Release That Demonic Pet

v1 Chapter 365: Titan's grip, the gray cat from the hear

Hundreds of poisonous body! I seem to have heard of this Yu Yaojue somewhere! "

Looking at the cover, Vice President Xu couldn't help but fall into a daydream, but he quickly shook his head. Since he couldn't remember it, he didn't want to.

Vice President Xu doesn’t have the habit of reading with his hands. He put "Hundred Poisons Tempering the Golden Body" on the table, using his mental power to flip the demon demon, and then scanning with his mental power, which can be directly expanded into his mind. As a result, his reading speed is very fast, and every blink of an eye can memorize a page.

For such a convenient ability, Li Changsheng can only express his envy. He can't do it for the time being, but as long as he continues to improve his demon master's rank, he will naturally gain this ability like the teleport ability.

"This is indeed a high-level Demon Demon Judgment, but it is the most common high-level Demon Demon Demon Judgment. It is completely incomparable with the "Four Elephants and Star Demon Demon Jue" that you just redeemed. However, this demon demon Jude is also an institution of higher learning. What's missing, why, do you want to exchange it to a university?"

Vice President Xu naturally guessed Li Changsheng's thoughts. Although he had memorized all the contents of this Yuyao Jue, his own pride and status were naturally impossible to engage in ‘stealth’.

"Principal, how many credits can it exchange?" This is Li Changsheng's concern. If the exchanged credits are not satisfied, he will put it in the auction house as the finale.

Vice Principal Xu put his hands on the table and thought for a while and said: "According to the rules, you can get five times the value of the credits. This "Hundred Poisons Tempered Golden Body" is equivalent to "A Thousand Miles River Yuyao Jue", so if If you exchange it for a higher education institution, the price that the higher education institution will give it will also be 3,000 credits, and you can get 15,000 credits!"

"Principal, can you give me more?" Li Changsheng's heart was suddenly moved, and he subconsciously wanted to get more credits.

Because even if he gets these five thousand credits, his total credits are still a short distance from the goal of 25,000.

In addition, if it is handed over to the auction house to operate, the ten thousand soul crystals will almost reach the top, and the 15,000 credits are almost equivalent to 30,000 soul crystals. This has not yet calculated the credit exchange halving discount.

No matter how you look at it, it is in his best interest to exchange credits.

"Why, lack of credits?" Vice President Xu teased and said with a smile: "The rules cannot be abolished, but there are policies and countermeasures. Otherwise, I will give you three thousand credits in my own name. My personal reward for your outstanding performance in the exchange competition!"

After ‘earning’ another 3,000 credits, Li Changsheng expressed his satisfaction, but it was Vice President Xu’s own pocket money, and Li Changsheng didn’t have any more shyness.

"The ugly words are at the forefront. If you exchange it for a higher education institution, you can practice this demon demon battle on your own, but remember not to pass it on. Do you understand?"

This is the most basic rule. Otherwise, Li Changsheng can redeem a copy here, and then he can copy another copy and throw it at the auction house. There will be no repeated operation.

"Understood, deal!"

Vice President Xu manipulated the silver student order and handed it to Li Changsheng again.

In this way, there are more than 2,000 credits left from the 25,000 gap. If Li Changsheng immerses himself in hard work and concentrates on academic tasks, he will be able to collect the credits in about a month.

But before that, Li Changsheng needs to solve the matter of Teacher Ning. If Teacher Ning does not recover in one day, he can't feel at ease for one day, so he will concentrate on the itinerary of earning credits and wait for the future.

Of course, if you turn in the spiral training method, the ancient speed-enhancing potion formula or even the "Book of Blood", you will definitely get a lot of credits.

However, "The Second Half of the Book of Blood" is his foundation. The ancient speed-enhancing potion formula can be a channel for making money. Maybe a one-time buyout can get a large number of credits, but how can it be compared with the fine water flow, as long as the materials are sufficient, It can continuously create stable income for him.

The most important thing is that Li Changsheng has never heard of other forces selling ancient speed-enhancing medicines. In other words, ancient speed-enhancing medicines are monopolistic income, and he can make a lot of profits.

Regardless of the speed improvement of the ancient speed-enhancing potions, whether it is a Tier 5 or 6 powerhouse or a wealthy demon master, it will definitely be eager for it.

Are you short-term or long-term? Or do you choose to eat alone or share the benefits?

After all, this is a monopolistic business channel. Normal people will tend to long-term and eat alone. Li Changsheng is no exception. Moreover, he has sales channels himself, and there is no need to share profits with other forces.

Of course, if Li Changsheng wants to keep commercial channels, he must keep secrets. I believe that as long as he is given a year or two, he has become a pivotal power in Langya country at that time, even if he is discovered by other forces, he has enough strength to protect himself.

If he is discovered before he has fully grown up, he can only sacrifice part of his gains and seek the protection of powerful forces such as Yuanling Academy.

As for the spiral training method, this is a special training method that is enough to become a family inheritance. It is also the only special training method that Li Changsheng has mastered. He has no idea of ​​redeeming credits for the time being before obtaining a better special training method.

Li Changsheng left the principal's office contentedly and went straight to the treasure pavilion.

At the entrance of the third floor of the Treasure Pavilion, there are several levels of tangible and intangible energy restrictions, which shows the importance of Yuanling Academy to the third floor.

Li Changsheng took out a token, which was the certificate of the third floor of the Treasure Pavilion, and stepped forward directly.


At the moment when he touched the energy barrier, the voucher in Li Changsheng's hand was automatically activated, emitting a light, completely enveloping Li Changsheng.

Li Changsheng entered the third layer unobstructed, and after he entered, there was no response from several layers of energy barriers.

The area of ​​the third floor of the Treasure Pavilion is very small, with a total of about a hundred square meters. It feels like a three-story building with only one pavilion built on the last floor.

Even so, the third floor is still very empty, because the whole room has only a simple desk with a dozen sealed treasure boxes on the desk.

These dozen treasure boxes are all wrapped in a special barrier, and only the certificate can open the treasure box barrier.

From the beginning of the first generation of principals, the previous principals often put some treasures that they did not use here. Even Vice Principal Xu did not know what was hidden in these treasure boxes, because these treasure boxes were made by the first generation principals. Only the voucher produced by the first principal can be opened.

If you use other methods, the treasure box will start a self-destruct procedure to forcefully destroy the treasure inside.

In addition, a voucher can only open the prohibition of a treasure box. If you want to take out the voucher, you need the consent of all the senior officials of the university. Because the place where the voucher is placed has several restrictions set by the original principals, the'key' to open the prohibition has always been handed in. Keep it for several senior academics, which effectively prevents the possibility of theft by guards.

Of course, if several senior executives join together, they can check the treasures in these treasure boxes, but this is unlikely, because most senior executives are very stubborn and let them violate the rules and regulations of the institution. It is better to kill him. .

Vice Principal Xu is such a high-level person. This extremely stubborn principal can't wait to engrave the rules and regulations of the university into his bones.

For the first time, Li Changsheng subconsciously wanted to release his mental power, feel the energy fluctuations within the range, and look for the treasure box with the strongest energy fluctuations.

Damn it!

It's a pity that the mental power that used to be all-inclusive seems to be silent, and it is impossible to release it outside.

The release of mental energy is prohibited here!

In this way, Li Changsheng could only secretly say a pity, looking at the dozens of treasure boxes on the table, in the end he could only rely on his eyes to choose a long jade box.

After sticking the voucher on the long jade box, the voucher and the jade box all gave out colorful lights.

In just a few breaths, the prohibition on the jade box disappeared, and the light on the voucher dimmed a lot.

Li Changsheng couldn't wait to open the long jade box, and found that there was a delicate wristband that was forty to fifty centimeters long lying inside.

Next to the wristband, there is a jade piece with the introduction of the wristband engraved on it. This is the treasure that the fifth generation principal left to the university before his death.

Titan's Grip: A top-level special treasure, made from Thunder Titan's toughest hand skin, monster core, and dozens of accessories through hundreds of processes. It can increase the power of the fairy by 60%, and with a certain paralysis effect!

A top-level treasure can improve a certain aspect of abilities by 50-60%. This Titan Grip is definitely a top-quality treasure among the top treasures. In particular, it improves strength, and it also has a certain paralysis effect. These are all greatly improved. Its value.

As a top treasure, the value of Thunderbird's tail feathers is far inferior to that of Titan's Grip, whose value is at least ten thousand soul crystals.

Li Changsheng was very satisfied with this Titan Grip, but he believed that there might be better treasures here than Titan Grip, such as the treasures left by the original principal. He didn't know if there would be any opportunities in the future.

Like most of them, Li Changsheng did not give up on sticking the voucher on other treasure boxes, but unfortunately there was no response, and he could only choose to leave.

As soon as he left the third floor, Li Changsheng suddenly felt that his hand was empty, and the voucher he was holding in his hand suddenly disappeared, and he did not know where he went.

With a satisfied smile, Li Changsheng returned to Courtyard No. 1.

As soon as he returned to the room, he saw two white lights rising. It turned out that Sunlight Meow and Moonlight Meow felt that it was too hard to push the ball of yarn, so they turned their grief and anger into strength and made a breakthrough in the realm with the opportunity, and both became the upper demon pets.

In this way, only the treasure hunter and the wild monsters have not reached the upper realm.

Three elite level and five upper level, this is Li Changsheng's current strength, the key is that he became a demon master less than half a year.

After the breakthrough, the body shapes of the two cats did not change much, that is, their hair became smoother and the sun and moon marks on their foreheads became clearer.

However, their power has obviously increased significantly, pushing the ball of yarn much easier than before.

You can play wool ball happily again!

Sunlight and Moonlight happily pushed their yarn **** and played around in the empty living room.

"Originally, they were going to make breakthroughs as they evolve. Who would have thought that they would break through with a ball of yarn!"

Li Changsheng shook his head funny. The two cats are naughty, but they have developed a good habit of not showing their claws easily when playing around, and they will try to avoid fragile objects to avoid destroying the room. Items inside.

Therefore, there were almost no traces of cat's claws in the room. For these two cats, Li Changsheng was relieved.

Ignoring the two playing cats, Li Changsheng glanced towards the backyard.

Compared with the time before leaving, the backyard has changed a lot. A big pit appears in the center of the backyard. This is a masterpiece of treasure hunters, and the big pit is overflowing with water, which is the water condensed by the emperor crocodile.

At this time, Ashe, Dumb, Bright Bird, Emperor Crocodile, and Treasure Hunter were playing in the puddle, splashing water everywhere.

Not far away, there was a lot of splash on the fur of Chuan Zhuan's body, but it seemed to have no feeling. Looking at its undulating belly, it was still asleep, and seeing the unconscious smile at the corner of its mouth, I wanted to come and have a good dream.

Naturally, its dreams are not "the enemy will shame me and take her clothes off", it is mainly related to eating.

Unless she is full or awakened by the flute of awakening, Yuan Gungun will not wake up on its own initiative and will always be immersed in its dreams.

The blazing bird stood boringly on the branch on the side. Its scorching sun had already been activated, causing a huge fireball to hang over the backyard, tilting a lot of light and heat downward, mainly to prevent the demon pets from accidentally catching a cold. .

As a fire demon pet, Flaming Bird doesn’t like to play in the water, but it can’t stop its companions from playing, so it has to do its best to continuously gather the fire energy and maintain the hot and scorching sun. Hope the companions will have fun , You can play with it.

Seeing such a harmonious scene, Li Changsheng returned to the bedroom with satisfaction.

In the bedroom, Kailan was sitting on the small chair Li Changsheng bought for her, looking at the books in her hands with relish.

This is a basic pharmacy book. She is currently studying refining pharmaceuticals by herself. At the same time, she has a friendship with a senior female instructor from the Alchemist College, and she is ready to go to her if she doesn't understand.

Kailan's self-study of refining pharmaceutical agents is related to Li Changsheng. Li Changsheng has collected all the materials for the ancient speed-up potion formula. Unfortunately, pharmacy is not a dissolving agent and requires a lot of practice and talent.

As a result, the ancient speed-enhancing potion was temporarily stranded. Originally, he wanted to try to learn pharmaceutics. If he couldn't learn it, he would think of other ways, such as going to Li Jingyi. But then, the formula was leaked. No one can guarantee that Li Jingyi will have some thoughts that shouldn’t be there.

However, Li Changsheng has a little knowledge of pharmacy, and he has no good talent in this aspect, and his progress is not generally slow.

Seeing this situation, Kailan wanted to help Li Changsheng share something, so she also started to teach pharmacy by herself, but she didn’t expect her talents in this area and she could draw inferences from other things. She was patient and was very familiar with boring pharmacy. Interested, the speed of progress can be described as a thousand miles, so the work of pharmacy was taken over by Kailan.

"Kailan, remember to rest early, don't work too hard!" Li Changsheng exhorted, Kailan did not look up, still immersed in the world of pharmacy.

Li Changsheng could only helplessly shook his head, and began to set a restraint of restraint in the bedroom, preparing to make active potions to activate the blood activity of the dawn cat, and finally purify the cat's blood for the evolution of the sun and moon.

With the speciality of the twin symbiosis of light and dark, one part of the cat's blood can be safely used as two parts. One cat evolves and the other cat naturally evolves.

Soon, Li Changsheng completed the arrangement and initiated the restraint of interest restraint.

On the workbench, Li Changsheng began to process the materials for the active pharmacy. This is the formula recorded in the "Book of Blood". Although there are two words for pharmacy, it has nothing to do with pharmaceutics. In particular, there are not many materials used. Add the materials one by one according to the method of the formula, and the active agent will be configured with a high success rate.

To put it simply, the active medicine is simpler than the most basic medicine, even a novice can configure it, and the success rate is not low.

"Kalan, you are here to make the active potions, and I will act as a starter!" Li Changsheng gave up her position, feeling that Kailan's success rate in deploying active potions would not be lower than that of him, and by the way, she could also practice her hands.

For the sake of safety, Li Changsheng only took a portion of the active pharmaceutical ingredients.

With these materials, about ten active potions can be made. If Li Changsheng makes it himself, the success rate is about 30%.

"Okay, I will definitely work hard!"

Kailan confidently patted her chest, showing no signs of timidity, her eyes were full of concentration and earnestness. After memorizing a few simple steps of the active potion, she began to perform meticulously.

With a serious face, Li Changsheng began to lay hands on Kailan. He stared at Kailan's movements closely. As long as Kailan made mistakes, he would stop at any time.

It's just that Kailan did all the steps in the same way. It was almost stuck in time to add various materials, and occasionally adjust the heat to make these materials blend perfectly.

Li Changsheng looked quite embarrassed. Kailan was too careful. He could always add materials or adjust the temperature at the best time for the owner. In these respects, he was not as good as Kailan, a novice.

Because of being too focused, and the temperature of the workbench was relatively high, soon, a layer of sweat appeared on Kailan's forehead.

Li Changsheng hurriedly grabbed a face towel and carefully wiped off her sweat, for fear of interfering with Kailan's movements.

The entire refining process lasted about ten minutes.

"Complete!" Kailan put a few drops of Thousand-Year Spirit Milk into the vessel, and then closed the lid of the vessel and reduced the heat.

The next step was to wait. After five minutes passed, Kailan extinguished the flame, and soon the lid was opened. There was a small pool of brown liquid in the vessel, exuding a refreshing breath.

"Success!" Kailan smiled, immersed in the joy of success.

Li Changsheng couldn't wait to install the active potion, and immediately took out an active potion material for Kailan to continue making.

It took a full two hours, and Kailan finally got it all done, and she lay on the table tiredly. In these two hours, she didn’t have a trace of slack. It was definitely a high-intensity job for her, and everyone would feel it tired.

"Kalan, it's hard work!" After Li Changsheng filled the active potions, he began to massage Kailan carefully to relax her body and mind and at the same time soothe her nerves.

"No hard work!"

Kailan slumped softly on the table and replied in an impenetrable voice. Her face was a little blush. At this time, she was squinting her eyes and enjoying Li Changsheng's careful'service'.

With ten active pharmaceutical ingredients, Kailan produced five active pharmaceuticals in total, with a refining power of up to 50%.

As expected, Kailan, who is talented, ingenious, ingenious, and patient, has a 50% success rate in refining active potions for the first time, and the success rate can continue to increase when she becomes proficient.

At this time, Li Changsheng took out the blood of Chenxi Guangming Cat, as long as the activity of these blood was activated, he could purify the blood of the cat.

Li Changsheng took the vision medicine, his vision immediately changed, and he could see the blood mark like a pool of stagnant water.

Without hesitation, Li Changsheng poured an active potion into the blood of Dawn Bright Cat.

At the next moment, the active medicine began to exert its effect, and the originally silent bloodmark began to pulsate, and then the pulsation became larger and faster.

With only one active potion, the essence and blood of Dawn Bright Cat came alive, and its blood activity was not even worse than when it was alive.

Fortunately, Dawn Bright Cat's blood is not much. Only one active potion is used to activate the blood. If you change to a larger fairy, you need more active potion dosage.

"Four kinds of redundant bloodline marks, four of which are primary bloodlines!"

Li Changsheng couldn't help smiling when he saw the bloodmark of the bright cat in the morning. The fewer bloodmarks, the more dissolving agent saved.

Li Changsheng took out a primary dissolving agent, poured it on the blood in the vessel, and began the final purification experiment.

The primary dissolving agent quickly exerted its effect and completely wrapped up all the primary bloodline imprints. The structure of these bloodline imprints began to collapse and dissolve, and finally turned into a black precipitate and fell to the bottom of the vessel.

The whole process lasted about a quarter of an hour, and the bottom of the vessel began to be filled with a large amount of sediment. When no impurities were produced, the excess blood was completely stripped.

After stripping off the last trace of excess blood, this group of blood suddenly burst into a strong white light, which quickly converged, and finally turned into a clear gray cat phantom.

Unlike the previous white tiger and phoenix phantoms, the sluggish eyeballs of the gray cat phantom suddenly turned, obviously full of agility. It curiously looked at Li Changsheng, Kailan, and those attracted by the blood of the gray cat. Sunlight, moonlight.

Li Changsheng immediately felt the difference. The grey cat is different from the white tiger and the phoenix. This kind of beast is inherently keen and can faintly feel its destiny, which also makes it more advantageous and avoid disadvantages.

However, Li Changsheng was not too nervous, because even if the gray cat's will came, it could not change the fact that this was just a gray cat phantom, and could not exert his strength at all.

When the gray cat phantom saw Sunlight Meow and Moonlight Meow, it was visibly startled. It had seen these two little guys before, and it was passed on to Sunlight Meow.

In addition, it was very impressed with these two little guys. These two little guys gained inheritance one after another, and were shocked at the time with its nine companions.

The most important thing is that as soon as it saw Li Changsheng, it faintly felt a burst of heart palpitations.

The gray cat phantom sensed a very weak aura from Li Changsheng, but the essence of this aura was beyond imagination, and it was an aura that threatened his life.

What the **** is this?

As soon as he felt this breath, the gray cat virtual shadow, who was good at seeking advantages and avoiding disadvantages, seemed to explode, and his eyes were full of panic.

This is absolutely the breath of a big brother!

Can't afford it! Can't afford it!

Go first!

The grey cat?? The phantom hurriedly turned into a milky white brilliance, and went back into the pool of essence and blood below, and disappeared.

This cat is nervous!

Regarding the abnormal behavior of the gray cat phantom, Li Changsheng was also puzzled, and wondered for a while, how could a charming person like him scare the cat.

Li Changsheng didn't think about it any more. After filtering out all the black magazines, he poured the milky white cat's blood into the sea bowl.

This time, he got a bowl of cat blood.

Even if it is the same full-bodied fairy, there is a certain difference in the richness of the blood in the body, and the efficiency of purifying the blood also fluctuates to a certain extent, which leads to the difference in the amount of blood.


At this time, the sun yelled happily, trot to the feet of Li Changsheng, and grouped himself into a ball, like a ball of snow-white cotton candy.

Li Changsheng squatted down and touched it amusedly, feeling pretty good, and said, "It’s better to come early than to come by coincidence, day and night. This is the cat blood that I specially prepared for you. This time I will drink it during the day! It, you will become stronger!"

This time the purified cat is the morning light cat. The essence and blood are naturally full of light attributes. If it is drunk by the sunlight of the same light type, the conversion efficiency is naturally the highest. If it is drunk by the moonlight, which has the opposite attribute, the conversion efficiency will naturally decrease. , Or even drastically reduced.

Perhaps it was the resonance of attributes. The gaze of Sunlight Meow looking at Cangmao's blood was full of greedy eyes, while Moonlight Meow was a tangled look that wanted to drink but did not dare to drink.

The next moment, Li Changsheng's mental energy moved, and the grey cat's blood in the bowl turned into a blood line, and it accurately fell into the open mouth of Sunlight's mouth.

Sunlight Meow tilted his head slightly, its throat was constantly squirming, swallowing the cat's blood, and he did not dare to waste a single bit.

The blood of the grey cat has almost no **** smell, but exudes a refreshing breath, and Sunlight Meow naturally does not feel nauseous.

Soon, the daylight swallowed up a bowl of blood from the grey cat. Because of its petite size, its belly was bulging.

Within a few breaths, the blood of the gray cat began to merge with the blood of Sunlight Meow.

Sunlight Miao only felt that the blood in his body seemed to be boiling, and there was no pain in his whole body, but it was sore and itchy, and he had to lie on the ground, bearing the pain and feeling happy.

Under the fusion of the essence and blood of the gray cat, Sunlight Meow was full of a gorgeous milky white halo, gradually spreading to a radius of several meters.

The size of Sun Meow began to expand at a speed visible to the naked eye, and then shrank like a deflated balloon, almost maintaining its original size.

Suddenly, there were two more bulges on the back of Sunlight Meow. As time went by, these two bulges almost increased at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Li Changsheng can be said to look forward to the change of Sunlight Meow.

If Sunlight Meow completes its evolution, its race will be directly raised from a low-level warrior to a high-level commander, and its strength will definitely be greatly improved.

In addition, as long as the Sunlight Mew completes its transformation, the Moonlight Meow will be forcibly elevated to the same level as the Sunlight Meow due to the speciality of the twin symbiosis of light and dark.


As if the sound of broken clothes sounded, and at the same time, accompanied by the soft and cute cat cry of sunlight, a pair of creamy white wings extended from its back, looking like a reduced version of angel wings.

It was also at this time, in the sea of ​​consciousness of Sun Meow, a clear gray cat phantom appeared.


The eyes of the grey cat phantom changed from dullness to agility first, when it saw the sunlight meow, then it changed from agility to dullness again, this is a grey cat from the heart!

Soon, Sunlight Mew completely swallowed the gray cat phantom, and in this bloodline transformation, it once again gained part of the inheritance from the gray cat.

The whole transformation process lasted about half an hour, and the radiance that enveloped the sun was slowly restrained, revealing the petite figure of the sun.

With the help of this bowl of cat blood, Sunlight Meow successfully completed the evolution.


At the moment when Nikko completes its transformation, the moonlight on the side suddenly screams, and its body swells like a balloon, and then shrinks back. The same evolution as Nikko takes place on it. sign.

At the same time, two bulges appeared on its back, which eventually pierced the cat skin on the back, and finally a pair of black shiny wings extended from its back. This time it looked like a reduced version of the wings of a fallen angel.

At the same time, in the sea of ​​consciousness of Moonlight Meow, a clear gray cat phantom appeared again.

Meow~ (Translation: Fuck!)

The eyes of the gray cat phantom just turned into agility, and then it seemed to have seen a ghost. Isn't this the companion of the white cat just now? How is it the same as the bloodline inheritance last time, it's like playing with it.

Originally wanted to teach Moonlight Meow's gray cat phantom, when he thought of the terrifying aura on Li Changsheng's body, it instantly stunned, and its eyes immediately turned from agile to dull.

I can't afford it, I can't hide it!

Wait until the moonlight cats to devour the gray cat announced the completion of this evolution.

Moonlight Meow gives people the feeling that it is blessed by a force of heaven and earth, prompting it to completely replicate the entire process of Sunlight Meow evolution!

In this evolution, the body shape of the two cats has hardly changed, but their claws have become sharper, their fur is as smooth as silk, faintly still light, and an inexplicable fragrance.

The marks on their foreheads have not changed, but they are a little clearer than before.

Of course, the biggest change is that they have an extra pair of wings. Although they can't fly with people, they can deal with enemies in the air.

Li Changsheng now has five demon pets that can fight in the air. They are Kailan, Blazing Bird, Bright Bird, Day and Night.

With anticipation, Li Changsheng began to check their information.

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