Reincarnation Master (Great Lord of Calamity's Reincarnation)

Chapter 423: legend

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"So many beautiful things?"

Looking at the banned book catalog, Fang Xian had the illusion that a mouse had fallen into the rice jar.

He squinted his eyes, and guessed: "This dream can perfectly reproduce reality, even these books of power. Its owner is very tall... It was dominated by the Sage, who was suppressed by the Secret Guardian headquarters. Who? No... the secret guard just discovered this place and took the initiative to serve as a jailer to take care of this great existence, right? Look at the geographical location again... I have a curious guess."

Here, in fact, it is not far away from the unnamed deserted island that the Seablue Heart strayed into before, and they are all on the same sea area!

And there, there are people who live with scales, worship the elders of the deep sea, and have always worshiped a certain great existence.

According to rumors, by offering sacrifices to the elders of the deep sea, you can enter its belly, sneak into a certain deep sea secret realm, and come to the palace of the Primordial Dominator!

In the same area, it is unlikely that two Primordial Dominators would fall asleep!

Therefore, Fang Xian boldly guessed that the secret guard's headquarters was built above the sleeping place of the ancient ruler worshipped by Lin Ren.

I don’t know how many generations of investigators discovered the secret here, so the secret guard headquarters moved here to serve as jailers and guards.

With humble mortal power, of course, a great existence cannot be guarded.

However, they can at least prevent other infidels who believe in Nikolaia from approaching and prevent this person from unconsciously leaking pollution in his sleep.

‘ the secret of the Secret Keeper’s headquarters? Sitting on the crater, watching a huge horror...’

Fang Xian touched his chin: "It just seems that the care is not perfect... and the passage of the deep sea elders is not blocked? No, no... maybe this is a loophole that appeared because the end is near?"

He is more inclined to the latter guess.

At this moment, suddenly thought of something, and chanted the mantra.

One after another, black bugs crawled out of the void and turned into a black cloak covering him.

This is both defense and camouflage.

After finishing the preparatory work, Fang Xian stretched out his hand and took a copy of "Old Seal of Blood" from the shelf.

On the surface of the book, a symbol that is symmetrical, contradictory, full of distortions and symbolic meaning is depicted, which seems to be constantly rotating, exuding a **** smell.

‘This is a study of a certain mark made by a pagan...’

Fang Xian nodded, scanned it quickly, and pulled out another copy of "The Secret of Wild Hunt"!

As soon as this book of animal skins is opened, it seems to be covered with ice and snow, with a chill that can freeze human bones. There is no doubt that this is a book compiled by a believer who believes in the existence of the wild hunting throne. .

It uses an ancient script, from a hunting nation.

Fortunately, Fang Xian has always had a habit of mastering the relevant language.

Even so, he was a bit difficult to read. After all, the author was very scribbled and seemed to be in a state of madness or insanity.

After flipping it through, Fang Xian felt a brick in his mind, which was a bit heavy.

Even the operation of thinking has become a lot slower.

‘If you’re a regular investigator, you’re probably already insane, right? ’

He sneered inwardly.

Every banned book here is an out-and-out evil thing with the power to deceive people's hearts, which can make a normal person become a fanatic without knowing it.

This is true for one book. If there are multiple copies in a row, there is a high probability that you will become a lunatic or die directly.

But for Fang Xian, it made his soul burden a little bit heavier, nothing more.

"The classics about the knowledge of the true God are rare in other worlds, and this world is very special, so there is such an opportunity..."

Fang Xian was hungry, supplementing his knowledge.

Da da!

Although his movements were fast, he only flipped through three books and heard footsteps coming.

This is normal!

After all, this is the headquarters of the secret keepers, with a large number of elite investigators and even legendary investigators!

It is impossible for them to have no way to enter the dream state, and it is impossible for them not to take precautions against the dream of this great existence!

The sound of footsteps became more and more urgent, and a figure emerged from the corner.

He was wearing the investigator's black trench coat, with distinct features, his burgundy eyes exuding a mysterious light, and thick lips. He pressed tightly at this time, giving people a very serious feeling.


He saw Fang Xian and did not recognize it.

After all, Fang Xian had already put on a black cloak, covering his face, his body was evil and terrifying.

However, no matter who it is, directly reading the banned book has undoubtedly touched the bottom line of the secret guard.

"Clark Carter!"

Fang Xian raised his head, his voice hoarse, and recognized the legend.

Although he has not met the other party officially, he has seen this legendary investigator countless times in oil paintings and in Love's narrative.

"Come out... my partner!"

Clark Carter didn't say much and attacked directly.

He stretched out his hand, a few bat-like monsters suddenly appeared in the void.

This is a nightmare!

A creature living in the realm of dreams, in one of his adventures, contracted with him and became his partner.

Nightmare can travel freely in dreams, likes to devour dreams, create nightmares, and inflict spiritual pain on intelligent creatures.

But at this time, these nightmares flapped their wings, and they did not dare to take a step forward.

They feel the breath of the ancients!

"The secret guard's library is really rich... It's a pity... Although the books here involve the true god, they still can't solve the doubts in my heart..."

Fang Xian shook his head, shoved the "Nine Profound Teachings of the Black Emperor" back into the bookshelf, and sighed.

‘This is an extremely dangerous character! ’

Feeling the fear of his friends, and hearing the words of the black-robed man, Clark Carter looked extremely solemn.

The Secret Keeper’s Forbidden Library is already a treasure house that many heretics dream of.

The black-robed man on the opposite side was actually not satisfied with this place. What kind of evil power was he longing for?

He gritted his teeth and pulled out a revolver with a silver secret pattern.

This special weapon can be used even in dreams and has great lethality.

‘It’s a bit difficult. ’

Fang Xian also hesitated at this time.

Of course he can use spells, but it is easy to expose some things.

At this time, he suppressed with his personality, and even isolated the clues to be traced later, and banned ordinary divination.

But if you shoot too much and leave too much information, it's hard to say.

"Jie Jie... are you ready for the evil baptism?"

He gave a weird laugh, eager to rush.

While Clark Carter was concentrating on defense, he suddenly rolled into the shadow next to him.


Clark Carter, who was stunned, fired one after another, but found that Fang Xian was moving too fast, like a ghost. His marksmanship could only hit the bookshelf and let the broken pages fly in the sky...