Release That Demonic Pet

v1 Chapter 560: False Demon King Red Dragon

   Duan didn't take a closer look. It knew that Li Changsheng would not harm it, so it quickly opened its big mouth, and the five-color colored glaze fruit of Xuanqiong flew in.

   Dui's body is too big, and the five-color glazed fruit of Xuanqiong is too small. Before Dui can chew, he directly enters its throat and reaches his stomach.

   After swallowing the five-color glazed fruit of the mysterious sky, Ah-Dai only felt a huge energy rising from his stomach and spreading rapidly in his body.

   After a few breaths, Duan felt sore and itchy all over, and the surface of his body was exuding a rich color.

   In the process of absorbing, Dumb's flesh and blood, internal organs, meridians and bones crackled, and a layer of black dirt gushed out of his body, as if he was reborn.

   During this process, Dui's body began to grow, and his aura also improved significantly.

   When the change disappeared, Dui's figure was close to 35 meters, and his whole body was slightly shaken, and all the dirt on the body surface was shaken away, exposing an abnormally strong body.


   Dumb squeezed his claws tightly, feeling that his whole body had inexhaustible power, and he couldn't help but shouted in excitement.

   is obviously not a sonic skill, but dumb's roar caused strong ripples in the backyard's restraint. The scared Li Changsheng hurriedly pulled out the restraint center, and the red, yellow and blue restraints were activated and the sound was easily resolved.

   Dui quickly squatted on the ground, showing a look of embarrassment.

   At this time, Li Changsheng began to check the information of Dumb.

[Fairy name]: Bimeng giant beast (growth period, top-level alien beast) "The innate is completely improved, and it is not inferior to the ordinary Bimeng behemoth in all aspects. If you use the five-color glazed fruit of the mysterious sky, the effect is better; it absorbs life essence and life Baoyu gains special ability-life aura; absorbs colorful beads to gain flying ability. Absorb the five-color glazed fruit of the mysterious sky, greatly strengthen the foundation of the five-element demon pet, and comprehensively improve the physical fitness of the demon pet by 20%. 》

   [Fairy Realm]: Lord Tier 4

  【Fairy Race】: High Monarch

   [Fairy Quality]: Half an Epic

  【Fairy Bloodline】: Golden Beamon (rich)

   [Fairy Attributes]: Earth + Gold

   [Fairy State]: Healthy

   [Goblin Weaknesses]: Fire "With the help of life essence, the wood resistance of the wild beasts is greatly increased, and it is no longer as afraid of wood energy as before."

   "Very good!"

   After seeing the quality of Duan really improved, Li Changsheng was refreshed and showed excitement.

   Although he does not yet have a real epic monster pet, in addition to the half-step epic monster pet's combat power is a little worse, it also has the ability to definitely break through the Demon King level, which is not regrettable.

   Also at this time, Li Changsheng faintly felt a pressure.

   Obviously, Xu Wenhua’s certain fire demon pet is trying to break through the Demon King level.

   At the moment when this coercion appeared, figures flew out from all over the Yuanling Academy, flying towards the sky through the air.

   Li Changsheng also followed. If Xu Wenhua can succeed, his demon king-level demon pets will reach four, and the distance to become a king will be further.

   Soon, Li Changsheng flew to the luxurious courtyard where the principal lived. At this time, several people rushed to the scene one step earlier than him, and more and more people flew towards this side.

   Suddenly, Xu Wenhua lifted the courtyard ban, revealing the scene inside.

   In the very spacious backyard, a 30-meter-long adult red dragon was lying on the ground, wrapped in red flames.

   Judging from the scene, Xu Wenhua obviously wants to give the red fire dragon scale fruit to this adult red dragon.

   This adult red dragon was originally a subordinate of Yana Sans, the king of red dragons, but was captured by Xu Wenhua in the battle a few months ago and became Xu Wenhua's official demon pet.

   When the adult red dragon was trying to break through, Xu Wenhua cherishly opened a jade box, and the red fire dragon scale fruit contained in the jade box flew up, and took the initiative to throw it into the open mouth of the adult red dragon.

   Seeing this scarlet fire dragon scale fruit, the eyes of Kaishuo, Ning Wei, Lu Qian, and Xu Fanghua all turned red. This can be said to be a treasure they dream of, and it can greatly increase the probability of the Fire Lord Tier 9 demon pet breaking through the Demon King level.

   If you count the breakthrough probability of the adult red dragon itself, the probability of breaking through to become the Demon King level is more than 50%.

   After swallowing the red fire dragon scale fruit, the flames on the surface of the adult red dragon skyrocketed, and then a fiery red fire dragon formed above its head.

   This fire dragon looks majestic and majestic, but its only flaw is its lack of expression in its eyes.


   Suddenly, the fire dragons condensed by flames exploded and turned into pockets of fire dragons, rushing towards the adult red dragons lying on the ground, and got in through the gaps in the dragon scales.

   This process lasted a quarter of an hour.

   Suddenly, the adult red dragon's momentum skyrocketed, and the body surface emitted more and more fiery flames, which made the surrounding temperature rise to the extreme and its momentum rose sharply.

   Fortunately, Xu Wenhua wrapped the adult red dragon with prohibition early, blocking the heat flow, but did not let the high temperature damage the backyard.

   Xu Wenhua looked overjoyed, because it represented that the adult red dragon was about to break through the Demon King level.

   However, at this moment, the adult red dragon was like a deflated balloon. The flames that filled the body stagnated, and then stopped abruptly.

   The joy on Xu Wenhua's face suddenly became stiff, and then was filled with disappointment, because it almost represented the failure of the successful Red Dragon breakthrough.

   Three months of hard work, coupled with the accumulation of half a lifetime's contribution, only then switched to Scarlet Fire Dragon Scale Fruit, but Xu Wenhua was greeted with a splash of cold water.


   However, when Xu Wenhua checked the information of the adult red dragon, he suddenly uttered a shock, turning from sadness to joy and shouting: "Pseudo-monster king!"

   Pseudo-monster king!

   Everyone present was taken aback, and immediately remembered something, and hurriedly congratulated Xu Wenhua.

   When the demon pet breaks through the demon king level, there is a very small probability that the breakthrough failure will reach the pseudo demon king level.

   Pseudo Demon King Level is similar to Half Step Epic. Because of the understanding of part of the mystery, the same mystery boost and mystery guard, but it is a weakened version, and its combat power is equivalent to a half demon king's demon pet.

   In addition, the Pseudo-Demon King Level can also slowly improve the progress of the Upanishad Comprehension with the help of some of the comprehension, and eventually become a real Demon King Level, which is equivalent to no bottleneck, only the accumulation process.

   As long as the pseudo-demon king-level demon pet is given enough time to comprehend, it will definitely become the demon king-level demon pet.

   The current Xu Wenhua is equivalent to possessing three half-demon king-level demon pets. He can definitely rank among the top five among the pseudo-kings of Langya Kingdom, and even the top three are possible.

   After happily with Xu Wenhua, Li Changsheng returned to Courtyard No. 1 and stayed at home with peace of mind as a qualified otaku.

   Li Changsheng has enough background, and the rest is nothing more than water milling. As long as the mental power reaches the standard, you can try to break through the sixth-order or pseudo-king.

  Since the road ahead is clear, naturally there is no need to venture out.

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