Reincarnation of the Heaven

Chapter 3328: Yuan Chitian's death

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The chaotic turmoil of the riots kept rising and falling, as if forming a magical image of a god.

Instantly appeared in all directions.

"Be careful, Yuan Chitian."

Helian Feichen's face changed, and at the moment when these gods and magic appeared, he suddenly had an extremely dangerous thought.

This is a kind of thorough breath of death, let Helian Feichen really feel the death sickle placed on his neck.

But when these gods and magical phases approached Yuan Chitian, Helian Feichen seemed to see a gloomy reincarnation scene behind these gods and magical phases.

"Get out of here."

Yuan Chitian snorted.

A small vortex appeared above his head.

"Yuan Chitian's birthplace weapon, seven-star compass!"

The goddess on the snow recognized the origin of this Taoist implement.

After defeating the Great Buddha Gate, the Taoist Palace gained a strong accumulation of the Great Buddha Gate, including the Taoism made by the powerful men of the Great Buddha Gate.

Seven-star compass is one of them.

Originally the seven-star compass was a magic weapon for a sage in the Great Buddha Gate, but then the great sage was killed by Yuan Chitian. The seven-star compass naturally fell into the hands of Yuan Chitian.

Yuan Chitian used his own means to refine the seven-star compass into his own magic weapon.

As soon as the seven-star compass opened, the enchantment around which the ten thousand methods did not invade was opened directly, and the magical image of the original attack was directly blocked from the outside of the enchantment.

"There are seven-star compasses, and no one can break the compass enchantment unless they are strong at the level of myths and legends."

Speaking of the seven-star compass, Yuan Chitian is also somewhat complacent.

At the beginning, Yuan Chitian merged most of the original Qi in the compass, and used two holy objects in the Great Buddha Gate to refine it together.

The current "Seven-Star Compass" is much stronger than that of the powerful Buddha.

Yuan Batian once said that the enchantment of the 'Seven Star Compass' was opened, and even Yuan Batian could not be broken within seven days and seven nights. Even those who opened the Ninth House, it was not easy to break.

"The enchantment formed by the small seven-star ban makes you so proud?"

Wu Po invincible said in a dark tone.

Although everyone knows that the person in front is not truly invulnerable, but now the voice from the other party is completely invulnerable.

"Well, no matter what the **** you are, today we are bound to suppress you and seize the great chance of Yunqi Tiangong."

"Now people are really arrogant, but it is not easy to be able to cultivate your state, just meet the conditions of being my container."

Wu Po invincible spoke indifferently.

Between the words, a divine magical image that came in front approached Yuan Chitian's side instantly.

The enchantment of the seven-star compass is getting brighter and brighter, as if it were the stars in the sky.

"All methods do not invade."

"Oh, a small seven-star enchantment would dare to claim that the law would not invade. Under the divine path of the deity, even the most powerful enchantment is nothing more than waste."

I saw Wu Po's invincible fingers move, and a **** and magic phase suddenly gathered together, as if forming a larger phase.

When this huge aspect appeared in front of everyone, the breath in the void world suddenly became very thick.

It seems that the power in everyone's body must be extracted.

Not only Yuan Chitian, even the snow goddess, Helian Feichen and Sansheng, they felt their own power seemed to be declining rapidly.

"No, there is something weird in this world, it seems to be absorbing our own power."

The face of the snow goddess became extremely pale.

Once their power is drawn, in front of Wu Po invincible, it is the part of being suppressed by the other side at will.

"It's okay, the few of you come to my enchantment, there are seven-star compasses, even if the power is drawn, you can protect yourself."

Yuan Chitian seemed to believe his magic weapon.

But at this time, Yuan Chitian's eyes suddenly opened extremely wide.

I saw that the scrolling dharma in the sky directly raised his hand, his five fingers crushed, and his fist seemed to shuttle the endless time and space and the long river of the world.

In a flash, powerful boxing will come into the sky, and become immensely vast. It seems to drown everything in this world.

Everyone can feel that the punching power released by this phase seems to carry the breath of power in them.

"This dharma aspect absorbed the power from us?"

Helian Feichen was shocked.

But what made him even more shocked was that the fist of this dharma dharma fell, and the seven-star compass enchantment that was originally blocked in front of everyone made a ‘click’ sound.

You can see this crack that is visible to the naked eye cracking continuously, like a spider web, and instantly becomes extremely cruel.

"One more punch."

Wu Po invincible cold mouth.

That huge image of the Fa was blasted again.

Boom Boom Boom Boom!

The powerful boxing moment instantly smashed the seven-star enchantment, and there was a loud bang. The entire seven-star compass was even exploded directly under this bombardment.

The area around the world is exploded in an instant, as if the fireworks burst.

In an instant, I saw Yuan Chitian's whole person was directly flew out under the bombardment of this punch.

After a while, Yuan Chitian was covered with blood and became terrified.

"Do not."

Yuan Chitian hadn't had time to react. The huge third punch of the Fa-phase was already smashed down again. Suddenly, Yuan Chitian fell to the ground with all his strength.

There was a huge bang in the whole earth, Yuan Chitian didn't have time to escape even the mighty soul, and was crushed and smashed.

However, the flesh seems to be preserved under the protection of this punch.

"Yuan Chitian is dead?"

Helian Feichen's face kept changing, terrified.

Not just him, even Sansheng and Snow Goddess, when they saw Wu Po invincible again at this moment, they couldn't help but take a breath.

Yuan Chitian's cultivation strength is placed among several of them, and it is definitely a top-level existence, but even so, it still can't resist the terrifying three punches in front of him.

Grab Yuan Chitian's flesh, and a black gas instantly penetrated into Yuan Chitian's flesh.

After a while, Yuan Chitian's body moved again.

His eyes were indifferent, but he knelt down under Wu Po invincible and made a strange sound.

"This is ..." Li Shuang was surprised when she saw the situation.

Sword and Sword are even more terrified, they are too familiar with that state.

Not long ago, he was blocked by the strange black air.

"It's the chaos of chaos, and the guy who took the lead to break the invincibility is also chaotic."