Reincarnation of the Heaven

Chapter 2851: Time magic

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At this moment, the fighting idea on the war demon has been raised to the highest.

Ling Haifeng shook up and down, and the thunder riot was like shaking the earth and the end of the world.

Between the war devil's every move, they revealed a force that was difficult to calm.

I saw the war demon just clicked towards the front, five fingers shrunk into fists.


With a punch, Zhou Kong was suddenly full of endless magic sounds, as if every syllable hidden in the magic sound was a weapon.

Wan Jian returned to his heart.

At this moment, Xiao Nai felt that the spiritual power was floating in the sky, and tens of thousands of nothingness lightsabers stabbed in his direction.


It was the sound of the void being torn apart, as if it was forcibly splitting the cracks in the space, and it was necessary to twist the time and space.

"It is indeed His Majesty the Devil. His current strength, I am afraid that as long as I pierce that layer of paper, I will be able to step into the Lord immediately."

Elder Liu said deeply.

The war demon punch can be felt even by the people outside, and his fist is all in the distance.

There are also endless magic sounds all over the sky, which seems to be a kind of music of death, and each melody rhythm has a breath of death.

"Xiao Nai He, you as a human race cultivator, you died under my fist, it is your honor. Unless you step into the passive peak immediately, you will definitely die."

The war devil said slowly, every word carried a murderous spirit. His words were also a means of attack, constantly shaking Xiao Nai's heart.

But Xiao Naihe's Dao Xin is so easily shaken.

I saw Xiao Nai and his palms united one by one, and a **** wheel emerged from behind.

This magic wheel keeps turning, just turning, is a world.

The second rotation is a starry sky.

Turning the third time, it seems to become Taiyu.

At this moment, the entire Ling Haifeng became golden again.

It's just not the golden ocean, but the golden Taiyu starry sky.

Xiao Naihe stood in the golden starry sky, raised his hand, and his five fingers crushed down.

Suddenly in the sky, the star burst into the palm of his hand, forming a huge palm shape, which was suppressed severely.

"Heaven Wheel Ten Days Palm."


In an instant, the thunderstorm above Ling Haifeng was disappeared by this giant palm god.

At the moment, the devil's fist intention was also suppressed by Xiao Naihe's supernatural power.

He only felt a weight that was difficult to describe in words, which weighed on himself.

I only heard a clicking sound from inside and outside of War Demon's body. The bones, acupuncture points, and meridians seemed to be penetrated by Xiao Naihe's power and became a little burdensome.

"It's not over yet, take another punch."

The war devil was not disappointed, but instead became more and more courageous.

It's another punch, and the punch is amazing.

Ling Haifeng was shocked again, and once again she was shrouded in fists by the air.

Xiao Naihe just glanced at him, clenched his five fingers tightly, and Ling Kong summoned the Shenlun to roll out, hitting the whole power.


"Haha, come again."

At this moment, War Demon seems to have forgotten his original intention. He punched again and again, bombarding Xiao Naihe crazy.

Each fist carries extremely terrifying power, and the more he goes to the back, his fist seems to become hundreds of millions of heavy, like a world rolling down.

Even everyone who is far from Ling Haifeng can feel the countless punches of the war devil, with the momentum to break through the sky and penetrate the continent.

"Is this the strength of the war devil? Why do I feel that the Son is suppressed." Zulong's face was slightly ugly.

War Devil's strength is far beyond his imagination.

He felt that since War Devil is a half-holy, even if his strength is stronger than himself, he can't be too strong.

But now, the magic power of the war devil is terrifying and so powerful.

Is the Half Holy Realm so powerful? Almost all can compare with the Lord.

Together with the champion king watching the war demon's move, there was also a cautious look on his face: "The war demon's cultivation is so fast, he is now only afraid of getting an opportunity for promotion, he can step into the holy one hundred , And it is the kind of weak deadline that will pass by and go through. "

"But Son's strength is more than that, even if the war demon is even more powerful, he is not an opponent of Son."

Zulong exhaled.

This level of battle really exceeded his expectations.

But despite the powerful war devil, Zulong still believes in Xiao Naihe's strength.

This is just the tip of Xiao Naihe's iceberg.

The real strength, Xiao Nai has not moved yet.

Master Chu Chu and Zhan Tutian were also attracted by the battle in this battle, especially Zhan Tutian, Xiao Nai He could withstand the war demon under repeated attacks, he also had to admit that this human race young cultivator Among them is definitely the number one presence in the ranking.

"Master Chu, what do you think? The devil now has the upper hand. There should be no suspense in his victory."

"Zhan Tu Tian, ​​you don't have to worry, it's not over yet! The battle between the young people, let them solve the young people, who knows what cards are there between the two sides. And you can't look at things on the surface , Do you really think that Xiao Nai could not be suppressed? "

After hearing Master Chu's words, Zhan Tutian frowned, and Master Chu, the old fellow, was definitely not aimless.

He dared to say so, and he must have absolute information for the young people.

Where did Chu Taishi's faith come from?

Did you look away?

Zhan Tutian shook his head, Master Chu had confidence in this human race, and he could see this.

This humanoid kid named Xiao Naihe does indeed have strength. Judging from the expression of the war demon, this man really made the war demon move his desire to fight.

Once the war demon really wants to kill a person, and has a heart to kill that person, it represents the strength of that person and is recognized by the war demon.

When did such a young cultivator appear in the human race?

Before the Battle of Tutu, Xiao Naiho was indeed moved to kill.

However, this matter cannot be solved by oneself. It should not be a problem to kill this young man with the strength of the war devil.

"My War Devil has been standing for 100,000 years. After two eras, once you maintain your prosperous strength, do you think my War Devil is such a standing force? Let me see you today, a great magical power of my War Demon, Wuqu Youquan Realm. "

Between the words, the war devil's fingers spread out, and the black air filled in all directions. A mysterious power was distorted in the void, and the entire time and space seemed to be completely distorted.

At this moment, Ling Haifeng seems to have entered another time and space.

Xiao Naiho only felt the constant reversal around him, as if time had passed by his side and could not be captured.

Among his spirits, it seemed as if he had been planted with seeds, and he was bound to be in this time.

At that moment, Xiao Naiho seemed to have seen the changes of the past, present, and future, and he was sinking into the same time.

It is like the memory of my own thousands of centuries, presented in front of myself.

Old and sick, dead, and soul dissipated.

And his soul, body, sinking into this time distortion, as if it really blended into it.

As long as he feels that he has entered into this time of reversal, he is afraid that he will be taken away in the next moment.

"Time? Didn't think that in the longevity world, some people began to try to control the power of time. Unfortunately, you are only a means to control time, but only the ability of half-hanging. If you really control it, I am afraid that it will be the Lord. And it ’s at least the late rank of the Lord. "

Xiao Nai shook his head, and looked very sorry in his tone.

"Really? Even so, enough to deal with you."

The war demon was expressionless, no matter what Xiao Nai said, he could not shake his heart.

"Times and days, in a hurry and ruthless, Taiji Yuanshen."

Between Xiao Naihe's words, a white breath appeared above his head.

People outside can vaguely see that this white breath slowly forms a figure.

That is the state of Yuanshen, Xiao Naihe's state of Yuanshen.

Yuanshen didn't know what was drawn in the void.

At the next moment, a long bridge emerged directly and was built on top.

After a while, it fell in the middle.

The time that had been distorted seems to recover again.

All that seems to be the source of all things in the world. Returning all the sources back to the bitter sea, the moment is to return to nature.

Slowly, the tyrannical Dao Yun could no longer be felt in the void, nor the reversal of time.

Without all these changes, it is like everything just now, just a dream.

"how come?"

The war devil's pupils shrank, and that was one of the magical powers of their war demon clan, time Taoism.

There are no more than five people in the entire War Demon Race.

Once exhibited, it is bound to be a killer presence.

But at this time, the war devil was supposed to be quick and quick, but he couldn't move Xiao Naihe, but instead he was cracked by Xiao Naihe.

This is the first time that War Devil's heart has been shaken.

"Time is the most complicated. Even if it is a powerful time, it cannot reverse the change of time. Time is equivalent to the source of Taiyu Starry Sky. I just put this source into nature."

That's right, even if the time magical power of the war demon is powerful, it is just useless in front of Xiao Naihe.

His ability to use the river of time is enough to restore time to his normal state.

Therefore, Xiao Naihe did not directly suppress the magic power of War Devil, he just restored time to normal.

"Even my supernatural powers are cracked."

Zhan Tutian gave Xiao Nai a deep look.

At this moment, Xiao Naihe turned the battle around at once.

He didn't use many magical powers and secrets, and he saw the tricks once and for all, but that's the case, and he took the upper hand all at once.