Reincarnation of the Heaven

Chapter 685: Into the sky

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"It seems that Wu Dao is indeed wonderful. I don't have the original power of Wu Dao, but I can absorb so much spiritual power. It seems that the Dao Law in this extinct race does have levels that are unmatched by several other roads. I must get the secret book of the Yantian Pavilion of the Wu people, it is amazing. "

Xiao Nai nodded and smiled slightly.

Xiao Naiho walked into the central hinterland of his own space-time world, and then came to the periphery.

Han Zhenji and Zu Rong are also practicing in this space, and they have entered a state of no-self and no-mind.

Xiao Nai doesn't bother them anymore. He knows that these two women must have felt something in their own space-time world. The inspiration is like a tide. At this time, once they are disturbed and the inspiration of the other party is gone, he is a sinner.

"Huh? The flow of energy and the exchange of yin and yang. The return of these two women to the original has become more and more firm. The state of Zhongcheng has reached its peak, and it is almost possible to break through the meaning of perfection and realize the peak of the later period."

Xiao Naihe saw that the breath of Han Zhenji and Zurong changed very fast at this time, and changed thousands of forms. That kind of breath seemed like from spring to summer, from summer to autumn, and finally to winter. After winter, it is still spring ...

This is repeated, returning to the original, straight into the heart.

"I finally woke up."

There was also a smile on Xiao Naihe's face: "Congratulations to the two, it is now a sense of perfection that is approaching to the peak of the later period. As long as you go further, you can realize the meaning of returning to the original."

Now Han Zhenji and Zurong are really people at the level of Yuan Jingyun.

It is also in the middle of Shen Kong Realm, and also has three, six, and nine levels. Just like Han Zhenji, Zurong and Yuan Jingyun, all three are in the midst of Shenkong Realm, but Yuan Jingyun has touched the meaning of returning to the original, and has the qualification to step into the peak of Shenkong Realm, so the previous Han Zhenji, Zurong is definitely not Yuan Jingyun's opponent.

But now the two women have begun to touch this sense of perfection. With the qualification to step into the pinnacle of the later stage of the god's realm, they now have the same strength as Yuan Jingyun, no matter which one they are.

"Hey, if it weren't for you, there is a time law in the space-time world, and both of us have a very important and wonderful role, otherwise we won't step into this level."

Zurong smiled, but still very grateful to Xiao Naihe.

There is a big concept that contains the law of time in the return to the original nature of the god's air, but Han Zhenji and Zurong have never understood the essence of it, but they can enter Xiao Naihe's space-time world from the time law of this space. Realizing a trace of essence, he immediately entered a state of selflessness, and then he was able to stabilize his realm, but touch the meaning of perfection.

"However, you have gained a lot, and the spiritual power of your body seems to be restrained, which seems to be the direct fusion of the Saint King's marrow."

Zurong is not an ordinary person. He is very sensitive to the fluctuation of Xiao Naihe's breath. He felt the difference in Xiao Naihe's body for a while.

Xiao Naihe has now gone through more than a hundred days of fusion, and the resulting spiritual power has already filled up the potential spiritual power he had previously lost, and there is still some surplus.

"Don't say, we have practiced here for so long. It should have been more than a day outside. I estimate that it should be daytime. It is time to go to the Yantian Pavilion."

"Also, we have been here for a while, and we still have to invest in Yantian Pavilion. There is the knowledge of Mo Xianzhang, we are not afraid of their disagreement."

Mo Xianzhang is a generation of Yantiange, even if it has gone through tens of thousands of years, it can definitely have an indelible influence in Yantiange.

Therefore, Han Zhenji did not worry that the other party would not accept them.


Just when Xiao Nai stepped out of the world of time and space and flew to Yantian Pavilion.

In the east, in a mountain where the rising sun rises, a fairy mist surrounds the lingering vine, like a fairyland.

Above the thousands of peaks, a huge reincarnation square, there was a sound of drinking, and tens of thousands of disciples were practicing in the front of Yantian Pavilion.

The lowest level of these tens of thousands of disciples has also reached Jinxian, and every time he swings his fists and footsteps, the spirit he displays is fused to the top.

The huge Yantian Pavilion is directly sublimated in this strong atmosphere, and has become a holy place in Shinto.

Compared with Yantian Pavilion, the Linyan Pavilion and the Danxia School that were encountered in the small world in the past are nothing more than stars.

Yantian Pavilion, as the first-class sect of the Wushuang Sect, controlled 30 cities on the Wushuang Continent, and millions of disciples scattered among the 30 cities.

In the Zongmen headquarters, nearly one hundred thousand inner disciples are all above the level of the Golden Immortals. One hundred and eighty true disciples are all Shinto-level cultivation practices.

In a quiet place in Yantian Pavilion, in a secret room, Yuan Jingyun stood in it, and Yuan Jingtian was lying beside him, lying on a thousand-year-old bed, constantly recovering vitality, This will stimulate your own soul.

"My father, I have a look. My brother is in a state of no-self and no-mind. I don't know what is going on. I can't wake up if my mind-minds are injected into it.

Yuan Jingyun was puzzled. When he found Yuan Jingtian a day ago, he discovered that his brother was sinking into nothingness. Can't wake up anyway.


Standing in front of Yuan Jingtian, there is a forty-something form, but his chronology has been in the level of more than three thousand years.

He is one of the elders of Yantian Pavilion, the great giant in the early stage of God's Realm, Yuan Bailu.

Yuan Egret looked indifferent, his eyes turned, the blue crane clothes he wore slightly moved, the corners of his clothes fell, and suddenly the power of no anger, Jin Chengzhu in the back just felt the kind of pressure from the giant. , So that they are not familiar with it, very frightened.

"What's going on? Jin Chengzhu, you tell everything about that time! Speak slowly, one by one, don't miss a thing."

Yuan Bailu had no expression in his voice, but it fell in Jin Chengzhu's ears, but he felt a horror. This kind of character, this kind of god's main realm, gave him too much pressure.

Jin Chengzhu panted in a big breath and quickly said, "This is actually the case ..."

Next, Jin Chengzhu didn't dare to conceal it and told them what was happening at that time.

"You mean, the **** realm cultivator named Xiao Naihe did it?"