Reincarnation of the Heaven

Chapter 1568: Chamber Resistant

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"Zhe Tian Yin!"

As soon as Xiao Naihe and the Night King entered the battle, they immediately showed a fierce battle situation.

Not only that, the entire Void is full of Night Kings.

"The dark abilities cultivated by the Night King, Dark Star, Dark Night, and Dark Sky belong to him. Once he is drawn into the endless night void, even I can hardly escape."

Xiao Naihe's thoughts moved the power of acupuncture points in his body, and the acupuncture points all over his body jumped out with a golden light. It was Xiao Naihe's supernatural powers.

Why did Xiao Nai not exhibit the other three avenues, instead, he exhibited Buddhist and Taoist methods.

To a certain extent, Buddhism and Taoism have a certain degree of restraint on the Night King's ability. Xiao Naiho also took a fancy to this point. His body shrank, and he immediately jumped out of the battle, a few miles away from the Night King.

"Well, can you still go? My sky-turning seal will come, even the master of the nineth peak will shock me."

This night the king sneered, and suddenly there was a thunder sound on his body, and there was a loud noise between every joint and movement, as if Taikoo Thunder kept running in.

"Night King, you are so powerful, even if the Huo Luo King comes, I will do it with you personally, I am afraid that you are almost the same. It seems that your cultivation speed is not much slower than the Huo Luo King."

Xiao Nai He smiled coldly. Both Ye Wang and Huo Luo Wang were masters of the Ninth Supreme Mastership, and belonged to the veteran characters in God Realm. However, since that year, the Ye Wang has always been under the Huo Luo King.

A monk, especially a character like the Night King, must be arrogant and arrogant. He is not willing to give in to people. Do n’t look at the apparent relationship between the Night King and the Huo Luo King. But secretly, the Night King is definitely It is competing with King Huo Luo.

The night king wants to surpass the Huo Luo all the time, but the Huo Luo always wants to throw the night king far away.

In God Realm, especially the high-level of God Realm, all of them are well-balanced, and the battle in the dark is very cruel.

Hearing this, the Night King was expressionless, but said coldly: "It's useless even if you provoke alienation. The gap between me and King Huo Luo doesn't need you a little Xiao Nai to comment. You It ’s just a cultivator of 3,300 worlds. At best it ’s talent and luck. How does it compare to me? ”

In the mind of the Night King, Xiao Naihe, even a Sanxiu Son, could threaten other masters of God Realm, but his background was different, and the Night King also looked down upon it.

This is like a royal child with a big status, looking down on the common people.

Night King's cultivation over the years is based on this arrogance and bravely moved forward to cultivate to this state.

At this level, as soon as this arrogance bursts out, it is like the emperor of the ancient times, every move, full of incomparable domineering.

"Shock me down, Fan Tianyin, Fu Tianyin!"

The Night King moved his hands slightly, and one Fayin changed, but another Fayin.

Throughout the Hong family, the endless night filled up at once, surrounded by gray and dim, like the end.

And a cold killer came from the body of the Night King. In the endless night, he was locked on Xiao Naihe's body. The two Dafas were printed, and it was not known how many houses were overturned at once. stand up.

The tiles were flying, and the big tree was uprooted.

This powerful law was in front of Dao Xiao Naihe, and it collided with Xiao Naihe's two big Rulai handprints. It seemed to be intolerable, and it was squeezed into it.

Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang!

After being squeezed, the Fayin and Buddha's seals inspired by the two people turned into debris in the sky, and they continued to drift away.

All of a sudden, it fell to the ground.

At this time, the Hong family's altar was even blasted out of these shards by the fragments of the Buddhist seals.

"The Night King is the Night King. It is worthy of being one of the original masters of the Ninth Supreme Supreme. Legend has it that Beinanyi challenged God Realm. The Master of the Ninth Supreme was turned over by six, and there are three remaining. Because of the power of this night king, I wonder which ancestor has an advantage over the night king? "

In the back, he kept staring closely at Xiao Naihe and the Lord Buddha duel in the duel of the night king.

"Huh? The ancestors and Jun Yongye actually fought into the crossflow of the void, but unfortunately they couldn't get close to the edge of their duel, a space of 50,000 miles, otherwise I really want to go up and see."

The sound of thunder and lightning roared continuously from the sky.

I heard that Hong Wenhou around Buddha Zun was about to move.

At the moment when his mind was turning, he suddenly heard a loud drink and shocked his head buzzing.

"What's the matter?" Hong Wenhou turned his eyes and saw the hundred rays of light above Xiao Naihe's head. All of them flew up, and behind him was a huge Buddha statue. Slashed **** the night king.

"Guling Panlong Technique!"

The Night King was not in a hurry, his body twitched fiercely, the Fayin in his hand turned around, and another Fayin was shot out, directly gathering all the darkness around him, as if turning into a huge black hole Absorb all of Xiao Naihe's golden Buddha seals.

Suddenly, two pairs of collisions, the two forces disappeared invisible.

"Awesome, this night king is much more powerful than I thought. If I did not absorb the divine personality, even if I stepped to the peak of the Nineth Layer with my own strength, I am afraid it will be very difficult."

Not long after Xiao Nai stepped into the Ninth Realm, his blood was temporarily unstable. If he was a master at the peak of the Nineth Thousands of Thousands of Years ago, I am afraid it is really hard to say the end.

However, Xiao Nai absorbed the Holy Spirit Personality, forcibly refined the immense spiritual power, and joined hands with the Night King, but instead there was not much pressure.

Even with his four avenues of supernatural powers and many experiences of confronting the enemy, Xiao Naihe vaguely felt a sense of ease.

"The Divine Spirit is really huge. I now have at least 70% of the Divine Spiritual Power in the body, all of which are the Divine Spirit. It is enough to rely on this Divine Spiritual Power to resist the night king in court."

Xiao Nai could not help but sigh.

The holy divine personality was originally the divine personality left by the ancient holy saint after sitting, although after so many years of consumption, to support the operation of the entire holy secret library, more or less lost some power.

But what character is Taikoo Shengna? It belongs to the characters of the historical chapter just like Bai inorganic and Sakyamuni.

Even if Xiao Naihe reverted to the peak state of Heavenly Demon Beinanyi at that time, he would not dare to say that he would be able to beat Taigusheng.

"If all the divine personalities are not consumed, and if I can absorb them all, I will be able to step into the half-step passive state, or even the unity of the original source and the passive state."

Xiao Nai said secretly.

At this time, the Fayin's hand in the Night King flipped, suddenly jumped to the sky and landed in a very weird posture.

"Xiao Nai He, you deserved to be the Son of Three Cultivators, and I admit that you do have the talent of Archaic Saints, but now it is over. When I kill you, all your luck and chance are me Yes. With the luck of the Three Cultivation Sons, I may also step into the realm of unity of origins. Today I will let you know, one of my great tricks. "


When Xiao Naihe's thoughts were locked in Ye Ye, suddenly a blood rainbow came out from the void, dimly, and from the dark environment, a cold red light flashed.

"Shake the Dark Sky Seal!"

When Xiao Nai saw the behavior of the night king, he immediately remembered that he had fought against the night king in the realm of the world. At that time, the night king exhibited a seal of law.

At that time, Xiao Naihe had approached the passive state indefinitely. He entered the passive state after the battle with Huaxiang, and the battle of Bai inorganic battle was only able to enter that step before.

But at that time, Bei Nanyi was already so powerful that the masters of the Ninth National Supreme Union could not help him.

However, at that time, the Night King was exhibiting this trick, "Shake the Dark World Seal", which made Xiao Naihe because of his extremely powerful attack.

But he did not expect that the next moment turned into a huge black hole, and almost absorbed his soul and flesh together.

If it wasn't for his nine points of luck at the time, maybe the Night King succeeded, and he was severely sealed in a black hole and could not get out of the endless dark world.

"Finally, you wait for this move."

The fine mans in Xiao Naihe's eyes flickered at once. He waited for so long, in fact, he was waiting for the Night King to exhibit this way of finding ways.

When Xiao Nai had offended the Night King and the Fire King, he had done countless times to meet the Night King and the Fire King. Once he played with them, what would happen, and how would they use God? Channel method to deal with yourself.

All kinds of battle scenes have been inferred by Xiao Naihe, especially the Night King's trick "Shake the Dark World Seal", Xiao Nai didn't know how long it took to fight the Night King.

"Promise against the current, the dragon fist."

The calculation light in Xiao Naihe's eyes fell silent and silent at once, except that all the 1,118 acupuncture points in the body were turned on, and the essence of every element in the acupuncture point erupted directly.

Ao Ao Ao Ao!

When the fist was fired, the fist flew out at once, mixing all the airflows in all directions, and it seemed to be hard against the night king.

"Rao is your elf, so I still have to drink my footwash."

That night Wang smiled coldly, and he couldn't help but feel proud of himself, because Xiao Nai took the trick. After he captured Xiao Nai He, he took away Xiao Nai He's soul, refined his flesh, and got his chance of luck.

All the night kings have been calculated.

I have to say that the king's every move has his own ideas. All kinds of calculations are interlocking, making people unpredictable.

Unless Xiao Nai had already fought against the Night King in his previous life, otherwise he would probably win the prize.

Among the original masters of the Ninth National Supreme Court, the Night King's palace is arguably one of the deepest people, even deeper than the Huo Luo King.

He will not be underestimated because of Xiao Nai's youth.

The Night King despised the origin of Xiao Naihe, but he still valued Xiao Naihe's strength.

"Xiao Nai He, you can't escape, shake the heavens and change it, give it to me!"

At this moment, the Fay Seal urged from the void suddenly changed its power, and turned a bit, towards Xiao Naihe, which was enveloped in the past, as if to swallow Xiao Naihe's entire person into it and ruin it.

But when he was about to absorb Xiao Naihe's hollow black hole, he suddenly saw a smile in Xiao Naihe's eyes, and a cold air came from Xiao Naihe's body.

The Night King suddenly felt something wrong. As soon as his thoughts were hesitant, Xiao Nai and He immediately rushed up, and with a fist, they actually sacrificed a huge oven directly.

"The big ovens!"

On top of Xiao Naihe's head, a large oven appeared, as if everything in the world, time and everything were gathered in it, all were refined and mixed together.

This oven immediately released a gas field that can absorb the sun, the moon, the world, and surrounded the entire night king.

stand up.


After bursts of noise, the Night King just saw that the black hole he showed was actually disappeared at that time, and was dragged into it by the big oven exhibited by Xiao Naihe.

"The Great Ovens of the Heavens? This is the magical power of the Taoist Origin of the Demon Dao. The Heavenly Demon Bei Nanyi is dead. Did you actually get the" Demon of the Heavens? "

The Night King was shocked, and was suddenly calmed down by Xiao Naihe. When he shrank, he would jump off to the back.

"Do you think it's just that you are counting me? As early as when you appeared, I had thought of many calculation methods. Since I dared to offend you, I dared to kill your disciples when you were the creator. , Do you really think I have no idea how to prepare? "

Xiao Nai He laughed.

Only now does the Night King know that the man in front of him is really in his own anticipation. He had already seen Xiao Nai very much, but now it seems that he still has no real means to see this.

"How is it possible that this Xiao Nai seems to have read through all my thoughts? He is clearly only the first time to deal with me, is there anyone telling him that some of my means are not successful? No, right, those who deal with me, no An exception is dead. How do you know this one? "

Night King's heart was more shocked.

From beginning to end, Xiao Naihe seemed to be laying the groundwork, introducing himself step by step, leading him to display the "sharp shadow of the dark world" and calculate himself in his calculations.


"No, this kid is a bit deeper than I thought. He didn't know what chance he got. When he reached the peak of the nineth layer, I lost my momentum and had a magic barrier in my heart. I was afraid it would be difficult to deal with him. . "