Reincarnation Master (Great Lord of Calamity's Reincarnation)

Chapter 450: Coming soon

, The fastest update to the latest chapter of the Samsara Tribulation Lord!

Sealed land.

‘I may be looking for a dead end. ’

An idea emerged in Fang Xian's consciousness.

Even if Nikolaya was sleeping and sealed, the horror of the Primordial Dominator far exceeded the limit of his imagination.

The improved Hopskin Ascension technique only helped him blend into the body of the Primordial Dominator, and the will of the two began to merge.

The forbidden curse created by Hopskin was originally not to devour the gods, but to actively merge with the gods!

Let yourself be part of a great existence!

This is the influence he received unconsciously, and it is also the biggest fool of the dominators!

At this time, Fang Xian had already lost his body, and his will broke into Nikolay's spiritual sea.

He felt like an ordinary person suddenly broke into the dark universe.

Not to mention the vastness of the sun and planets.

Even if it's just cosmic rays, it may cause him to die directly.

The so-called "spiritual stamp" is not as effective as a space suit.

‘Is this the power of the seventh level, the true God? Just the will, it exceeds the sixth level too much...I am going to die...’

Fang Xian's will only supported for a short period of time before it began to blur.

‘My adventure... my reincarnation... this is the end...’

"But...I don't regret..."

At the last moment of confusion, Fang Xian saw a large swath of darkness suddenly appearing deep in his consciousness.

They squirmed and gathered together, forming an indescribable huge figure.

Human beings are like dust before Him.

From the darkness, a shriveled round object stretched out. It should be his head.

There are several corpses and mummies on this head, shriveled and full of life, with ravines on the surface, each of which is comparable to a 10,000-meter trench in the sea.

Just staring at him made Fang Xian's consciousness close to collapse and madness.

But there is an inexplicable familiar feeling.

‘He looked over? Is he angry? This look is...somewhat familiar...’

Fang Xian recalled that this was the existence he had provoked in Styx.

I was summoned by Roka at the beginning, and he didn't have any power, but he carried an immortal poem.

The other party is the existence that bestows the power of immortal poems.

He...has already stared at himself in the Styx, marking the deepest part of his consciousness!

And now, his prey is about to be snatched by Nikolaia.

The existence in the Styx suddenly became angry.

In the deep darkness of the universe, a large number of tentacles emerged, entangled with the mummy.

This was part of Nikolaya's will, and he was also woken up, fighting with the enemy.

Fang Xian's consciousness quickly retreated to the edge and kept escaping, just like a small boat in the rough sea.

"Finally... barely saw a glimmer of hope of surviving in the cracks..."

His will quickly eroded the surrounding universe, although the speed was slow, but very firm.

Introducing possible variables is his only hope for survival!

"Persevere... I must persevere... With the confrontation of these two wills, I can seek survival in the cracks and truly refine this universe, even if it is only 10%!"

This is an extremely long and painful process, and the crisis of destruction may come at any time.

Once the two existences are divided and the weak balance is broken, it is Fangxian's end.

But Fang Xian didn't care about these things and was desperate.

This is his only hope for survival!

Moreover, he has a huge advantage.

That is, the time for the return of the stars has not yet arrived, and the two Primordial Dominators are both in a sealed state.

In other words, at this time, only part of their subconscious mind is fighting.

Although it was enough to destroy the world, it has not yet reached the deepest moment of despair.

‘More than a year...’

‘I have to be in this fragile balance for more than a year... to occupy a certain level of strength to welcome Nicholaya’s real counterattack! ’

Fang Xian's consciousness is extremely firm.

This time, he has bet on his soul and everything!


Black iron calendar 1605.

Phillip City.

"The long river of time, regardless of human will, finally... or this year..."

Vivian looked up, looked at the falling snowflakes, sighed, and walked into a certain villa.

When she entered the door, her expression had been replaced by a smile: "Mom and Dad...I'm back."

"Oh, is it Vivian?"

Reber sat on the recliner, wearing reading glasses, and put down the newspaper.

Her mother is busy in the kitchen.

As for Joan?

He has moved out because of a new family, and recently heard that his wife is pregnant.

This is a thankful thing, although Vivian didn't know what to say.

She put down the present and enjoyed dinner with her parents.

In the end, the plate was cleaned up. Reber poured himself a glass of beer, topped it with dried squid, chewed slowly, and asked, "You... tell us something, since you moved our family here. Come, I know you have a lot of energy...Let me guess, it comes from the research you yearn for?"

I have to say that although Leibo was hypnotized and forgotten part of his memory, as a university professor, his observation and thinking abilities are very keen.

"In Phillip City, we all know that the Lost Order controls everything, and you are a big man in the Lost Order."

Reber gave his guesses gently.


Vivienne suddenly felt ashamed of being caught cheating on an exam when she was a child, of course, only for an instant.

She chose to admit: “According to our religious group’s concept, there will be a disaster You don’t want to go out anymore. We built an underground safe house... It’s tall, strong, and well-equipped. Ventilation system, and enough food and material reserves for thousands of people to consume more than three years..."

"Fortunately..." Leibo smiled: "You are not trying to mobilize us to sacrifice... Although I am really interested in the Lost God, He is a brand-new **** who only needs flowers and fruits as sacrifices. This is very rare in the rituals of other gods..."

"The Lost God... has been silent for a long time, but I believe that He will definitely return and give me the apocalypse and protect us from the disaster of the end."

Vivienne answered gravely.

She thought of some recent information.

Because the end is coming, those heretics have entered a rather crazy state.

All kinds of heinous and vicious cases emerge in an endless stream, and even the secret guards are difficult to suppress, and they have to shrink their strength to defend several important cities.

Because the Lost Order took over Philip City in an all-round way and possessed a strong protective force, it was prevented from being attacked.