Reincarnation of the Heaven

Chapter 3063: Caused a sensation

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There are five rounds of the three gods gliding around Gu Mingzi, which had a huge advantage.

Which of the three gods is not the top expert in the longevity world, and their cultivation ability is enough to ignore the three risks of the heavens and free back and forth

As for the remaining demon god, certain things should be handled on the eastern mainland.

But the level is five rounds and the four gods are all together, and the situation cannot be reversed.

Now there is a green luan beside Ming Yin, Xiao Nai He also agreed to help.

As for the longevity goddess, although she seems neutral, her own consciousness is more inclined to Xiao Naihe.

Once Gu Mingzi becomes a real battle, it is also a huge danger for the eternal daughter.

Gu Mingzi certainly won't stop here for the longevity goddess. You should know that as early as the time of the three tribes, Gu Mingzi remembered a battle because of the longevity heavenly lady.

Now Gu Mingzi wants to live forever, not only for the sake of longevity, but also for obsession.

When these three people unite, they will naturally not be afraid of five rounds of heaven.

"Five rounds of days have arrived in Huangzhou City, it seems that they have known the whereabouts of Ming Yin, otherwise they will not appear here."

Xiao Nai is very transparent and has long seen through.

If the three of Long Qing Cang had not already known the whereabouts of Ming Yin, otherwise how could it happen to appear here.

But Xiao Nai didn't worry about Long Qingcang's start. At this time, the three people knew that it was impossible to make a secret.

They are playing, waiting for the fateful battle to start

Once Gu Mingzi wins, then Xiao Naihe and Longevity Heavenly Daughter are bound to become the two most dangerous people.

"The girl of heaven appears here now, it seems that you should get rid of the control of the will of the eternal life."

Suddenly, Qingluan talked about something else.

"With Master Xiao's help, it won't be a big deal."

"Congratulations, Tian Nu did what she couldn't even do then."

Qingluan sighed slightly.

In fact, it is not only this generation of long-lived goddess who has the idea of ​​wanting to surpass the will control of the long-lived world.

Every generation of longevity goddesses wants to do this.

They are not willing to succumb to the will of the longevity world and take the fatal path that has been planned for a long time.

Qingluan once thought of breaking away from the control of the will of the longevity world, as long as she can avoid the perception of the will of the longevity world, she can do it.

However, Qingluan naturally had no luck to live forever and met a character like Xiao Naihe.

Xiao Naihe helped the longevity goddess and broke the **** of the longevity world.

And the longevity goddess has been hiding for countless times. This kind of endurance, even Qingluan could not help but admire it.

Now the longevity goddess appears here, apparently breaking the shackles of the will of the longevity world.

Qingluan also did not know that the will of the longevity world was attracted by the extraterrestrial starry sky, and had no time to do so.

"Not to mention this matter, let's go back first. This half month will not be too long."

There is only one thing they can do now, and that is to wait for the fateful battle to start.

In the past half month, the three of them did not leave Huangzhou City.

Even the long-lived heavenly daughter did not return to Qilian Mountain.

She has been in the longevity world for many years, although she rarely travels to the western continent.

But there are also places to stay on this side.

But for the remaining half of the month, the long-lived heavenly daughter also stayed in a certain place in Huangzhou City. No one knew it except Xiao Naihe and Qingluan.

The battle between Xiao Nai He and Jue Xin in Huangzhou City has alarmed the entire Huangzhou City, and the news soon spread to the entire Huangzhou City.

Many people do not know where the sacred person who broke the unwritten rule of Huangzhou City again after 800 years.

Even after the fight, one of them was still alive, and seemed to remain in Huangzhou City.

"I don't know what kind of person is the person who sunrises. At that time, Bai Liuli and others wanted to shoot, and they were scared to start."

"Isn't it? Bai Liuli is already a master in the early and middle stages of the holy sage. It is said that it has almost reached the middle stage of the sage. Together with several other people, it is also terrible to unite together.

"They are not unwilling, but they dare not. You did not see the situation at that time. The two people who fought in the Huangzhou City, one was better than the other, and one of them, there was a pagoda holy weapon, which slammed the Huangzhou City. No one dared to get close. Even the strong man he worked with was smashed to death in a few clicks, and the strength of the smashed person was said to be above Bailiu and Shijingtian. "

"So powerful? Who is it? Only this kind of existence has broken the regulations of Huangzhou City, and you can continue to act in Huangzhou City."

Some cultivators heard Xiao Naihe's news and couldn't help but admire and look forward to it.

They usually enter Huangzhou City because Huangzhou City has this unwritten rule and it is forbidden to fight privately. Because of this rule, they have been able to live in the state of Huangzhou in peace and security for so many years.

But now, some people have broken this rule, and have not encountered any danger after breaking it.

Those big guys who have lived in the Huangzhou City for many years have all closed their eyes.

Such a person really makes people envious and jealous.

"However, there is another news that the contemporary longevity goddess has been born again, right in the city of Huangzhou."

"Really? That's a long-lived goddess. It seems like how many times haven't I heard of her."

"There can still be leave, how many people saw it with their own eyes at that time. It is said that the longevity and the heavenly female are only human, and they are not fake."

"If you can get the longevity goddess, wouldn't it be the son of destiny in the longevity world? I'm going to try my luck."

"You? Forget it, how many people in Arazhou now know that the longevity goddess is born again, and have gone to Araju City to look for the longevity goddess. It is estimated that in a short time, even people outside the Aral State will know."

The news of the longevity of the Heavenly Maiden was not only spread throughout the entire Aral State, but even people outside the Aral State also knew the news.

Now in the entire Huangzhou, most of the cultivators have poured into the Huangzhou City, looking for the longevity goddess.

However, even if he knew this, he had no idea of ​​coming forward.

Xiao Naihe and the long-lived heavenly daughter are sitting in a high platform in a mysterious realm, which was created from the 'Shenxiao Nine Thunder Tower'.

At this time, the two are confirming the results of cultivation.

"Young Master Xiao is only one step away from now on to reach the pinnacle of the Lord. If the opportunity comes, it should be able to come to fruition and become the true pinnacle of the Lord?"

"Step into the pinnacle of the Lord? How easy is it to talk about."

Xiao Naihe shook his head.

Although he has the experience of the pinnacle of the Lord, he has to go to this step, but he cannot rely on the experience of his predecessors. He can only walk step by step and verify it himself.

"That's it, the Holy Spirit peaked and jumped out of the five elements, not in the framework of eternal life, not even the eternal life world. But how many people have done it since ancient times?"

The long-lived Tiannv sighed slightly, and there was some vicissitudes in her tone.

"Since Wang Yi was born, he has the ability to transcend the longevity world, which threatens the existence of the will of the longevity world. Although Wang Yi left the longevity world later, the will of the longevity world is unwilling to let such characters appear again. The will of the world has the idea of ​​controlling the children of these natural selections. And to do this kind of thing is to rely on our long-lived heavenly daughter to control these people. "

The long-lived heavenly daughter also told some secrets.

In fact, in order to refuse danger, the will of the longevity world will control those brilliant geniuses in the longevity world.

In order to prevent the second Wang Yi from appearing, the eternal life world will firmly control those who may become Wang Yi.

And this method of control is to let the longevity goddess pass on the true qi. Once the longevity qi is obtained, it will be monitored by the will of the longevity world.

Such a person, although he said that the Son of Heaven, was ultimately controlled by the will of the longevity world.

However, some people have jumped out of the control of the will of the longevity world, and there are only three such things.

The first is Ming Yin. He got the dream time and space from Qingluan. He possessed the eternal life Qi, but divided half of the eternal life Qi, weakened the will of the will, and got rid of the monitoring of the eternal life world will.

The second is Xiao Naihe. Xiao Naihe gets half of the dream time and space, and with the celestial star map to hide his existence, it will not let the longevity world will perceive it.

The third is this generation of long-lived heavenly daughters, all of which are controlled by Xiao Naihe's tremendous power of heaven and earth.

Throughout the ages, there are only three of them, who have the spirit of longevity, but they are still free.

The three of them have the potential to become the pinnacle of the Lord.

"If Ming Yin defeated Gu Mingzi in the end, once it became a hundred battles, should it be the second Yisheng?"

Longevity Heavenly Girl looked out of the mysterious realm, it seemed that her eyes had traveled through countless spaces.

"The will of the eternal life world will definitely not let the Phantom Hades rebirth. Otherwise, Gu Mingzi will not let the other three gods plunder, and the blue luan will not ask us two."

Xiao Nai has a bright mind and runs extremely fast, and the key to it comes to mind at once.

“It ’s useless to think about it now. In the remaining half of a month, we can confirm the promotion experience of both parties and be fully prepared.”

Longevity Tian Nu Xiu took longer to reach this state than Xiao Nai, she should have some experience she needs.

Xiao Nai He got the experience from the longevity of the Heavenly Maiden, and the Chang Sheng Tiannian also got some experience from the Xiao Naihe's side, and the two have also made great progress in this half month.

On the other side, in a secluded dark space, three shadows flickered.

If Xiao Nai is here, he must be able to recognize that these three people are the former Long Qing Cang, Jiu Mu Great Emperor and all the world.

"Have you not shot?" Gu Mingzi closed his eyes, and his whole body was in a natural existence, as if the underlying power was surrounding him.

"If there is a green luan beside him, don't say, where is Xiao Nai, and the longevity goddess also appeared, it seems to help Xiao Nai."