need to be just dead and the corpse is well preserved Dead.

As for the ‘reincarnation’ technique of reincarnation, there is also a price in this regard.

The reason that Nagato could resurrect thousands of dead at one time is related to the special constitution of his whirlpool family, which is a case, not that the 'reincarnation eyes' can really resurrect thousands of people so easily. Dead.

According to the speculation of the sun mirror, only when the threshold of the six roads is truly crossed, and the power of the combination of yin and yang is fully grasped, and the ability to truly gather the Taoist jade can be combined with the last reincarnation, can it be at a lower price, Or at no cost ~ ~ Resurrect a dead person.

Therefore, the resurrection of Yu Zhibo Yui was arranged by Hyuga mirror after his 'blood following fusion ceremony'.

If he can successfully complete the "blood following fusion ritual", fusion of seven types of yin, yang, five elements and seven types of chakras, and achieve the highest "blood following snare", then the resurrection of the well-preserved Uchiha robe is only a matter of hitting his fingers. Already.

According to the development progress of his various Chakra avatars, the storage speed of Chakra of the "Yin Seal", the cultivation of the "Eight Doors", as well as the optimization of the ceremony, the choice of location, etc. Within this year, he will be able to do all the preparations for the "blood following fusion ceremony", so Uchiha's resurrection will have to wait for three years at the latest.

"Three years ..."

After muttering, I really nodded.

At that time, his agreement with Hyuga was that he would serve him for fifteen years, and then he would help him revive Uchiha Yuki, but now it has passed five or six years, so even if he adds another three years, it does not exceed the promise Fifteen years ...

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