Reincarnation of the Heaven

Chapter 1691: Festival Banquet (Part 1)

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Xiao Nai nodded.

To help Liu Xiu, Ruxiang Xiang certainly has his own purpose. Compared with Xiao Nai, Xiao Nai is much simpler.

Although Xiao Nai himself also wanted the secret of Huang Lin's passive realm promotion, it was not absolutely necessary.

The reason why he wants to get this secret is nothing more than to give himself enough accumulation.

Xiao Naiho already knows enough about the realm of unity of origins, but if he can get the secret of Huang Lin's promotion, it is also excellent.

Ruxiang Xiang is just like Shi Nao. The two people helped Liu Xiu because of the secret behind Huang Lin.

"I didn't expect that my predecessor was actually the head of the infernal door. I was disrespectful and disrespectful. I haven't noticed that it is really shameful."

There was a trace of joy in Liu Xiu's eyes. He originally thought that the rue incense was just an apprentice or a maidservant beside Mr. Chu, but he did not expect to be the head of the inferior door.

As long as the rut incense becomes more powerful, it will be even more advantageous for Liu Xiu.

Now with the help of Ruxiang Xiang, Liu Xiu's chance to compete for the position of God has increased by a few points. No wonder he is so polite to Ruxiang Xiang.

"I have learned a Taoist method, the source of restrained breath, and put the mind in my body into the void space, not to mention you, even Xiao Shengzi is difficult to notice!"

Xiao Nai thoughtfully, nodded. Ruoxiangxiang ’s Taoism is indeed mysterious, and he was able to restrain all his breath, so that he did n’t feel it.

When I first saw the rue incense by myself, Xiao Naihe saw at a glance that rue incense was just a thunderbolt, and because of Mr. Chu's astonishing momentum, Xiao Naihe's attention was distracted and Xiao Naihe went into the misunderstanding from the beginning.

If Mr. Chu was not distracted, Xiao Nai might not be able to see Ruxiang Xiang's identity.

Otherwise, when he saw Mr. Chu, he wouldn't feel that the man's breath was very familiar.

Mr. Chu must have practiced the Tao of the Infernal Gate, but he is not a disciple of the Infernal Gate, but as a servant of Ruxiangxiang, Ruxiangxiang taught him.

"Mr. Chu is also very good, one group of two, the master is the peak of Jiuzhong, and the disciple is the late Jiuzhong."

Mr. Long exhaled slightly, looked deeply at Mr. Chu, and said suddenly.

"Grandpa Chu is not my disciple of disciples, he is just my servant. No, he is my three generations of servants of the disciples. Although he practiced the Taoism in the disciples, he was taught by our three generations . "

Ruxiangxiang seemed to see what Mr. Long meant.

But also, Mr. Chu looks at least thousands of years old, and rut incense is at most seven or eight hundred years old, rut incense is already the peak of Jiuzhong, but the older Mr. Chu is already in the late Jiuzhong, so think about it, It's weird.

But if it was Mr. Chu who was the master of the third generation of Wumenmen, everything could be explained.

"The day after tomorrow is the great day of Wu Shenyi. There will definitely be many masters present. Senior Ruxiangxiang, Brother Shi, Mr. Long and Mr. Chu, let's get together and discuss!"

Although Liu Xiu is one of the heirs of God, he does not have any sense of superiority in his heart. After all, everyone present is stronger than himself.

Standing with these people can feel a trace of pressure.

Two days passed in no time.

After two days, a group of people set off from the demon world and went to the Tianshang Small World.

Wu Shenyi's territory is the Tianshang Small World. Although he is apparently one of the heirs of the Lord of the Court, but in the dark, Wu Shenyi's power is extremely deep.

Enveloping 3,300 worlds, as well as many masters in God Realm, they have extremely powerful personalities.

In the same way, many masters of free training relied on Wu Shenyi, so gradually, the power of Wu Shenyi became extremely powerful at once.

Even more powerful than many top schools.

Especially the call of Wushenyi in Danting is very high. Almost many people in the outside world regard Wushenyi as the heir of the next generation of God.

For a time, when the news of the big marriage came out from Wushen Yi, some people were already planning how to get in touch with Wushen Yi and draw each other.

Among the 3,300 worlds, there are at least dozens of worlds, and tens of thousands of cultivators have come from different worlds in order to form a good bond with the ‘future God’!

"It's amazing that so many people have come here on this great day of Wushen Yi. Isn't Wushen Yi so good in other people's eyes that he can really become God?"

In the void, two people appeared in the sky at this time.

These two people are not others, it is the world where there is snow and peace talks.

Since the last time he was broken by Xiao Naihe, these two men no longer dared to mess with Xiao Naihe.

However, although their Dao Xin has been affected, they have already grown up and become deeper, and they have become very careful in restraining the domineering before.

There are Xue and Tanran in the world. Although the two people have high talents and smart minds, it is because they are too arrogant. After being repeatedly attacked by Xiao Naihe and Wu Shen, the whole person seems to grow up overnight Very deep!

"This Wushen Yi has so many people helping him now, King Huo Luo, Na Lan invincible, Pan Lingzi, immortal elders, it is said that there are also some masters in the God Realm, who are looking at this child, already Communicated with him in secret. "

At the end of the talk, he breathed a sigh of relief. He now no longer has the frenzy of the past, and is replaced by a deep caution.

"Wu Shenyi's current momentum has become, not only that, he took the lead in the two assessments, this time Wu Shen was very happy, even the Lord of the Lord will appear, it can be seen how much he has to Wu Shenyi Valued. "

There is snow in the world and I said coldly, but I could feel a trace of sourness in my voice.

"It's not the late stage of the battle for God. Now it's too early to say who is the most promising to become God. Don't forget that there is another person besides Wushen Yi who is also likely to become God. . "

"You mean ..."

"Yes, Liu Xiu."

"Now Liu Xiu is said to have been assisted by the Heavenly Demon, not only that, even Xiao Naihe's reputation has been increasing. Now with the help of this son, Liu Xiu's power is gradually increasing. It is not an accident. Thing. "

When it comes to Xiao Naihe, whether it is the end of the talk or the snow in the world, a burst of light erupted in his eyes, staring deadly into the void.

"Xiao Naihe has a great chance in the whole person. Even the person of Jun Yongye has said that this person's chance is not simple. How did he practice, he was still the creator, and he is not much like us, It is now a short two years, and it has actually reached this point. Even the last time Jun Yongye came down with a consciousness, Xiao Nai could not be taken down! "

"Humph! Xiao Nai is even more powerful. Whatever it is, now he assists Liu Xiu, and Wushen is aggressive again and again. Let the two of them bite their own dogs, and we will find benefits later."

"Yes, if the two of them are going to fight, they will fight on their own. When they lose both sides, it is time for us to come out."

"However, be careful. In addition to Wu Shenyi and Liu Xiu and the two of them, several others should be careful, but these people have become more and more deep recently, especially the girl Wan Yuehua, who is almost There is no action, just like giving up the position of the heir of God, there is almost no feeling of wanting to fight us again. "

"Do n’t underestimate this woman. This woman ’s mind is very deep. What is she thinking about? We all have to pay attention. Well, the Wushen side should start. We should pass it. Lord Lord will perform well in front of you, and you may get more good impressions. "

Between the talks, there is snow in the world and the talks have turned into two rays of light.

It was like a burning cloud in the sky, and it spread out at once, and disappeared in an instant.

Just when they didn't know that it was tens of thousands of miles away, a cloud of air suddenly gathered above the place where the two of them appeared, forming a small vortex.

A ray of colorful glaze came from this vortex, and finally illuminated, two figures appeared in the light of the colorful glaze.

These two people are Wan Yuehua and Tian Daotong respectively.

Wan Yuehua's expression was cold, and there was a smile on her face that seemed to be non-smiling: "The two people, Tan Moran and Xuexuexia, were so impressed at the time. They were almost afraid of the world. This level, even the two of us are not found deep in this void. "

"These two people are nothing more than eightfold realms. They have not yet understood the meaning of one yuan. Naturally, they do not know the change of" Yuan ", and they can't feel us. This is normal."

It was Tian Daotong who was speaking. Tian Daotong is now wearing a blue dress with her hands in her sleeves, but with a gold hairpin on top of her head, a faint light radiated faintly.

This gold hairpin is a powerful weapon.

"Last assessment, we entered the mysterious realm of the sky, to perceive the heavenly avenue, but the body of the heavenly avenue did not appear from beginning to end, do you know what is going on?"

"At that time, with the guard of Huanglin, even the body of Tiandao could not be shot casually. Now Tiandao is still relatively weak. Once it is shot, it will definitely be hit by Huanglin, otherwise the body of Tiandao will not let me out I got the big secret behind the promotion of Huang Lin. As long as I got that secret, the body of Heavenly Dao can be recovered, and then it will be restored to the order master more than 6,000 years ago. "

When Tian Daotong was talking, a little Jin Hui flashed in his eyes, but disappeared in an instant.

"I've already talked to Xiao Naihe. As long as Liu Xiu becomes God, then show me the secret of God's promotion opportunity, I will give up the identity of God's competitor. Not only that, but also help Liu Xiu. Presumably now Xiao Nai should tell Liu Xiu this news. "

"Although Liu Xiu is a powerful person, he is still far worse than Xiao Naihe. Not only that, there is a celestial monster beside Liu Xiu. With the help of the two of them, Liu Xiu and Wu Shenyi are evenly matched. But I have to admit that there is a truth in the world where Xue and Tan Moran thought, let Liu Xiu and Wu Shenyi fight, and then they sat behind to take advantage of the fisherman. "

"Huh!" Wan Yuehua smiled coldly when he heard here, "These two men are considered abolished. They are afraid of Wu Shenyi and Xiao Nai. Now Dao heart is affected and they can no longer be Gods. Now. "

"Although these two people are nothing, there is that man behind him, Mozunjun Yongye. The strength of Mozunjun Yongye is no less than that of Heavenly Dao, they are only one line away and they can step into the unity of the origin. Realm. We should be careful about this Jun Yongye. "

While the two men were speaking, they slowly flew towards the distance, and within a moment, the two men had already appeared in the small world of Tianshang.

At the same time, Xiao Nai and others who are rushing to and from Tianshang Small World are almost here.

"Brother, are you serious?"

This time there were only two people who followed Liu Xiu, one was Mr. Long and the other was Xiao Naihe.

As for Mr. Chu and Ruxiang Xiang, the two of them are inconvenient to come forward. Ruxiang Xiang has decided to help Liu Xiu behind the scenes, not to mention Yu Nian.

Xiao Naihe chose to tell Liu Xiu what Wan Yuehua said to herself last time.

"Brother, what do you think? This Wan Yuehua is willing to give up the status of God's competitor and help me with Tian Daotong. I don't know if I can believe this."

A little bit of color flashed in Liu Xiu's eyes, as if thinking.

Xiao Nai He smiled faintly: "Wan Yuehua is not a simple woman, but she will not lie to me. Her real purpose for this person must be only the secret of God's promotion to the passive realm. She doesn't care about the position of God."

"Then do I agree?"

"The person who made the decision is you. I can only say that this woman's words may be true or they may have other purposes."

"Yeah, but if Wan Yuehua and Tian Daotong are willing to help me, the advantage around me will immediately exceed Wu Shenyi. Although Wu Shenyi now has a little advantage in the assessment, I can also reverse it.

Liu Xiu thought about it.

But at this time, a burst of strong blood suddenly appeared from the void, which formed a wolf smoke and rushed into the sky.

If you look closely, all the blood and smoke are extremely strong!