Reincarnation of the Heaven

Chapter 3024: I remember you

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"Xiao Naihe."

"Good Xiao Nai, this fairy master remembers you."

The shadow said fiercely.

Soon, the airflow in the entire cave house was reversed, and the shadow seemed to be pulled up by a mysterious force, and the next moment disappeared directly in this cave house.

Xiao Naihe knew that the other party was only a projection, and could not shoot anymore.

The first shot to block your own **** wheel is already the limit, otherwise you have already tried to save Yan Honggu, and where will you talk about threatening yourself.

"Now people are gone, come out."

Xiao Nai waved his hand, and a fine flash in the void flashed as if it were divided into two different spaces.

And Li Zi is in this space.

When Xiao Naihe and Yan Honggu started hands just now, they had already passed on the sound to Lin Zi, so that Lin Zi should not take action.

Lin Zi knew that he was not Yan Honggu's opponent. He wouldn't do anything when he heard Xiao Naihe's voice.

"Yan Honggu, really fell in the hands of the young man?" Qian Zi couldn't believe it, and his voice shook slightly.

"Naturally, what am I doing to you. The shadow must also be seen, otherwise you won't leave so neatly."

"Obe, that ’s one of the four sages of Xianfotai. It ’s so powerful, so strong, not to mention Mohong Continent. Even if we are 100,000 ancestors, there are hardly many people in the 30,000 world His opponent. "

Xianfotai is too famous in the western continent.

Among the west, there are 30,000 worlds, 100,000 gates, masters rampage, but like the strong men in the middle and late stages, there are still very few.

It's not easy to kill a saint at ordinary times, let alone the middle and late saints.

Over the years, I have not heard of the existence of one of the saints in the middle and late stages.

And it is also the prestigious fairy Buddha saint Yan Honggu.

Now it fell into Xiao Naihe's hands, which was completely beyond Li Zi's imagination.

However, Yan Honggu is not dead yet. It is not so easy to kill Yan Honggu. Even the Heavenly Abuse of the Demon King takes a lot of work.

Not to mention Yan Honggu, whose cultivation base is still on top of the Devil Monarch.

However, waiting for Xiao Nai to extract the fragments of the other party's memory and find the other party's weaknesses. With the help of the Buddha and the Devil, it is enough for the other party to completely refine it.

"Princess Xiao, if I killed Yan Honggu, I was afraid that Xianfotai would not stop there. There are three other saints in Xianfotai. The strength of these three saints is not under Yan Honggu. "

Xianfotai is precisely because there are four saints in order to coerce the 100,000 gates and become one of the world's top 30,000.

Although Xianfotai has died an ancient Yanhong, there are three other saints. These three are also very powerful, and Linzi is also worried.

"The soldiers came to cover up the water and the earth. Without saying that, I wanted to see where this place is."

"I used to listen to what the three lords have always called" Buddhist Demon Chaoye ", I don't know what it is."

Xiao Naihe didn't answer. He knew that this was definitely not a Buddha or a demon.

But there is such a space underground, which is completely beyond his imagination.

Afterwards, Xiao Naihe's thoughts began to dig deep in the ground, wanting to see the specifics below.

"Let the girl come out first."

As soon as the words fell, Xiao Naihe suddenly had a gourd in his hand.

This gourd is also a powerful magic weapon that Xiao Nai obtained, a space prop.

As soon as Qiongniang came out, she found herself in a strange space.

And Li Zi roughly informed Qiong Niang of the situation just now.

Knowing that the killing of the father and the enemy had been killed by Xiao Naihe, even Qiong Niang was shocked to speak.

For a long time, Qiong Niangniang owed her body and knelt in front of Xiao Naihe.

"Eun Gong, this great benevolence and great virtue, the slave family has nothing to do. The slave family hopes to follow and serve the enemy."

Xiao Naihe shook his head, and a gentle force was released from Xiao Naihe's body.

Then Qiong Niangniang felt her body slowly stood up under the support of this fusion power.

"I help you, I don't just want to shoot, I also have my own purpose. At first, Lingzun should give you the seeds of cause and effect, I just want the seeds of cause and effect on you."

Since all four of the freelancers have causal seeds, and even Yan Honggu himself has causal seeds, then the emperor of the Chungu Kingdom must have obtained the causal seeds from the body of the ancient demon strong, which Xiao Nai had already considered.

"Causal seeds?"

Madam Qiong froze for a moment, then thought of something, and quickly took out what was in her arms. After a closer look, it was indeed a dark seed.

"Is this the case? When the father and the emperor inherited it from me, they didn't know what it was, but they might use it one day. If the sir needed it, it would be given to him."

"It is the seeds of cause and effect, so I'm welcome."

Xiao Nai took over the seeds of cause and effect.

For others, this causal seed is really nothing, not even a treasure.

After all, it is just the discarded cause-and-effect seeds, whether in the hands of Yan Honggu or others, this cause-and-effect seed simply cannot exert its original value.

But in Xiao Naihe's hands, it is different. Xiao Naihe owns a causal tree. Although the causal seeds have been abandoned, Xiao Naihe can use the ability of the causal tree to breed these causal seeds.

If it were before, Xiao Naihe would definitely not believe that he could use the discarded cause and effect seeds.

But now it is not the same. Xiao Naihe got the funeral pond, and he can use the ability of the funeral pond and the time and space capabilities of the river of time to speed up and cultivate the causal seeds.

It may take some time to cultivate, but there are funeral ponds, maybe this causal seed will soon be fully recovered.

Once these causal seeds are recovered, Xiao Naihe has the ability to cultivate causal trees.

This is a huge gain, it seems that it is more than a chance to get Chaos Tianshi and Tianji Pan

Of course, these things must not be told to outsiders, not to mention the two of them, Ms. Qi Zi and Qiong Niangniang. Even in Yantian Pavilion, few people can know.

Xiao Nai breathed a sigh of relief, moved his expression slightly, and after taking back the causal seeds in his hand, his thoughts continued to rotate in the ground.

"Where is this place? I think the three people of Freelancer seem to be very valued. Even Yan Honggu does not hesitate to use those people. It seems that he is also looking for this place."

Lin Zi's expression is also constantly changing. To be honest, he can't see exactly what is special about this place.