Reincarnation of the Heaven

Chapter 386: Kill doppelganger

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In the demon palace, proudly sitting on the front seat, the body was murderous, the expression on his face was grim, and his eyes seemed to explode with anger.

Li Daozhen and Xue Xingchen, who stood below, dared not come out. The people sitting on the top were the characters who could lead the magic path and unify the ten small worlds. Since the birth of Ao Gu Jiangshan, the luck of the Eight Deities has increased, and the speed of development has even been the first in all the sects.

Xue Xingchen is shrewd and sees the luck brought by the proud mountains. He immediately merged the Tianshi Demon Sect and the Baji Demon Sect, and wanted to get some good luck.

Anyway, the two factions belong to the same demons, and even if they merge, it's not a big deal. Moreover, Xue Xingchen and Li Daozhen are now giants in the midst of the Golden Demon Realm, and they want to use their arrogance to achieve the pinnacle of the Golden Demon Realm.

"That mysterious man actually cut off all four of my giants, but on it there is almost half of my legacy of the ancient killing kendo, I hate it."

With one finger, Aojiang Jiangshan released a green air, which is about to turn a small hut outside the magic palace directly into ashes.

Li Daozhen frowned slightly, and quickly said: "Sect Master, I don't know what you have to do?"

"As soon as I was cleared by the False God, I was seriously injured, and secondly, Dan Xia sent those three people to secret calculations, and it was even worse. I could n’t recover in ten years. But I ’ve ordered people to go down and help me find A densely populated city, as long as it can refine 60 million people and absorb blood for my own use, then it will stimulate the killing consciousness and restore the ability, so that I can gain the power to surpass the Golden Demon Realm, close to the three-foot god. "

Xue Xingchen and Li Daozhen looked at each other, surpassing the peak of the Golden Demon Realm and approaching a three-foot god. Isn't that the first person in ten small worlds in thousands of years?

"Unfortunately, my four giants were taken away, and now almost half of the killing swordsmanship is inherited. If it can be recovered, it will not be a problem to become a **** on the spot. I hate it! Li Daozhen, you arrange it, I believe The person who has taken my four nine-baby giants must be the five ancestors in the human world. You first attack from the ancestors of Guigu and Danxia School, which have poor heritage, can you force me out? "

"Yes, my subordinates will do it immediately!"

"Xue Xingchen, although you are the person of the Celestial Devil Sect, but now you have turned to me, as long as you do things well, I will not treat you badly. I know that you have the status of Master Wupin Dan. The world, find a man named Sisheng Daozi. "

Xue Xingchen froze for a moment, and quickly asked: "The Huangfu Small World is the most remote of the ten small worlds. There are no cultivators on it. I don't know who are these four-life Taoists?"

"I don't know this person very well, but after I was born, I once calculated that, besides Bai Ze and the girl of the Snow Bamboo Mountain, this born Taoist in Huangfu Small World is a person who can control Mysterious man with fate and death. I figured out that this man may be able to help me recover my life, and you will pass quickly! "



Xiao Naihe refined a five-day doppelganger in his room. He directly transformed the four giants of Nine Infants into something outside his body, and then merged the life and death tendons and the non-chemical spirit into the killing consciousness in the blood flat banner. , Directly convert the blood of Yin and Yang to kill, and directly succeed.

"This doppelganger was finally practiced. At the beginning, by chance, he secretly counted the proud, and directly cut off his four giants. And all four of them have a part of the ancient killing sword, and now there is the sun and the moon. This Sixth Grade Immortal Sword has the power to fight even if it meets the imaginary **** or the proud.

This doppelganger is not much different from Xiao Naihe's appearance. What is a little different is the killing breath embedded in his eyebrows.

If this doppelganger does not move normally, it is no different from ordinary people. Once you do it, the outbreak of killing pressure can catch up with the master of Jinxian Peak.

"It's just a pity that if I could cut off one more head, I could immediately evolve him into a nearly three-foot **** avatar. But now I have this avatar, and at the same time with the double real body, in the ten small worlds already I ’m not afraid of anyone. Except for being careful about the Qingshenqing, Prideful Mountains, and Luoyan Golden Spider, no one can threaten me. As long as Dan Yuefeng is arranged up and down, I can directly enter the Danxia School, Report the revenge! "

Xiao Naihe never thought of himself as a gentleman, he was just doing the interests of a gentleman and pursuing the way of a villain. The gentleman's revenge is not too late for ten years, and the villain revenge that night. The three golden immortals and Li Tianxuan of the Danxia school forced themselves to almost end, and this revenge had to be reported.


When Xiao Naihe was emerging, she suddenly heard the knock on the door and released it with a consciousness, only to see Gong Wanqing standing outside.

"Sister Sister?"

"You finally came out and practiced in the room for five days. These days Ma Ruonan has been coming to see you. A few days ago, she was going to gather for the name, to see you almost rushed in. Smooth. Since you came out, hurry to the inner hall, they have urgent matters to you. "

Xiao Nai nodded and said goodbye to Gong Wanqing, and walked into the inner hall without hurry.

"I finally gave up, I thought you thought Qingshuifeng was really like the Danxia School, just come and go whenever you want!"

Xiao Naihe just walked in, and a yin and yang strange call fell into Xiao Naihe's ears. Looking up, an old lady in Long Zhong looked at herself with a cold face.

"Have seen the patriarch!"

Although the old lady is at the peak of the ghost fairy, she is not much stronger than herself in strength. Xiao Naihe naturally did not care about it. Especially after refining the killing doppelganger now, he has the strength to fight against the peak of Jinxian, even in the face of the oriental wind, he is not humble.

Dongfeng is He Xuren, when he saw Xiao Naihe, he immediately felt that the breath of this year-end friend seemed to become more intense. It is not that Xiao Naihe's cultivation base has increased, but that his aura has completely changed.

"It's weird, how do I feel that his aura is already comparable to mine?"

Ma Ruonan saw Xiao Nai as if he had taken his words as the wind in his ears, and suddenly became very flaming: "Xiao Naihe, I know that the head teacher is very fond of you, but if you rely on the wings of the head teacher, you will not be in the smokehouse. As the second head, I can punish you! You are not a true disciple now! I did n’t come out to bear the name for a few days. "

"This is Uncle Ma. I have been too focused on alchemy these days, so I haven't had time to get out."

"Alchemy? How long does it take for medicinal herbs to be refined?" Ma Ruonan smiled coldly. How could he feel that Xiao Nai was just making excuses at random, as long as Xiao Naihe couldn't come up with or even a low-level pill, he would squeeze you immediately!