Reincarnation of the Heaven

Chapter 2937: Take you to the treasure hunt

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"These two are not human races, they come from other places."

When Bing Xueqi heard Xiao Naihe's words, she couldn't help changing her face.

"Is it the people inside the clan?"

If they are from all ethnic groups, then the situation is very bad.

The holy lords of all races infiltrated into the territory of their human race, this kind of thing is not a trivial matter.

You know, a saint strong is enough to subvert a race.

The two saints are strong enough to make the family suffer a truly devastating blow.

Even if there are her father and spiritual Buddha in the human race, and at most with her teacher, the three saints seem to occupy an absolute advantage.

But even if the other two great holy sages cannot beat each other, they are enough to leave a catastrophic blow to the human race.

"The saints of all races sneaked into our territories of the human race. What on earth did they want to do? Did they stare at our human race site?

Bing Xueqi at this time, a complex and panicked heart.

"The two of them should not be masters of the clans."

"No?" Bing Xueqi was stunned subconsciously: "Not a human race, nor a clan, which party's power?"

"What else to say? Not a human race, not a tribe, and the saint appearing in this land is most likely naturally the five rounds of heaven."


Bing Xueqi took a breath. "The Lord of the Five Rounds is here? And are two Lords?"

There are five top saints in the five rounds of heaven, and every godlike saint far exceeds her father's level.

If two come at once, it will be different.

"I know what you are thinking, but the two of them are not all five gods, and one of them is just in the early days of the holy deity."

"The teacher, what should we do now? Is there any resentment between the" disgust "and the Wuluntians?"

"I heard that the plague was born many times ago, as long as the war continues and the killing is endless, the plague will not disappear. However, in that year it had a big battle with people and was finally forcibly dispelled. For so many years I have been hiding lurking for a long time, absorbing the flesh and blood of the monks and fighting, and now I am finally reborn. Five rounds of people want to catch it, and I know what they want to do! "

Xiao Nai closed his eyes and recalled the memory fragments of the longevity goddess. Among the memory fragments of the longevity goddess, there is information about this plague.

Subsequently, Xiao Naihe took Yun Weixue's hand: "You two follow me, I will take you to treasure hunt."

"Treasure hunt?"

Yun Weixue was slightly surprised. Although she didn't know more about the current force structure of the longevity world than Bing Xueqi, she also knew that the current situation must be very complicated.

In this case, Xiao Naihe was able to say that she wanted to take them to treasure hunt, which was really in line with Xiao Naihe's personal nature.

Yun Weixue smiled and nodded, as long as he followed Xiao Naihe, it would definitely be safer than anywhere.

On the contrary, Bing Xueqi, what happened in this human race's old site is far beyond his imagination.

Especially the five-round Heavenly Lord, and the mysterious plague, are extremely dangerous.

Even Bing Xueqi was a little uneasy now.

Looking at his teacher, I only saw the teacher and the mother seemingly not worrying about everything, still walking leisurely, and could not help but smile bitterly.

"However, where can we go looking for treasure, is there any treasure in this place?"

"For others, this place is very dangerous, but for me, this place is a treasure land. Do you think that the freak guy has been lurking for so many times? It is not only lurking in the territory of the human race."

"What do you mean?"

"I said that the plague is grown and recovered by absorbing the fighting spirit. The human race cannot fight every day, so the plague cannot be lurking in the territory of the human race. If I am not wrong, there must be a hiding place for the plague. eccentric."

Yun Weixue nodded, but she didn't think of it.

"Let's go quickly, although this plague has just been reborn, but it will recover faster with time. The two people in five rounds are very difficult to take the plague temporarily. We took this opportunity to find the plague hideout place."

After that, a black stone suddenly appeared in Xiao Naihe's hand. This stone was the boundary dragon stone.

A strange inscription appeared on the boundary dragon stone. The inscription inscribed in these inscriptions is the magical space running ability of the ancient world clan.

Although Xiao Naihe can tear the space by himself, it is obviously not as thorough as the Dragon Stone.

"Teacher, do you know where the plague is hiding? Just count it, it's no problem."


At this moment even Bing Xueqi was a bit ignorant. Although she knew that the strong level of the holy level, the calculation ability is particularly powerful, but it is unlikely to want to calculate the hiding place of the plague.

Just when Bing Xueqi felt a little strange in his heart, Xiao Nai turned on five fingers, and the runes formed by the starlight continuously appeared from his eyes.

Bing Xueqi's eyes flashed, and his body flickered.

At this moment, she saw a vast starry sky from Xiao Naihe's pupils, and she seemed to have fallen into this starry sky in an instant.

A variable of the past, present, and future seems to appear in front of itself instantly.

"What kind of magical skills is the teacher? Why do I feel like nothing in the world can hide the teacher's appearance?"

At the moment, Bing Xueqi was as if she had been stripped away by Xiao Naihe. She was naked and exposed in Xiao Naihe's eyes. There was no secret.

But just a moment of effort, that feeling disappeared.

Bing Xueqi discovered that the vast starry sky in Xiao Naihe's eyes had disappeared without a trace.

"Teacher, just now ..."

"I just used the power of the celestial calculus. The next time I use the celestial calculus, you should not look at my eyes at random. Fortunately, you have a thick foundation, otherwise you will lose your heart.

Xiao Naihe shook his head.

Bing Xueqi has been observing himself to learn.

But she didn't know that Xiao Naihe's astronomical astrology map was a fusion of the time capability of the "Buried Tianchi", which could have caused Bing Xueqi to lose her spiritual time dependence in an instant.

So at that moment, Bing Xueqi felt like she had lost herself.

Xiao Nai and He usually used the celestial star map, which would not be so obvious. Now it is because the two people present belong to their own people, so he will let go.

"Not much to say, I found the hideout of the plague and went with me."

After that, the rune light on the boundary dragon stone flashed, and a gap was immediately cracked in the void.

That's a kind of spatial dislocation ability. The spatial ability on the boundary dragon stone directly affects the spatial dislocation of the previous plague.

Originally, the dislocation used space to dislocate those around them to different spaces.

Because of his own ability, Xiao Nai was able to avoid this phenomenon.

Now, instead, Xiao Nai wants to personally enter the plague space, but there is a feeling that he knows that there are tigers in the mountains and leans towards the tigers.

Yun Weixue and Bing Xueqi closely followed Xiao Naihe.

Yun Weixue said it was good. After all, she has seen so many things, and she has long been indifferent. Even in a dangerous desperation, it seems very plain.

Bing Xueqi is different, she is still young.

Bing Xueqi has never experienced anything that has happened in this period of time. Especially in this dangerous moment, she still has to go behind Xiao Naihe to search for treasure.

Although dangerous, Bing Xueqi felt a sense of freshness of tension and excitement, and could not help but have the thought of anticipating the next development.

When Xiao Naihe used Jielong Stone to drill into a space gap, leading to a space tunnel, he came to a distorted space area.

Suddenly, not far away, three figures flashed, seeming to be smashing something.

"Teacher, that's Ji Changfang."

Bing Xueqi had sharp eyes and recognized the three people across from him.

That's right, the first three people are Ji Changfang, a civilized real person and an undefeated dharma king.

These three people formed a small team from the beginning, led by Ji Changfang.

Later, the appearance of the plague disrupted the position of the crowd and sent the crowd into different spatial areas.

These three people were sent to this space area together.

And their space area is exactly where the plague is hiding.

There was a mysterious enchantment in front of this hiding place, blocking the way of the three people.

You know, these three people came here to seek opportunities.

Now that I have encountered the hiding place of the plague, I naturally moved my mind.

If you can get inside, you might get a chance.

But this enchantment is very strong, it is too difficult and too difficult to break.

The three of them almost did everything they could, and none of them could be opened.

Just when the three people were at a loss, Xiao Naihe appeared with two daughters.

"you again."

Ji Changfang glared at Xiao Naihe.

Before Xiao Naihe took away the Scarlet Flower, Ji Changfang still remembers it.

And since knowing Xiao Naihe's identity, Ji Changfang seems to have moved his mind, not as aggressive as before.

But after all, he and Xiao Naihe were not the same people. At the moment when they saw Xiao Naihe, there was a feeling that they were very jealous when they met.

"Have the three of you been sent here by the plague?"

"Why should I tell you this, I think you want to break this enchantment, it is estimated that it is impossible. With your strength, it is still difficult to open."

Xiao Nai said slowly.

Ji Changfang said nothing.

Although Xiao Naihe was very harsh, he knew that Xiao Naihe didn't lie. The three of them had to open the enchantment, which was indeed unlikely.

Civilized real man raised his eyebrows: "It seems that you also know where is behind this enchantment?"

"Apart from the hideout of plague, can there be other places?"

"In this case, it seems that you want to share a piece of soup!"