Reincarnation in Naruto World (Reborn into Naruto World with Tenseigan)

Chapter 889: New Penn 6

The next day, Xiangjing Jing had no doubt that Ning Ci could successfully become Shang Ren, or even the elite. If he cooperated with the wild boar psychic beast he gave to Ning Ci, it would not be difficult to enter the movie level.

But that's it for now.

Because of the film-level strength, it is already the ceiling of the vast majority of people in the Ninja world, and this ceiling is no exception to Ning Ci, who was born in the Nichijo family.

In order to break through the ceiling, Ning Ning has only two ways.

The first one is to repeat the choice of the sun-dial mirror that year, injecting the genetic fluid, to beat the slim probability of one percent, or even a few tenths of a percent.

This is like drawing an SSR with a probability of only a few tenths of a percent. Some people can get into the soul at once, but there are not a few of them in the 1,000 or 10,000.

He Xiangjing was in a desperate situation and had no choice, and the ignorant were fearless. He had no idea about the success rate of the genetic fluid. If he were given another choice now, he might not dare to inject the genetic fluid as he did then. Because, as far as probability is concerned, the injection of gene solution is really a life of nine deaths, no, it is more dangerous than a life of nine deaths!

The second type is the gift of Sasuke to Naruto, like the "Six Immortals" in the original time and space.

It is a full level of Naruto and Sasuke away from the "six-way level", because they have been given gifts from the "six-way fairy", one has got the six-way level of "yang power", and one has got the six-way level "yin power". .

Obtained Naruto of the Power of Yang, possessed the ability to consolidate the "seeking Taoyu", recreated a left eye for Kakashi flesh and blood, and saved Kay, who was supposed to die after opening the eighth door of "Dead Door" .

With the help of 'yin power', an eternal kaleidoscope writing reincarnation has not only evolved into reincarnation, but also a six-hook jade reincarnation eye that is different from ordinary reincarnation. Space pupil technique also has the ability to touch 'Qiu Daoyu'.

You must know that 'Qiu Dao Yu' is an artifact of the Ninja world. Ordinary people and things will be decomposed at the touch. You can only touch it if you have a six-level Chakra or Mastery of Immortal Chakra. Sasuke Obviously did not master the magic.

One has ‘Qiu Dao’, and one has the ability to touch ‘Qiu Dao’.

Just this, it can be explained that after receiving the gift of 'Six Immortals', the two of them suddenly broke through the ceiling from the original strong shadow strength and reached the weak six.

And the gift of ‘Six Dao Xianren’ is not without reason.

In the entire Ninja world, there are only Sasuke who is the reincarnation of Datongmu Indra and Naruto of the reincarnation of Datongmu Asura, and it is possible to receive the gift of 'Six Immortals'.

As for everyone else, don't think about it!

Therefore, if Ningji wants to break through the ceiling and achieve the same achievements as Naruto and Sasuke, then he can only wait for the gift from Hyuga. Of course, the prerequisite is that Hyuga will become a 'blood following snare' first.

This is the reason why Sunxiang Mirror did not personally guide Ningci, because the meaning is really small.

And the other 'potential stocks' in the ninja school have also made arrangements one by one. These children may not be able to determine the future of the ninja world like Naruto and Sasuke, but once they grow up, they will also Can't be underestimated.

For example, Sakura, who is easily overlooked, has played a more prominent role in the fourth Ninja war in the original spacetime.

紫 Ziyuan, which contains the power of the witch itself, is born with a powerful tail-beast power. What is lacking is only the ninja foundation of body skills, battlefield analysis, and the use of Chakra.

The new generation of "Pig Deer Butterfly" is the same for Xiao Li and others. As long as they are carefully cultivated, they are at least the elite masters.

Uh ...

Time flies, and more than four months have passed.

In the past few months, the ninja world has not been calm.

Yun Yunyin, Wuyin, and Yanyin still madly searched for ‘Xiao Organization’, and hoped to rescue those who were trapped in the hands of ‘Xiao Organization’.

Tochigi also searched for "Takashi" and inquired about the defection of Tsozo, hoping to eliminate Tsozo, which has become a public enemy of Ninja.

The next-day tribe was also worried about Hyuga Aoki. In order to investigate the whereabouts of Hyuga Aoki, they even issued a reward on the black market.

Some members of the Wu Yubo family quietly inquired about the news of the ‘god organization’.

I can say that in the past few months, the most active ninjas were the ninjas who gathered intelligence, and the black market that was once annihilated by the five ninja villages also showed signs of recovery due to frequent intelligence transactions.

In a secret base organized by Xiao Xiao.



A heartbreaking wailing pierced through the layers of rock wall and reached the ground, so that the flying segment that had just returned to gather information and just returned to the base skimmed: "The scorpion guy will not be doing anything disgusting again. Experiment! "

The corner of the money box said, "It has nothing to do with us!"

角 Every time he goes out, the corner will not return empty-handed. This time he made another sale and earned a lot of bounty.

Suddenly, Feiduan stopped and listened for a while with his ears upright, and murmured, "Why, how does this sound sound so familiar?"

He twisted his brow and listened carefully, then said, "This is the sound of a six-tailed person."

Qi Fei Duan suddenly felt like: "No wonder it sounds so familiar!"

Deep in the base, in an operating room.

The scorpion standing next to the operating table patted his palm and chuckled, "It's done!"

At this time, his body had been replaced with the white eyes that had been worn on the previous day by Aoki Aoki, so he became more familiar with human surgery.

He took a glance at the operating table not far away, and then winked at him.

竜 I immediately stepped forward to open the red eye, and watched the six-tailed man on the operating table with high strength. After a long time, he slowly nodded and said, "Well, all the sealing methods are implanted into the designated position! "

The scorpion grinned ~ ~ turned and said to the Nagato in the operating room: "I said a long time ago, this operation is not a problem for me at all!"

Nagato did not answer, but walked indifferently to the operating table.

上 On the operating table, because of the seal-like implantation, the mourning of the six-tailed person Li Liyu stopped abruptly.

Xie Scorpion said: "Rest assured, no one knows the human body better than me.

Nagato asked faintly, "Can we start now?"

The scorpion nodded: "Well, although his body is still alive, his consciousness has been completely sealed. It is no different from a corpse. As long as you insert a black stick and connect the seal type implanted in him, you He can be made into the new Penn Six, and the six tails in his body can be manipulated through reincarnation! "

He brought the soil forward and asked, "Nagato, which one are you going to make?"

Nagato groaned for a while and replied, "Human way!"


The second one is here. The list is updated on Monday. I implore everyone to recommend tickets to support it! It's a labor of help, and I hope everyone will not be stingy! Thanks also to the students who gave a prize yesterday, thank you all!

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