Rejected the Demon’s Marriage Proposal Thousands of Times

Chapter 11: Get ill

Anna is new here, and she doesn’t know how to find the priest. She can only go back to the kitchen and find Rebecca. She will briefly explain the matter. Rebecca, who has always been upright, was also taken aback, too late to ask more. , Hurried to find the housekeeper.

What happened after that didn't have much to do with Anna. The butler hurriedly sent someone to find Father Louis. This was the privilege of the lord and the lord's family when they were sick, and they could be called the priest directly.

When Father Louis came, Anna looked from a distance. He was a chubby middle-aged man with sparse blond hair. It seemed that even God could not save hair loss. His expression of compassion was no different from that of the clergy in Anna's imagination.

When the priest arrived in a hurry, Earl Wilson arrived early and was nervously guarding Parish. After all, Parish was the only son he had the right to inherit. He also liked this son very much and didn't want Parish to have an accident.

Anna was guarding outside, listening to the movement inside with her ears erected, but after listening for a long time, she didn't see any shouts like "Devil, I will destroy you on behalf of the goddess". She remained calm and quiet until later Earl Wilson smiled. Send Father Louis to leave.

……That's it?

Has the demon been wiped out?

Considering that the demon had not shown too much power, Anna couldn't help but think optimistically, that the demon might be one of the demons. It's very unbelievable. Father Louis wiped him out as soon as he met him, so she didn't make it out either. Too much movement.

With this hope, Anna approached Wodor and said that she wanted to take back all the utensils.

After Master Parrish got better, Wodo had calmed down, nodded in agreement, and brought Anna up.

Anna pretended to be worried and asked, "Master Parrish is all right? You scared me to death just now."

Wodor also looked relieved: "Master Parrish is okay. Father Louis has cured him with holy healing, but he is still resting."

Holy healing! It sounds very bright and domineering, isn't it difficult to kill a demon?

Anna became more excited in her heart and asked in a low voice, "What's wrong with Master Parrish? Just now I thought he fell because of a food problem, and it scared me to death."

Wodor shook his head and said: "Father Louis said that it has nothing to do with food. It is the power of darkness that exists in his body, but it happened at that time. He has already used the Holy Healing technique to eliminate the power of darkness, and the young master is fine."

The power of darkness! wipe out!

If Wodor hadn't been there, Anna would almost be overjoyed.

She suppressed the excitement that was surging in her chest, with a worried expression on her face: "Can I see Master Parrish? I just took a look at the bedroom door and won't go in."

Wodor wanted to refuse, but thought that every time Master Parrish would ask Anna to bring breakfast, and even proposed to Anna, he did not say no, but led Anna to the bedroom door.

At the entrance of the bedroom, you can see the bed where Parish is lying. There are veils hanging around the bed, and you can't see the person in the bed clearly, but Anna only glanced at it, and suddenly fell to the bottom with joy.

She couldn't see the person lying on the bed clearly, but the gloomy and substantive dark aura of the devil had been entwining him, and she could see clearly through the veil.

Not to mention that the demon was wiped out, he didn't even look weak at all!

Anna was in a bad mood, she exited the bedroom, packed up her things, and left in a hurry.

When thinking that the demon was destroyed, Anna thought that if the priest really destroyed the demon, then she, an atheist, could also change her belief, as long as the Goddess of Light was really protecting the world.

But she was so disappointed!

The priest didn't even notice the demon.

Hearing what Wodor said, what eliminated the power of darkness that existed in the body... She felt that Father Louis might have used Holy Healing to cut off the appendix to Master Parrish!

Anna thought about asking for help from the church before, but what happened today has disappointed her too much.

But fortunately, with what happened today, she knew that it was useless to ask a priest for help, and she didn't have the extravagant hope that the devil would be destroyed by God.

Sure enough, there has never been a savior, you can only rely on yourself. The ancestors do not deceive me.

One of the advantages of Father Louis's visit to Parrish is that he is determined that he is neither food poisoned nor poisoned, and Anna does not have to worry about being caught as a murderer.

Because the devil lay down, Anna, who only needed to deliver breakfast once a day a few days ago, had to take on the responsibility of delivering lunch and dinner.

When the kitchen alone was preparing lunch for Master Parrish, Anna was outside to breathe, and the three of Abigail came over.

Anna found that these three were like Siamese babies, at least they were always together when they came to see her.

The three of them had already heard about Master Parrish's illness, and with a worried look on their faces, they asked Anna about the situation.

Anna simply explained that Master Parrish was okay, and the three changed their smiles.

Anna wanted to hear more about the Master from their mouths, but the kitchen had already prepared lunch, so she had to wait for the next time to ask.

As she passed the small garden, Anna found that there seemed to be someone in the usually quiet place.

At first she thought that the demon was all right, so she came out and walked around, but only when she got closer did she realize that it was a very strange man with pale blonde hair. The man was facing her back, a black robe with bronzing rims almost mopping the floor.

Anna had never seen this man, but his unique dress made her associate.

This person... is a four-star mage living in the earl's mansion? That young genius?

According to the etiquette taught by Rebecca, Anna should leave quickly at this moment, but she is really curious about the group of mages.

She leaned in slowly, stopped when there were two meters away, and whispered: "My honorable lord, what can I do?"

The man standing alone didn't seem to be surprised by Anna's voice. He slowly turned around. That young and handsome face was the pride of the earl's son and the genius mage.

"I need you to leave." He said calmly.

It is not so much that he is looking down on Anna, the maid, as he is indifferent and "not taking her seriously". Afterwards, he turned his head straight back, not waiting for her answer.

Anna wasn't too surprised by the attitude of the other party. The nobles and commoners in this world were very distinct. After all, after being possessed by a demon like "Master Parrish", there was only one who didn't care about the difference between aristocrats and commoners at all.

She was still holding a trace of luck and wanted to know something about the Wizards Association and the Wizards, but now it seems that she is thinking too much.

After being rejected, Anna didn't have the idea of ​​stalking, she relaxed and quickly left here.

Wodo waited for Anna at the door, and helped her take the food container together.

Anna thought she would see the demon in the bedroom, but he was wearing loose sleep and sitting casually in the sun room.

Rothgar is in a bad mood now.

More than one thing.

The human body is really too weak. It has been a long time since he realized what pain it feels like. If it hadn’t been for the bet with Balan, he would have left this body-"possession" can only be used once for the same body. And he hadn't used Parish's body to beat the human woman, and of course he couldn't leave.

It was another kind of discomfort for him to endure the washing of the light element while enduring the pain. Of course, the weak priest didn't need any light element that could cause him harm, but he instinctively hated the light element.

And just now, he seemed to see that human woman was talking to that genius mage.

Rothgar knew that Anna, a human woman, had great ambitions, and what she wanted was the despair of a son of an earl. Oh, of course he will "satisfy" her, in the way she wants.

However, now it seems that she has a new goal.

There is this mage in Parish’s memory. His name is Ulysses Russell. He is the second son of Duke Russell. Although he does not have the right to inherit the position of Duke, he is the most gifted fire elemental pro. He was promoted to a four-star mage at a young age. This time, he was injured when he captured the Warcraft. Because there was no Mage Association in Blue Rock City, he temporarily stayed in the Earls Mansion to recover from his injuries.

Humans are no different from creatures in the demon world in that they worship the strong. One side is just the son of an ordinary earl with no affinity for natural elements, and the other is the son of a rare young four-star mage and duke, who is smarter than ordinary humans like Anna. Snobbish woman, I'm afraid I will have an answer in my heart.

"Master Parrish."

Rothgar heard the sound coming from behind and looked sideways.

Anna lowered her head to avoid looking directly at the devil, and took out the exquisite and steaming meal from the food box.

Rothgar looked at Anna, recalled Parrish's memory, and saw her face lost: "Dear Anna, you have always refused to agree to marry me, but because you fell in love with someone else?"

Anna was slightly startled, what she said to her three plastic friends was told to the devil?

She glanced at the devil quickly, mainly to observe his real expression-it was really scary, his pale and gloomy face seemed to be depressed by the rain, as if it might lift the table at any time!

"Nothing." Anna resolutely denied, "I don't know where you heard it. This kind of thing is totally untrue. I don't fall in love with anyone."

"No one told me that I saw it myself," Rotgar nodded out of the window. "I saw you with Ulysses Russell."

Ulysses Russell?

Is this the name of that young and handsome four-star mage? It was not what she said casually to the three people.

Anna took down the mage's name and looked suspiciously: "What you mean... is that the noble mage just now?"

Rotgar didn’t know if Anna played stupid or didn’t know, so he went on to say: "A twenty-three-year-old four-star mage is really amazing. Generally, a twenty-three-year-old elemental mage still stays at two stars. . You will cast admiring eyes on such a genius, I understand it very well."

In that case, does the level of the element mage start from one star and go up? I don’t know if there is a cap.

Anna extracted information that was more important to her from the devil’s words, and quickly denied it to prevent the devil from lifting the table: "Master Parrish, you really misunderstood. I just happened to see the noble mage alone. There, I am afraid that he has any needs, so I will ask him. I'm just a maid, I just want to do my own thing."

"Really?" Rotgar replied noncommitantly, even though he could not see any flaws in Anna, he did not completely believe her.

This human woman is smarter than other humans and very good at disguising. Just listening to what she says can't really figure out her intentions.

He has to look at it more.

Moreover, even if she changes the goal, it will not have much effect on him. It is better to say that if she wants to take down the mage, she must succeed in a short time. The mage is only here to heal her injuries and will leave soon. And as long as he "possessed" on the wizard, he could easily achieve the goal.

Anna quickly said: "The goddess is here, what I said is true."

Rotgar snorted, but before Anna reacted, he said deliberately: "Ulysses Russell is only temporarily recovering from his injuries and will leave soon. You don't have to worry about him next time you see him."

His words, in the eyes of ordinary people, would be understood as a man's jealousy towards his rivals, such as Wodor thinks.

But Rothgar said that, still wanting Anna to understand that if she doesn't hurry up, the opportunity will slip away.

It doesn't matter whether Anna intends to seduce him or to seduce the mage, it makes no difference to him.

Anna, who just wanted to make money and didn't want to seduce anyone, heard the devil's words. Although she thought a lot in her heart for a moment, she finally decided to take his words as a simple command from the master to the maid.

"Okay, Master Parrish." She replied cleverly, but she thought "just do it next time."

She is very curious about the group of wizards, and she wants to learn spells too!