Reincarnation of the Heaven

Chapter 2828: Power of the future

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Xiao Naihe randomly found a place, but did not plant prohibition and enchantment, because in the ‘Buried Tianchi’, even the people of the royal family are very sensitive to each other.

At this time, it is impossible for someone to disturb others.

Xiao Na was not worried that someone would bother herself.

Rather than wasting time setting up a ban, it is better to evolve now.

"The ability of Tianjixingtu needs to be modernized, but how can it be realized?"

Xiao Nai thought about it for a while, and the first question stumped herself.

Because his current astronomical star map is collected in his pupils and belongs to a state of nothingness and intangibility.

If you want to realize it, you must have a carrier.

But what to use as a carrier and how to make it into another form are all problems.

Just when Xiao Nai was thinking hard, he suddenly felt alive.

"By the way, the predecessor of the celestial star map was originally a fusion between the celestial disc and the stars' abilities. If I visualize the celestial star map into the celestial disc, wouldn't it work.

Just do it.

Xiao Naihe didn't hesitate at all, only to see a flip in his hand, and suddenly there was a mirror.

This mirror was a piece of Taoism found in the ruins of the ancient saints.

Although it is not as good as the holy weapon, it is not too much.

It doesn't have much effect on Xiao Naihe, but now there is no problem to live in the carrier of Tianji star map.

Soon, the endless stars appeared directly on this mirror, and it seemed that they had conquered the stars and wrapped the heavens.

"Okay, it worked."

Xiao Nai He smiled slightly, and he succeeded with the modernization of the machine.

Afterwards, Xiao Naihe grabbed the 'Tianji Pan', and his body sank below the burial Tianchi.

A kind of time flow, similar to the power of the river of time, suddenly surging from below the burial sky pool.

Xiao Naihe's body felt very heavy at this time. There was a kind of weight that seemed to bear the weight of a world.

"Is this the power of time? But it is not the same as the time river. The time river is reversed, reducing the speed of time flow, or accelerating the time flow rate. This burial Tianchi is a direct jump in time change, and the time river Great difference. "

Xiao Nai He Shennian flashes.

Time rivers need a process when they move in time.

It is as if Xiao Nai spent hundreds of times in the starry sky world, but only 1% of the time elapsed outside.

This requires a process.

But now ‘Fun Tianchi’ does not use this process, but jumps completely.

For example, Xiao Naiho cultivated in it, and after jumping to a hundred years in an instant, the intermediate process was completely ignored, but he could get the results of cultivation in a hundred years in an instant.

Make an analogy.

Xiao Nai practiced in the river of time, with a flow rate of 100 days inside and a day outside.

Xiao Naihe cultivated in the course of this hundred days, from half-holy to holy, it was a process of accumulation, and it came true.

Now, Xiao Nai's cultivation in the "Fun Tianchi" is also a 100-day flow rate.

But this hundred days is completely jumping, which is equivalent to Xiao Naihe jumping from the half-sacred moment to the holy venom, the process is completely ignored.

But the change of cultivation practice is heavy, and the result of time river cultivation is the same as the accumulation result.

One is a long stream of water, and the other is overnight, but the ending between the two is the same.

"It's worthy of being" Burial Tianchi ". No wonder that when the village of Changsheng Tiannv wants to enter the" Burial Tianchi "to evolve her longevity, if she can really come in, she might not have to borrow my celestial abilities, You can erase the mark. "

With a move in Xiao Nai's mind, he suddenly thought of a possibility.

This ‘burial Tianchi’ is really powerful, you can skip the time process and instantly reach another kind of time.

This ability is believed to be impossible for any holy sage.

"Treasures like Burial Tianchi will appear in a plane. It is simply the weather of this plane. If the longevity world will know that there is a" burial Tianchi ", it is estimated that it will start to fight the first tribe."

Xiao Naihe believes that the will of the longevity world should not be aware of the existence of the "burial Tianchi". The longevity goddess is worried that once she goes out of Qilian Mountain and finds the "burial Tianchi", she will be known by the will of the body. The long-lived heavenly daughter had no chance at all against the will of the body.

A miracle like ‘Fun Tianchi’ is inherently blessed, bred and born, and is not controlled by the plane. It belongs to another kind of plane plane independent of its existence.

It is like a river of time. When Xiao Naihe discovered the river of time, he was still under the boundary river of a small world, and it was a very remote place.

The mystery of the river of time is not worse than that of the "Buried Tianchi", and the dual first forces of Jiutian God Territory and Dan Ting as the first plane have not obtained the river of time.

The river of time is the same as ‘Fun Tianchi’, independent of the existence of the plane.

"This first tribe of Chi is simply the blessing accumulated by the eighteen generations of ancestors and got such a treasure."

Even the people like Xiao Naihe who had a rock-hearted heart had the idea of ​​taking this ‘burial heaven’ away.

But he knew that he certainly couldn't do it.

This ‘Fun Tianchi’ has its own independent ability and is not controlled by anyone.

Unless ‘Fun Tianchi’ is willing to attach himself.

For example, if ‘Fun Tianchi’ is now leaving the first ancestral tribe, even if the three sacred lords of the first ancestors join hands, they will not stop it.

Xiao Nai is no exception, this point is more special than the time river.

"It's better to evolve the celestial star chart first. I can feel the time jump on the body. If the celestial star chart absorbs some of the time jumping ability of the" burial sky pool ", then it can completely solve the shortcomings of being unable to self-calculate the future. Now. "

When Xiao Naihe's thoughts were floating, the clothes on his body didn't know when, but they all turned into nothingness.

Even the clothes on his body could not withstand the leaps and bounds of time, and turned into a vicissitudes of nothingness.

As Xiao Naihe, as a holy and powerful person, as long as he is not subject to any disaster, it is Shou Yuan's endlessness. This time jump makes no difference to him.

He was naked. He sat on the "Fun Tianchi", and the whole person floated long ago.

Behind him are countless stars flashing, revealing a kind of indescribable change.

"The world of ten directions, the wheel of the future, the heavens and the stars, thus transformed."