Reincarnation of the Heaven

Chapter 2243: Seeing from the heart, avoiding danger

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Tian Dao Chen Ming once held the existence of Tianren Avenue in the lower realm.

In the first plane, no matter how many epochs have gone through, there is always one thing that cannot be changed.

That is, there must be a heir to heaven.

Heavenly Dao is the natural product of the first countless eras. Every generation of Heavenly Dao ’s heirs are destined in the midst.

Although Tiandao holds the order of the lower realm, it is completely different from God Realm.

Not to mention Sansheng, who is not their first face at all. There is no feeling of fear in this heaven and earth.

But before Sansheng had seen the strength of Tian Dao Chen Ming, although this person is not in the late passive period, but there are many means, it is sure to hide the strength.

Even now Sansheng, stepping into the late passive period, is also a bit worried about Chen Ming.

Because not long ago, he had heard that Chen Ming had replaced the humane origin, and used his own body of heavenly Taoism to become the third generation of six Taoist origins.

Afterwards, Tiandao gained huge human karma, and its strength has advanced by leaps and bounds. It has restored its former peak strength.

Although Sansheng is powerful, he dare not underestimate Tian Tao Chen Ming.

"Chen Ming, how did you come in? I remember that the castle plane has been banned by ninefold punishment, even if it exists in the middle of the passive period, it should not be close."

Sansheng's emotions have calmed down, and the twins are constantly flashing, which seems to be calculating something.

"If Chen Ming doesn't have any skills at all, how dare I talk to both of you?"

Chen Ming smiled slightly.

Looking at the three people in the field, the three generations and the Son of Creation are all in the later period of passiveness. Chen Ming is worse than the two people in the realm.

But the other party did not worry at all, and even the Son of Creation could feel that Chen Ming stood there, releasing a gas field, a gas field that seemed to hold people's hearts.

Even myself couldn't help but feel that Tian Tao Chen Ming was unfathomable.

"Sansheng, why don't you introduce this Taoist friend?"

Although usually the Holy Son is the kind of vain, conceited person.

But he is not stupid, but rather smart.

Especially after eating a big loss in the hands of Xiao Naihe, the Son of Fortune would not dare to underestimate anyone in this world.

"My name is Chen Ming, the heir to Heavenly Dao of the first plane. I heard that the Son of Fortune came to our first plane as a guest. Of course, I must have a good insight. But I did not expect to hear these two words. As soon as the two things are done, it is estimated that there is no place for the two in the world. Everyone will kill the two. "

"Huh? I have lived in the world for so many years, longer than you have survived. I have never been afraid of anyone. Since I want to refine this world and refine all living things, naturally I will be enemies of the world Ready. "

"Really? Although your three lives have entered the late passive period, it does not mean invincibility, just like Xiao Naihe, his current strength is not under you and me. Once he knows your plan, guess you Will this plan succeed? "

Sansheng's face flickered slightly, and Han Mang's eyes flashed constantly.

That's right, he knew that Chen Ming's words really made sense.

Even if he is powerful himself, he is already in the late period of the source, and can ignore many creatures in the world.

After Bai inorganic left the first plane, the passive post can basically be said to be rampant.

But once all the practitioners in the first plane were prepared, many creatures were twisted together to form a group to deal with the three lives together. Even if Sansheng's strength is high, he should be afraid of three points.

The plan of the two of them is to make everyone unexpected in the fastest time, and directly refine the entire first plane.

Once successful, whether it is a three-life or a sacred Son, cultivation can be promoted to a very high level, and stepping into the passive peak is basically a matter of nails.

"Are you threatening us?"

"Of course not, I said, I will share a slice of this thing. There is no reason why I know your plan, and it will be okay. If it wasn't for my sharp telepathy before, from the two men around you Leave some traces, otherwise I ca n’t find it here today. One accidentally even took your word. "

"Wenqu and Broken Army?"

The two Wenqu Pojun beside them suddenly changed their face when they heard Chen Ming's words, which was caused by the two of them.

When did Dao Chen Ming move his hands and feet on this day?

At this time, the Son of Fortune who had not spoken suddenly laughed, and laughed wildly: "Good heir to heaven, since you are in control of the order of the human world, you dare to think about quantifying the entire life of the human world."

"Now the first plane has reached the age of diarrhea, and it may become a death star at any time. What is the benefit of holding a human order that is about to cease to exist?"

"Chen Ming, I thought I was cruel enough, but I didn't expect that I was worse than you."

Sansheng sneered coldly.

The heir to heaven is equivalent to the guardian of the order of the human world, just like when the outside world struck, Chen Ming all tried to protect the human world.

But now Chen Ming is full of brains and wants to cooperate with them, refining the first plane together and promoting to a higher level.

"Although I am the heir of heaven, I am also a cultivator. The cultivator is pursuing the supreme strength, and no matter how high the status is, it can't be avoided."

Chen Ming said indifferently, expressionless.

The Son of Fortune clapped his hands and said, "It's okay to cooperate with you, but we have prepared for so many years, and you suddenly add it. Some fishermen will benefit. You must also promise us a request."

"Oh? Since we are already in a cooperative relationship, it's okay to promise you a request."

"Now that you have heard our words, you naturally know that we have to deal with Xiao Naihe. I want you Chen Ming to take control of Xiao Naihe together, and I want to kill him with my own hands."

"Naturally, Xiao Nai and I have grievances, and he and I will never die."

"Since that is the case, then do so, come to the door to find Xiao Naiho. If the Holy Son would not kill him personally, it would be hard to dispel the hatred."

The Son of Fortune clenched his teeth, shrouded in coldness, like the frost of the Northland.


Yantian Pavilion.

Xiao Naihe, Yun Weixue and Xueluo have returned to Yantian Pavilion.

Yun Weixue had just appeased. During this time, Yun Weixue went to God Realm with himself.

However, because of the many things later, Xiao Naihe did not have time to accompany her.

The good thing is that Yun Weixue is very reasonable. After seeing Xiao Nai's prestige in God Realm this time, Yun Weixue also secretly made up his mind to practice again.

So he began to retreat.

There is snow falling next to Yun Weixue, and Xiao Nai doesn't have to worry about anything.

But after he had just walked out of the yard, there was a sudden impulse, and he seemed to have sensed something.

"Any situation?"

This kind of psychic induction rarely occurs, and it usually occurs when there is something wrong or dangerous.

After he practiced to the late passive period, he blended the heavenly astrology and starry sky, and how sensitive the telepathy is.

Any wind and grass, any unknown danger, he can be found in the first time.

"Someone wants to deal with me? Or do you want to deal with Yan Tiange?"

In Xiao Naihe's eyes, a strange and mysterious map of heaven and earth appeared, which seemed to be a straight line of clock, constantly turning.

From the heavenly star map, three figures appeared in an instant. These three figures were Chen Ming, Sansheng and the Son of Creation.

"Even Chen Ming and the two guys got together, would it be impossible for these three people to discuss how to deal with me?"

Xiao Nai thought secretly at this moment.

If he had not absorbed the two true qis, he would use the two true qis to mobilize the power of the heavenly star map, otherwise he would certainly not be able to sense this unknown danger.

Since the fusion of the two true spirits, the power of Tianjixingtu has been urged to the extreme.

It is a celestial being in itself. Through continuous deductions and calculations, it explores all the unknown dangers.

If there are no two true urges to urge the Tianji star map and improve his own calculation ability, Xiao Naihe can't predict these three people.

The three people Sansheng, Shenghua Shengzi and Chen Ming will not be far behind even if they are not as good as themselves.

If these three people unite, how powerful is the twisted force?

Xiao Naihe estimates that when he meets these three people to deal with himself, he can only turn around and leave.

If it was not foreseeing this danger in advance, Xiao Naihe estimated that it would be really bad for them to encounter these three people.

"But now that I know it, I have prepared. But it is impossible for Yantiange to stay here. It seems that Yantiange will be taken away together."

Yantian Pavilion is now Xiao Naihe's development force. If he is taken out of the nest, it will still cause a lot of losses to Xiao Naihe.

"Now I have to close the Yantian Pavilion, otherwise leave the Yantian Pavilion here, and that is a living target."

When Xiao Nai did not enter the passive realm, he once uprooted the Yantian Pavilion. Move directly from Wushuang continent to this wild continent.

Now Xiao Naihe's strength is far more powerful than he didn't know at the time. Moving Yantiange is just a move of a finger.

"I'll notify them first, so I don't have to wait for a disturbance."

Xiao Naihe's thought moved all his thoughts to the minds of tens of millions of people in Yantian Pavilion.

How powerful his spiritual power is now, as long as he has something he wants to say, he can directly use his mind to send it to the minds of others.

"To move the Yantian Pavilion? Could it be that foreign enemies are coming?"

At this time, many senior officials in Yantian Pavilion, who were coming out of something, suddenly received the idea from Xiao Naihe.