Reincarnation in Naruto World (Reborn into Naruto World with Tenseigan)

Chapter 802: Do you only have this degree?

Uh ...

Facing the light, the sun-dial mirror flicked the syringe in his hand and squeezed the air bubbles in the needle tube one by one.

Lying on the operating table, Zhen Yi listened to the sound of the sun-vision mirror preparing the instrument and said weakly, "Boss, please, don't make such a sound!"

"To shut up!"

Sun Xiangjing's rude reprimanded Zhenyi one sentence, he hadn't noticed it before, and Jinyi, who looked so reckless, would be afraid of surgery.

Compared to Shinichi, Itachi quietly adjusted his mood.

There is a water stop alert outside the operating room, a sun mirror and a 'yangshen' in the operating room. For Itachi, at this moment, he can drop all vigilance, all disguise, and concentrate on dealing with the primary cells.

Soon, Hyundai had prepared all the surgical instruments. Then he connected the instrument for displaying the physical data for Itachi and Shinichi, and described the surgical procedure: "First, I will inject a fusion solution to both of you. Then at the same time as the fusion solution takes effect, implant a small part of the most active primary cell tissue into your body. Remember that the first half hour of the fusion solution is the best way to suppress the primary cells implanted in the body. The timing must be grasped. "

Zhen carefully asked: "What if ... we failed to suppress the implanted primary cells within half an hour of the fusion solution being effective?"

Hyuga shrugged: "That transplant will most likely fail."

Jin Yi squeezed a smile: "I see, I see!"

Seeing that it was not only Shinichi, even Itachi was a little nervous, and Hyuga said blandly: "Do n’t have too much burden on your heart. Failure is actually normal. In my estimation, you can succeed in three operations. , Is already very lucky. "

After reassuring the two, Hikaru no longer delayed, and immediately started the transplant operation.

For today's sunlit mirrors, injecting fusion fluid and transplanting cell tissue are all surgical operations that can be easily performed with closed eyes, so when Itachi and Shinichi didn't feel much, he completed all the operations in one go. operating.

"Next, you will feel blood vessels swell and your heart beat faster, but don't worry, these are the normal reactions after the fusion fluid is injected ..."

"Remember that the only thing that can suppress the first generation of cells is your own kaleidoscope to write the eye ..."

"Don't worry about the loss of pupil strength. The process of suppressing the primary cells with pupil strength is actually the process of fusion of Yin Chakra and Impotence Chakra. The lost pupil power will become a powerful force in the future to nourish yourself. , So let's do it ... "

Under the guidance of the sun direction mirror, Itachi and Shinichi lying on the operating table, and simultaneously opened the kaleidoscope writing wheel eye.

Watching the weird kaleidoscope in the eyes of Itachi and Zhen wrote the chakra, while the standby phosphorous was amazing. Although she had transplanted the eternal kaleidoscope to write chakra, she has not used this. There are many legends in the Ninja world. s eyes.


As Xiangxiang curiously looked at her, she had the reincarnation eye and found keenly that no matter whether itachi or Shinichi, there was something moving under their skin.

"Ah ..."

Soon, Itachi and Shinichi sent a painful sorrow.

As the owners of Kaleidoscope writing chakras that have experienced pain, Itachi and Shinichi are unquestionable in their ability to endure pain, but it is so. The two of them still exhaled in unison, showing how much pain they are suffering at the moment!

Xiang Phosphorus was startled and took two steps unconsciously.

The sun-facing mirror, however, was sinking in water, staring quietly at the two on the operating table, as if no wailing had been heard at all.

five minutes...

ten minutes...

thirty minutes...

Time was lost in the drips. In a blink of an eye, the first half-hour of the strongest fusion solution passed.

On the operating table.

Itachi and Shinichi are still mourning intermittently, and they sometimes roll around from side to side, and sometimes curl up into a ball, as if they have lost their mind and will.

Xiangxiang asked quickly, "Sir, they don't care?"

Hyuga mirror narrowed his eyes slightly: "Wait!"

Even if the fusion solution after several improvements can play a role in suppressing the primary cells, helioscopy is not good, so in the final analysis, whether you can suppress the primary cells depends on the will of Itachi and Shinichi. force.

Just then, Hyuga mirror's brows suddenly frowned, and he opened the reincarnation eyes and saw the signs of the primary cells of Itachi's violent exodus.

Without any hesitation, Sun Xiangjing said to Xiang Phosphor: "Quickly, absorb the impotence Chakra on him!"

The long-prepared incense phosphor quickly pressed his hands on the chest of the ferret's primary cell transplantation, fully exerted his ability of reincarnation, and absorbed the impotence chakra that raged in ferret's body.

The reason why Sun Hyundai ordered decisive phosphorus at the first signs was because, at the current level of phosphorous, it only absorbed the impotence chakra. Fortunately, if you waited for the impotence chakra in the ferret to run away ~ www ~ Combined with the water property Chakra and the soil property Chakra, after the clam Chakra is generated, is it the chakra that ran away and the chakra that absorbed the wood? Sorry.

Therefore, it is necessary to evacuate the impotence chakra mass of the ferret's body before turning it into the wood chakra, and only in this way can it be ensured that the ferret will not be swallowed by the feral wood chalet.

Soon, there were signs of impotence in Chakra's body.

"So too, here!"

The sun mirror immediately gave instructions to the phosphorus.

The inexperienced Phosphorus immediately panicked, and hurriedly exchanged a hand, pressed it on Shinichi's chest, and absorbed the impotence Chakra raging in the Shinjuku.

Seeing this scenario, Hyuga mirror's brow was also getting more and more tight. He expected that things would not go smoothly, but he did not expect that Itachi and Shinichi or two did not succeed.

It must be known that anyone who can awaken the kaleidoscope to write chakras has almost no mediocre talents, all of them are top geniuses. Therefore, the probability of Itachi and Shinichi successfully suppressing the primary cells should be far greater than that of ordinary Uchiha.

Heart sank, and Hyuga suddenly had a decision.

He reached out and pressed on the foreheads of Itachi and Shinichi, respectively, and then launched the pupil of his reincarnation eyes, just as Sasuke invaded Naruto's soul world in the original time and space, and entered the soul world of Itachi and Shinichi respectively.

After entering the soul world of each of them, Hyuga didn't do anything, but just asked the two who were exhausted in their soul world, "Do you have such a degree?"

And in their respective soul worlds, Itachi and Shinichi looked up almost at the same time, looking at the sundial mirror that came like light ...


The fourth one is offered, staying all night, and begging for monthly ticket support! Thanks everyone!