Reincarnation of the Heaven

Chapter 1788: Heaven and Earth (Part 2)

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"Get off Mawei."

Xiao Nai thought of this possibility.

Tiandao wanted to use his own coercion to give Xiao Nai a dismountable power and replace the opportunity. If Xiao Naiho's spirit is crushed, he will be controlled by Heavenly Dao immediately.

This method can be said to be invincible, and it is worthy of the existence of the heaven.

This heaven looks like an old fritter.

Xiao Naihe has seen so many enemies, and there are many life and death enemies in the two worlds, but in addition to Bai inorganic, Humengwu, and Huanglin, there are also two mysterious heterogeneous existences. Facing the enemy of the Holy Word.

"Today's ontology is not at its peak. If it is at its peak, how powerful should this heaven be."

Xiao Nai He raised a brow, at least it is the existence of the unity of origins to become a heavenly way.

Rao was the north-south clothing of the year, and stepped into the unity of the origins. He did not dare to say that he could replace Tiandao and challenge the status of Tiandao.

Heaven has accumulated for many years, and a lot of luck has been snatched from the world. Even if you leave the 3,300 world, you can make a random move and release your magical power slightly.

"Ha ha!"

Xiao Nai thought of this key point. Immediately he was regaining his look. The four forces in the body quietly worked, forming a small circle in his body.


Suddenly there was a crunch, Tian Daowei in the void fractured a small mouth, and Xiao Naihe had cracked the situation of Tian Dao.

In an instant, reverse the situation.


The person whose body is all white light, that is, Tiandao looked at Xiao Naihe slightly. Although he whispered a little, his face did not seem to change at all, and it seemed to have been expected.

"Holy Son doesn't dare to be, I am Xiao Naihe."

Xiao Nai He arched his hand. Although they had a conflict in the Yantian Pavilion before, now the two men each have a situation. Whoever does not want to tear his face at first.

As long as anyone breaks this situation, the advantage loses immediately.

Both of them are extremely smart characters.

"No, the Son is the Son, and even the Archaic Saints couldn't do the Four Cultivation Avenue. You created this precedent. According to the truth, you are better than the Archaic Saints. In time, it is possible that the Taoism will succeed and break The six balances have brought many unpredictable changes to the era of heaven and earth. "

There was a smile on Tian Dao's face. His smile seemed to be coming from the bottom of his heart. As long as no one knows, seeing this smile from Tian Dao, I'm afraid that he will be infected by this bright smile.

However, Xiao Nai is not an ordinary person. Even if Tiandao said so much, he could feel a kind of dark target from it.

On the surface, Heavenly Dao is praising Xiao Naihe, but Xiao Naihe knows that Heavenly Dao is actually suggesting Xiao Naihe.

If oneself succeeds in creating the Tao, there will definitely be big changes in the era of heaven and earth in the future. It may be a good thing or a bad thing.

Tian Dao Rao is no less powerful, and now there is nothing to be able to survive the five declines of Heaven and Man, and Heaven Dao is everlasting.

"Hahaha, I can't compare to the ancient holy saint." Holy "used three avenues to enter into the unity of the origins and topped the five realms. And I am still far away from this realm."

Xiao Nai He took a slight pause, his eyes moved, and then said in a very plain tone: "Unfortunately, the ancient Saint was at the edge of the Tao, suffered external forces, otherwise this world might be the coexistence of the seven Dao."

At that time, Heavenly Dao secretly calculated Taikoo Sao, and he moved his hands and feet when Taikoo Sao created the Dao.

Not many people know this, but Xiao Naihe is just one of them.

When heaven heard it, he immediately knew what Xiao Naihe meant. He reminded himself with the deeds of Taigusheng, and he will never forget this lesson.

"The Archaic Shengnai is the first person in the history chapter since the birth of Heaven and Earth in this era. It is a pity that life is not in time, and heaven does not allow him. If he proves success, then it is a great achievement. If it fails, billions of lives in heaven and earth must follow. The funeral is too reckless. "

"Proving the Tao and creating the Tao is itself a dispute of the Holy Path. One thing to practice is to go against the sky. It won't take him for a day."

Xiao Nai He smiled coldly, and Heavenly Dao also hinted that Xiao Nai He would go to the Dao Dao if he studied the Ancient Saints. Then Taigusheng's end in the future is his end.

However, if all the monks who succumb to the Tao of Heaven one by one, and dare not prove that the Tao is holy, then how to break this shackle.

"This world is not one of the ancient holy saints, all the living beings are under my control." Tian Dao was expressionless.

"This heaven and earth are not heavenly. Heavenly heaven is in control of humanism. In the reunion of the void, it is out of heavenly heaven. It is like being out of the reincarnation of the underworld after training into innate. . "

Xiao Nai said indifferently.

Although Tiandao itself is the master of human order, but once the void reunites and achieves the supremacy, then it is the face of Tiandao who jumps out of the control of Tiandao and no longer looks at it.

And now Tiandao is confusing audio-visual, and wants to use this to threaten Xiao Naihe, where will Xiao Nai look at Tiandao.

When the alien world came, he dared to attack heaven. If Tian Dao is too tight, Xiao Nai now dares to count Tian Dao.

The same reason can't be understood by Heaven.

"Absurd, if there is no heavenly path, how can there be human order. If the void reunites, you can get out of the heavenly path and control, wouldn't the four realms let you ask for it and disturb the rules? The practitioners are all greedy. Isn't time the end? "

Tiandao drank.

"People are greedy, no matter whether they are reunited in the void, no one can jump out. Heaven is not Heaven at first. Dare you say, you are not from the other five realms?"

When heaven heard it, his face was stunned.

That's right, the predecessor of the heavenly body is also the life in the Five Realms.

If Heavenly Dao says that all life is greedy, then Heavenly Dao itself is among them.

Xiao Naiho is just catching this flaw.

"I have become a god, not a person in the Four Realms, Xiao Shengzi is not going to open the topic."

"But you are also a monastic life, and it is inevitable. I am cultivating, that is, I want to step out of control and fight with the sky and God!"

At this time, Xiao Naihe's double Yahoo suddenly burst into a flash of light, as if it was tomorrow, there was a kind of majesty that was difficult to speak.

Xiao Naihe mixed the four kinds of avenues, again simulating that he was promoted to the aura of the original unity in that year, all his acupuncture points opened up, the power surged, and there was a strong sense of contention.

"Xiao Naihe, you don't want to be extravagant."

"This place is an extraterrestrial sky, not under your control. What am I going to do with you? If you discuss this with me, it is the battle of the holy way. Throughout the ages, the battle of the holy way has been bloodshed, even if it is your heavenly way. It ’s not vulgar. "

"If I were not in control of the human beings, could these four realms develop to the present day?"

"Really? If you are the real Taoist Taoist, why should you stop me from tracking down the truth of the Wu people being wiped out? This is your Dao Xin, your general theory?"

Xiao Naihe's words are like pearls and clangs, and when they are sent out, the fine awns around them become louder and louder.

Tiandao shook his head. The excitement just now disappeared, but said lightly: "The Wu clan is destroyed, I have a sense of self. You are not a Wu clan, forcing the investigation, that is, disrupting the order of the Tian Dao."

"Oh, so to speak, even if I am a person who is practicing Yuchen Wuxuan, is that all right?"


There is a supernatural power in the three words. Once they spread out, the airflow around them collapsed. Among the five million miles of starry sky outside the territory, a kind of transmission was actually formed.

This is not a vacuum transmission, but a kind of spiritual sound.

Xiao Naihe looked indifferent, waved his hand, and said lightly, "Since that, you and I have nothing to say, I have my holy way, and you have your holy way, but I will surely find out the truth about the destruction of the Wu people . Even this day, it wo n’t stop me. "

"is it?"

As soon as Xiao Nai's words fell, an auspicious cloud was born under his feet.

But at this moment, Long Tianlong suddenly reached out and did not know where to come from, so he stopped Xiao Nai.

"What do you mean? Do you want to keep me forcibly?" Xiao Nai's eyes looked like ice and fire.

"We do n’t talk about the holy way. Now let ’s talk about six ways. You are the heir of the 'Yuchen Wuxuan'. Now that the Wu clan has been exterminated, it is not human. You hand over the 'Yuchen Wuxuan'. Three generations of six original books, balancing the world. "

"The joke, if you want me to hand over the" Yuchen Wuhu Book ", that is, I will die. The six-inheritance inheritance must wait for the death of the original inheritance to re-select the heir. If you say this, you want me died?"

"People must be prepared to sacrifice their lives for justice. Do you know the way of Buddhism? Didn't you know? At that time, Buddha Shakyah cut meat to feed eagles.

"Hahaha, you still sacrifice yourselves for justice, then why do n’t you sacrifice your life for justice, take the book of Heavenly Dao back, and you ’re done? You must know that the life of the other world is still there, and you ca n’t replace the alien road, so choose me, no wonder you When Heavenly Dao was in the Six Worlds Jihad, he was the first to be hit by the life of the other world. It seems that you are seeing me how Xiao Na bullied me? "

"What do you say? Acting in heaven, not explaining, letting go of your own body, be careless."

Xiao Nai He smiled coldly: "There is so much nonsense, you think I don't know your purpose, you want to leave the book of heaven, and let the book of heaven inherit the third generation of the original source book. By then your merits of heaven will be great, and the peak will be restored. The book is the original book, and there are double heavens in this world. It is a pity that although Tian Daotong is also arranged by you, you even want Tian Daotong to become the third Heaven Dao. In the end, she wants to surpass your control! "

As soon as Xiao Nai's voice fell, it sounded around, and the situation suddenly became tense.