Release That Demonic Pet

v1 Chapter 331: Red Flame Flying Dragon

   After so many years, the world has established a mature system, including the increase in strength brought about by the different qualities of the fairies.

   If the quality of the lower grade is 1, then the middle grade is 1.2 times that of the lower grade, the upper grade is 1.5 times that of the lower grade, and the top grade is twice as high as the lower grade.

It seems that the top grade and the top grade are only one grade, but there is a 0.5 times increase difference. This is only an increase in combat power. The most important quality is to break through the bottleneck. The higher the quality of the monster pet, the easier it is to break through the bottleneck. The farther we can go in the future, this is also the main reason why the demon master chases high-quality goblins.

   "The emerald monitor lizard, use a slam attack!" For the first time, Duan Chen chose to take preemptive strikes to give play to the emerald monitor lizard's melee advantage.


   The emerald monitor vigorously stepped on the grass, and quickly launched a charge towards Kailan.

   At the moment when the speed of the emerald monitor lizard was about to reach its peak, Kailan was very proficient in launching the starting pose-the burrowing vines!

   In an instant, dozens of adult-armed vines were violently drilled out of the ground, and they entangled the left and right forelimbs of the emerald monitor lizard with lightning speed.

   Click~ click~ click~

The emerald monitor lizard had a strong impulse. It broke several vines in an instant, but was unable to break all the vines at once. This directly caused the emerald monitor lizard to turn over and smash with its belly up. Fell to the ground.

   is also fortunate that the limbs of the emerald monitor lizard are short and stubby. The forelimbs **** by the vines did not break, nor did it lose much physical strength, but it prevented its momentum.

   "Very strong!" The number and resilience of the vines obviously exceeded Duan Chen's expectations, and he faintly felt uneasy. This forest elf seemed to be stronger than the ordinary forest elf.

  Before the emerald monitor lizard got up, Kailan condensed a strong green energy, which turned into leaf blades, and slashed towards the emerald monitor lizard.

   This is her second attack!

The emerald monitor lizard stood up again, and as soon as it broke the remaining vines on its forelimbs, it was cut and hit on the back by the blade. Its thick emerald skin was cut open directly, and it cut out a length of two meters and two feet. A huge scar three inches deep.


   The emerald monitor lizard could not help but let out a scream. Although it is also a wood attribute, because it also has a soil attribute, wood skills can cause normal damage to it.

  The light of this leaf blade slash caused the emerald monitor lizard to be seriously injured.

   For Kailan, both wood and earth skills can only cause half damage to her, so it seems that there is no restraint on the attributes of the two sides, but Kailan obviously takes advantage.

   At this time, the emerald monitor lizard reluctantly charged again, leaving only a few meters between the two.

   "The emerald monitor lizard, use the bite!"

   Under Duan Chen's command, the emerald monitor lizard rushed towards Kailan, and its big fishy mouth opened, revealing its sharp fangs and dirty saliva.

   Forest Guardian!

   At the moment of crisis, the rich green energy turned into a dark green mask, instantly wrapping Kailan in all directions.


   The emerald monitor lizard bit on the dark green mask fiercely. Layers of ripples emerged. The mask fluctuated violently, but there was no sign of breaking.

   When the emerald monitor lizard had fallen down, the dark green mask still existed, but the color was much dim.

   Poor Chu Chu!

   At this moment, Kailan's eyes flashed with psychedelic colorful brilliance, and the emerald monitor lizard's eyes just lifted their heads and stared at her.

   The emerald monitor was subconsciously attracted by Kailan's eyes, unable to extricate itself, and its eyes began to show confused eyes.

   "No, emerald monitor lizard, hurry up and attack!"

   Seeing the look of the emerald monitor lizard, Duan Chen suddenly became anxious, he hurriedly shouted, trying to wake up the emerald monitor lizard.

   The emerald monitor lizard vaguely heard Duan Chen's voice, it couldn't help but shook its head vigorously, finally regaining consciousness.

   It's a pity that the emerald monitor lizard just woke up, was surrounded by the paralytic powder released by Kailan, and subconsciously sucked a lot.

The    paralysis powder quickly exerted its effect, causing the emerald monitor lizard to become paralyzed. Its movements were no longer as fast as before, and it became stiff from time to time, unable to move.

   "Very good, give it the last blade!"

Just when the emerald monitor lizard was difficult to move, Kailan performed the leaf blade cut again. Since the emerald monitor lizard could not avoid it, this time the leaf blade cut directly slashed on the head of the emerald monitor lizard, cutting out a scar with deep bone .

   was hit by the blade blade, which directly caused the emerald monitor lizard to lose its fighting ability.

   Duan Chen had a green face, and hurriedly took back the emerald monitor lizard as quickly as possible, fearing that Kailan would make a repair and take the opportunity to kill his emerald monitor lizard.

   "The emerald monitor has lost the ability to fight. Please replace Duan Chen with the next monster pet!"

   At this time, the referee announced the result.

   In the first battle, Kailan won!

   "Good job, Kailan!"

   Hearing Li Changsheng’s compliment, Kailan proudly returned her thumb, her waist-length green hair swayed smoothly, revealing a bright smile.

   Suddenly, Kailan's petite body began to emit a strong brilliance.

   Under the background of brilliance, Kailan began to grow taller slowly, and his aura became stronger.

   When the brilliance dissipated, Kailan opened her eyes again. At this time, she had grown from 50 cm to 60 cm in height. As she was wearing obviously messy clothes, Kailan's clothes naturally did not pop open, but only appeared a little smaller.

   Kailan, accidentally promoted!

   Seeing such a Duan Chen only felt his chest was tight, and he had the urge to vomit blood. When confronting other people, the opponent's demon pet suddenly promoted, and who would not be depressed!

   However, Duan Chen still took a deep breath, forcibly suppressing the negative emotions, and the familiar blood-colored six-pointed star appeared again.


Accompanied by the palpitating sound of dragons, a fiery red flying dragon with a wingspan of seven meters flew out. This flying dragon had a pair of bat wings, no horns on its head, and eyes like a pair of bright rubies. A young red flame flying dragon.

   For the first time, Li Changsheng obtained the information about the Flying Dragon of Red Flame.

   [Fairy Name]: Scarlet Flame Flying Dragon (growth period, medium monster)

   [Fairy Realm]: Upper Rank 8

  [Fairy Race]: medium command

   [fairy quality]: top grade

  【Fairy Bloodline】: Red Dragon (Pure)

  【Fairy Attribute】: Fire

   [Fairy State]: Healthy

  【Fairy weakness】: water

   Duan Chen deserves to come from the King’s family. He actually owns a top-quality Scarlet Flame Flying Dragon. Unfortunately, this Scarlet Flame Flying Dragon is still young and has not reached the elite level.

   Like the Venom Wyvern, the Red Flame Wyvern belongs to the same subspecies of Wyvern, but the attributes of the two are different. Perhaps because of the blood of the Red Dragon, the Red Flame Wyvern seems to be much stronger.

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