Reincarnation of the Heaven

Chapter 3220: Star Beast

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Xiao Naihe was originally the state of the original baby, just like a group of Yuan baby.

But after a period of self-cultivation, it has now slowly shown its original form.

The time to retreat passed quickly.

It has been two months since Xiao Nai came to the secret realm of origin.

In the past two months, Xiao Nai didn't know anyhow.

He finally recovered his golden body today.

"Cause and effect tree, all right, go back."

The shadow of the causal tree emerged behind Xiao Naihe.

During this time, Xiao Nai was repairing his loss through causal trees.

The causal vitality of the causal tree is very powerful, as long as the origin does not disappear, no matter how serious the injury is, it can be recovered.

"Has it been more than two months?"

Xiao Nai sighed softly.

Although he has been retreating in this period of time, he is also subjective and naturally knows how fast time passes.

Qian Qianyu said before that if he wants to recover, it is impossible without thousands of years.

However, there is a causal tree, and Xiao Naihe shortened this time to two months.

Of course, Xiao Naihe has not yet fully recovered to the peak period, at most it is just the previous seven layers of strength.

There is some wear and tear left, you need to slowly cultivate and recover.

After reintegrating the causal tree into the inner world, Xiao Nai split off his own ray of divine thoughts and entered the inner world. Yantian Pavilion is now settled down.

Xiao Naihe did not stay in Yantian Pavilion for a long time after instructing something.

Take another look at the Chaos Beast. The Chaos Beast is also very satisfied and enjoys leisure.

Xiao Naihe's inner world became a small Taiyu.

It is almost no different from the Taiyu world outside. Although it is far less than the size of the orthodox Taiyu, it is much larger than the longevity world.

With Xiao Naihe's current aura, it is enough for Yan Tiange's disciples to practice for tens of thousands of years.

In addition, there is plenty of spiritual power in the mystery of origin. Xiao Nai can be replaced anytime, anywhere.

Xiao Naihe didn't want to call out Yantian Pavilion for the time being, but also Chaos Beast.

He is still in the process of being chased and killed, and naturally he cannot let the people around him drag himself down.

"Since I entered the mystery of origin, I feel that there has been some change in the origin of Qi in the body. Not only that, even the fragments of the world tree have changed qualitatively."

In fact, Xiao Naihe appeared on the ground for the first time to set foot in the secret place of origin. The world tree in the heavenly palace seems to echo each other in this secret place of origin.

Xiao Naihe was besieged by the top five at the time, and he did not have time to see the changes in the world tree.

Now set my heart and take a closer look, the world tree seems to grow quickly.

The aura in the mystery of origin seems to have a very useful effect on the world tree.

However, the predecessor of the world tree grew up in the mystery of origin. The world tree was born with the origin of the destiny.

Naturally, it is easy to adapt to the secret environment.

"If the world tree returns to its peak normal state, it may be possible to borrow the power of the world tree to find the origin and destiny."

Xiao Naihe had a thought.

The world tree grew up around the origin of the destiny of the origin. Later, because of the scarcity of the true energy of the origin, it will be separated from the world fragments of the origin's secret realm and fall into the eternal life.

Xiao Naihe now has abundant vitality in his body, and with the resources of chaotic trueness and causality, the world tree is also recovering quickly.

However, Xiao Naihe still missed the existence of the origin of the fate of the origin, according to the fantasy Qianyu.

Originating Destiny is the source of true energy in the Originating Secret Realm. If you get Originating Destiny, you will basically determine the qualifications for the promotion without a limit.

Xiao Naihe naturally has a great interest in the origin of destiny.

"But before that, I have to recover all my injuries. And I am still in the process of being hunted down by someone. I want to find the origin of destiny. It seems that the trouble is not small."

After he killed Zhang Tao, Xiao Nai wanted to know that Ya Shengshan would definitely not let him go, and the remaining four people would also not let him go.

Xiao Naiho was not arrogant enough to feel that he could ignore the other party's threat under such a chase.


At this moment, suddenly there was a strange noise from outside the ice cave.

Xiao Naihe's expression changed slightly, and immediately took off his breath, releasing his consciousness.

Outside the ice cave, there are several men and women, three men and two women!

These five people have a strong breath, and the oldest one should look thousands of years old.

The youngest one seems to be more than three hundred years old.

Xiao Naihe's current state can see through anyone's years and rings at a glance, and the sages and strong men cannot hide them.

More than three hundred years old or thousands of years old, in fact, among their sages and strong men, they are definitely young.

However, none of these five people seem to be strong sages.

The strongest one is nothing more than the late Sage.

Cultivation is the worst one, almost at the beginning of the holy deity.

"Magic thousand feathers, magic thousand feathers."

Xiao Naiho's voice rang in the Chaos Heavenly Stone, and he cried a few times. The Magic Qianyu didn't come out. Xiao Nai had no choice but to observe himself.

Although these five people are not high, they seem to have discovered the existence of ice caves.

"A lot of magic Qianyu, you also said that this place is hidden, and even the sages can't find it, but now it has been discovered by the people in the original secret realm."

Xiao Naihe shook his head.

If you look closely, these five people seem to have not just discovered the existence of the ice cave, as if something appeared in front of them.

"Huh? What is that?"

Xiao Nai looked.

When his consciousness was released, it spread farther.

Soon, Xiao Naihe discovered that there was a strange star beast near the opening of the ice cave.

This star beast looks like four, and even Xiao Nai can't name it, but the star beast is as crystal-clear.

Even the breath released from the inside of the body actually carries a strong qi of origin.

"This kind of star beast is a bit strange."

In his mind, Xiao Nai collected the thought of memory left by Qian Qianyu.

Soon, Xiao Nai found the information about the star beast from the memory of Yu Qianyu.

"This is the Celestial Beast, taking the true qi as its food. This kind of star beast is very rare in the secret realm of origin. In the memory of Magic Qianyu, this star beast seems to have been killed to extinction. Places will appear. "

Xiao Nai was surprised.

This kind of star beast eats the original Qi, so it is used as a prey by many sages and strong men, and is killed after being caught to extract the original Qi from the body.