Release That Demonic Pet

v1 Chapter 652: Advance to the top 8

   This is a red dragon with a length of more than 30 meters. A pair of dragon wings seems to cover the sky, leaving a huge shadow.

   With ten seconds of observation time, Li Changsheng got its information.

   [fairy name]: Red Dragon (mature stage, top monster.)

   [Fairy Realm]: Lord Tier 9

   [Fairy Race]: Senior Monarch

   [fairy quality]: the best

   [Fairy Bloodline]: Ancestral Red Dragon (rich)

  【Fairy Attribute】: Fire

   [Fairy State]: Healthy

   [Fairy Weaknesses]: No "Property Weaknesses Eliminated by Xuanyu Ginseng"

   This red dragon is also Qin Kun's trump card, and it took a lot of money to nurture it to the present level.

   Among the five-color dragons and metal dragons, the red dragon is the most massive, making this red dragon taller and stronger than Li Changsheng’s golden and black dragons.

   At this moment, Qin Kun blessed the red dragon with a huge secret technique, which caused the red dragon's body to skyrocket again, reaching nearly fifty meters before stopping.

   On the other side, Li Changsheng blessed the big head with the swift-like wind secret method, which increased its speed.


   For the first time, the red dragon let out a majestic dragon roar, sound like thunder, an invisible dragon's might filled the audience.

   Under the influence of Longwei, the big head was affected. Even if it did not fall into a cringe state, but all its abilities dropped by 10%, its combat effectiveness still suffered a certain decline.

   After ten seconds of observation time passed, the two flying monster pets started to move.


   Accompanied by a loud chirping sound, the big head sprayed out a cyan wind column the thickness of a water tank.


   On the other side, the red dragon opened its mouth, and countless fiery red light spots converged, spewing an unusually hot flame dragon breath.

   In the blink of an eye, the energy beams of red and blue collided.


   To Qin Kun's expectation, his red dragon did not suppress the opponent. Instead, it fell into a stalemate, just hitting a tie.

   Although the red dragon is strong, the big head has the upper hand regardless of rank and race. If it weren't for the stronger power of the dragon's breath, coupled with the influence of the dragon's might, the red dragon would have to be suppressed by the big head.

   The two stood in a stalemate for a while, and finally the wind turned into a fire tornado by the fire, spinning rapidly between the two.

   The fire tornado raged on the water field, making a sound of incompatible water and fire. For a time, countless water vapor rose and filled the surrounding area, and the line of sight began to be affected.

   The big head has sharp eyes. Although it can't see through the falsehood like the bright double pupil bird, the water vapor has little effect on its vision, and it quickly found the position of the red dragon.

  The ripples of the wind!

   In the sky, the big head frantically fanned its wings, and a cyan ripple was produced, rushing towards the position of the red dragon.

   When the red dragon found out, the ripples of the wind had come between the two, and the red dragon hurriedly condensed a bursting fireball with the size of a house, and collided with the ripples of the wind.


   At the moment the two touched, the bursting fireball exploded suddenly, and the ripples of the wind were unstable, turning into countless small cyan light beams, and rushing around.

   Due to the close distance, the red dragon was affected a bit and was hit by several cyan beams.

   Blaze Charge!

The red dragon was very aware of its advantages, and saw the huge dragon body shake, and a raging flame appeared on the surface. Under the strong driving force of the flame, its explosive power soared, as if it turned into a red streamer. Hit the big head head-on.

  Wind hidden!

  As soon as the red dragon moved, the big head reacted, and its body surface flashed with blue light, as if it turned into an afterimage, which avoided the collision of the red dragon, and appeared above its head instead.

   Suddenly, the big head was shining with a strong light, and the shape change was completed in an instant, and it was transformed into the form of a giant whale, hitting the red dragon heavily, trying to smash it into the water.

  In terms of size, the giant whale is still above the red dragon, and its weight is almost twice as much.


   Seeing that he was about to be smashed into the water, the red dragon hurriedly released a ring of resistance to fire. The astonishing flames turned into a thick circle of fire and quickly spread towards the surroundings.

   Under the eruption of the ring of fire, the downward momentum of the giant whale kun was barely paused, the hair on his body was charred, and he suffered certain flame damage.

   Taking advantage of this effort, the red dragon stirred the dragon's wings and passed by the giant whale.

   As soon as the giant whale fell into the water, the red dragon opened its mouth and spewed a fiery dragon breath, and water vapor rose again, almost filling most of the field.

  The water field was hit by the fire tornado and the flame dragon's breath one after another, causing the water level to drop a bit, revealing a huge fin with a big head up to seven or eight meters, with strong burning marks on it. Obviously, the dragon's breath just hit the big head successfully.

   At this time, the red dragon vibrated all over, and violent flames appeared around him. In a flash, a flame storm with a diameter of 20 to 30 meters finally took shape.

   The flame storm quickly revolved and swept towards the big head in the water field.

   The red dragon's move was not only to attack the big head, but also to evaporate the water by the way. In this way, the big head would not have the advantage of the field, and could only revert to the golden-eyed roc bird to confront it.

At the critical moment, under the control of the big head, the water field became turbulent, like a fountain erupting. All the liquid in the whole field spurted up frantically, turning into a thick water column with a diameter of tens of meters, and a flame storm happened in the blink of an eye. collision.


   The sound of incompatible water and fire sounded. Although the flame storm was strong, the big head had the advantage of the field. The water column's power was even stronger. It eliminated the flame storm in one fell swoop, and then quickly submerged it under the horrified gaze of the red dragon.


The huge dragon body of the red dragon smashed heavily on the water field without water, knocking out a big hole on the ground, and then the kinetic energy of the erupting water column was exhausted and turned into countless drops of water, which were scattered from the sky. It was like a rainstorm.

   Only compared with before, the water level in the water field is only less than three meters deep, and the rest is completely evaporated by the flame.

   Even so, it still caused a second damage to the red dragon of the fire system, making it more uncomfortable.

   If it weren't for taking the Xuanyu Ginseng to eliminate the weak points, the red dragon might lose its combat ability directly.

   However, the red dragon hasn't lost the fighting ability yet, but it will inevitably feel dizzy when it falls from the air.

   Before the red dragon could react, the big head and tail of the giant whale slapped the ground, jumped high, and hit the red dragon lying on the ground heavily.

The red dragon stood up dizzyly from the ground, suddenly discovering that the shadow on the ground had become bigger and bigger. It subconsciously looked up. When it found that it was a free-falling giant whale, it was in Nuoda’s long eye. Full of horror.


   The red dragon wants to avoid, but it has already missed the best time to avoid. He was directly hit by the free-falling big head.

   Because it was too painful, the huge longan bulged fiercely, and it was covered with bloodshots that symbolized pain.

   During this process, some viewers seemed to feel the same, covering their mouths subconsciously, and being hit by such a large free-falling giant whale, the consequences can be imagined.

   "The red dragon loses the ability to fight. As Qin Kun loses all the places for demon pets, the winner of this group match is Li Changsheng!"

   After determining the status of the red dragon, the referee made a verdict.

   Li Changsheng didn't feel much joy, after all, this was the expected victory.

   rush rush ~

   However, Li Changsheng’s supporters don’t think so. They still think that Li Changsheng is only a fifth-tier level, thinking that they have defeated an opponent again, they can’t help but cheer for Li Changsheng. The whole stadium is full of their cheers and applause.

   "Oh, I lost!"

   On the other side, Qin Kun lightly sighed, and was defeated by Li Changsheng’s “Yue Tier” of “Fifth Tier”, naturally, his mood was very bad.

   Despite this, Qin Kun took the initiative to come to Li Changsheng and said with a reluctant smile: "Congratulations, I think you have a chance to advance to the final with your strength!"

   "Thank you!"

   Li Changsheng was surprised. Qin Kun's performance after the defeat exceeded his expectations, but he still expressed his gratitude in due course.

   "This is a worthy person!"

   Li Changsheng secretly said, and soon returned to the lounge, waiting boringly.

  The reason for leaving immediately is to observe his future opponents, and to prepare to go back with Ning Bizhen.

   When it was 11 o'clock in the morning, the first round of the group stage was all over, and the contestants were eliminated in half.

   Among them, Miao Yinjiang and Shen Haofei also all advanced.

In addition to Li Changsheng, the four pseudo-kings on the bright side naturally completed the Seven Tier 6 powerhouses only Qin Kun was eliminated, and the rest advanced to the second round, leaving 21 places, respectively It is composed of 16 fifth-tier and 5 fourth-tier.

   There are two group matches a day, which means there will be another one in the afternoon, which will determine the top 16 places.

   After two o'clock in the afternoon, Li Changsheng started the second round of the group stage. This time his opponent was only a Tier 5, and he solved it easily and happily.

   As for the people related to Li Changsheng, they were promoted to the top 16 without exception.

   The next morning, Li Changsheng participated in the third round of the group stage. This time his opponent was a Tier 6 powerhouse. Unfortunately, the Tier 6 strength was not as good as Qin Kun. Naturally, he did not avoid being defeated by Li Changsheng.

   In this way, Li Changsheng successfully advanced to the quarter-finals, and the next match to determine the place in the finals will be held in the afternoon. His opponent is naturally the third prince Dou Yuanbin, who will not die if he does not die.

   In this round of group matches, Miao Yinjiang's luck was not very good. His opponent was a Tier 6 powerhouse. Even if he went all out, he could not avoid the fate of defeat in the end and missed the top eight places.

   Unlike Miao Yinjian, Shen Haofei has never encountered a Tier 6 powerhouse or a pseudo-king from the beginning to the end, and luckily stayed until the end.

   For them, luck is really important.

   The top 16 and the top 8 seem to be the same, but the rewards are not on the same level.

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