Release That Demonic Pet

v2 Chapter 1059: People from Sunset Sect

Latest website: Just as Li Changsheng was preparing for it, someone just came to visit him.

It is not characters such as kings and double-character kings. Just a sixth-order demon master, he represents Sunset Sect.

The ancestor of the sunset sect, Tianzong wizard, although he did not become the ninth-order demon master, he was also the top double-character king at the time. His fame battle was to kill a three-legged golden crow, and then he gained the reputation of the sunset sect. .

According to Li Changsheng's understanding, even if the Grand Patriarch of Sunset is inferior to the King of Yum, I am afraid that there is not much difference.

However, he has already fallen.

Although the Sunset Sect has fallen a lot, and there has been no double-character king for hundreds of years, there are still two veteran kings who are in charge, and they have deep roots in the Yuansha kingdom, and have inextricably linked to the Yuansha kingdom's royal family. .

Unlike Langya Kingdom, Yuancha Kingdom is dominated by sects, supplemented by academic institutions, and most of the resources are concentrated in the major sects, taking the elite line.

Whether it is a sect or an academy, the two have their own advantages and disadvantages. With the same resources, the former is easier to give birth to the strong, and the latter can train more demon masters.

This time, the Sunset Sect came, naturally for Shi Da.

Since Li Changsheng decided to shelter Shi Da and his family, he would naturally not go back, but in the idea of ​​not wanting to make enemies, he still received the sunset sect elder.

Similar to other sects, the positions of Sunset Sect from top to bottom are Taishang Elder, Sovereign, Inner Sect elder, Outer Sect elder, Inner Sect Deacon, Outer Sect Deacon, and true disciple of the inner gate deacon.

The status of the Outer Sect Elder is not low in the Sunset Sect, and it must be a Tier 6 Demon Master.

It can also be seen from this that the sunset sect is strong. There are two kings and several pseudo-kings in just one sect. Not to mention the fifth and sixth-order demon masters, it is enough to compare the number of powerful people in the country.

In the main hall, Li Changsheng met this undeserved elder of the Outer Sect of Sunset Sect.

This is an old man with a crane-haired childlike face, wearing a black robe embroidered with golden crow screaming blood. This is also the unique costume of the Sunset Sect, and it is also the most proud place of the Sunset Sect.

"Meet the king!"

Pride belongs to pride, and the elder of the Outer Sect of Sunset Zong didn't dare to presumptuously bow before Li Changsheng.

In front of Li Changsheng, he just talked for a while. The identity of the king alone was enough to crush him to death, let alone the powerful Li Changsheng.

"Free gift!"

With a wave of his sleeves, Li Changsheng continued to sit on the dragon chair with the old god, intentionally or unconsciously said, "Is there anything wrong with you coming to this seat."

The elder of the sunset sect considered his vocabulary and said: "Under the crown, the young one is here to pursue the enemy of the sect!"

Li Changsheng pretended to be unaware and asked, "What is his name?"

The elder of the Outer Sect of Sunset Sect bit his head and said: "His name is Shi Da, and please give us the face of Sunset Sect and give him to..."

As his voice just fell, a heavy pressure oppressed him, as if he was carrying a mountain, and he had to bow his waist under pressure, and then barely supported it.

The elder of the Outer Sect of Sunset Sect was full of horror, mainly because of the intensity of Li Changsheng's coercion. He had the honor to feel the spiritual oppression of the Supreme Elder, but he was far from Li Changsheng.

The other party was clearly a new king, and it was even stronger than the spiritual oppression of the old king. This made him feel incredible and at the same time made him more in awe.

"Shi Da is the steward of this seat, how can this seat hand him over to you Sunset Sect for no reason!"

Li Changsheng did not withdraw his mental oppression, even if the other party was just a little girl from the Sunset Sect, he still had to take it seriously.

As for the face of the Sunset Sect, he didn't care much about it. Although Yuansha Kingdom and Daiguo were in the southeast region, they were thousands of miles away.

The elders of the Outer Sect complained in his heart, but continued to say: "Mianxia, ​​as long as you can give him to our sunset sect, you will not only get our sunset sect's friendship, we will have a good return afterwards!"

"What kind of thick report?"

Li Changsheng retracted his mental pressure and asked pretentiously. He felt that it was better to keep steady, and it would be better to drag it for a while, lest the Sunset Sect would also get in at the critical moment when dealing with the Dark Night King Dou Cangqiang.

If it's just Sunset Sect alone, Li Changsheng can handle it easily.

After Li Changsheng regained his mental pressure, the elder of the Outer Sect of Sunset Sect was obviously relieved. He did not wipe the sweat on his forehead, and said in awe: "This little one can't decide, but you need to know the Sect Master and the Supreme Elder. ."

"Since I can't call the shots, I don't want to let you know."

Li Changsheng waved his hand and directly issued an order to chase off the guests.

"Xiamen, the little one will tell me!"

The elder of the sunset sect left the palace in embarrassment, driving the flying demon pet to fly to Yuancha Nation for a moment.

Although he has a strange treasure in his hands, Yuancha Country and Dai Guo are thousands of miles away, and they are not in the scope of contact at all.

After dismissing the elder of the Outer Sect of Sunset Sect, Li Changsheng slightly observed the other's flight direction, thought about it, and went to the backyard to open a seal.

This seal was arranged more than two months ago. At that time, he had just killed Dou Changsheng and had not yet become a king, but he still brought the Demon King White Dragon Reichfields here and sealed it in the backyard.

Until now, Li Changsheng thought of this poor but lucky Demon King white dragon.

The ground in the backyard shook violently, cracks appeared one after another, and the seal altar made an overwhelming sound, crashing to pieces.

After breaking the seal altar, Richfields couldn't wait to take off, but after seeing Li Changsheng, UU reading, its long eyes shrank, and hurriedly squatted down on the ground, it didn't want to step. Following in the footsteps of the Demon King Red Dragon Maggate.

Feeling the breath of Li Changsheng, Richfields secretly groaned in his heart, never expecting that Li Changsheng would become the king so quickly, with such an amazing speed of progress, I am afraid that it will not be able to get out of Li Changsheng's palm in this lifetime.

"Richfields, I leave one thing to you. If it is done well, I will return your treasure mountain."

Li Changsheng stretched out his hand and waved, a great treasure mountain appeared in the open space in the backyard.

Richfields' eyes lit up, and he nodded in agreement.

After Li Changsheng gave an explanation, in order to avoid being noticed, Richfields used the invisibility technique, and the dragon body of Nuo Da disappeared and flew in the direction where the elder of the sunset sect left.

In addition to Richfields, Li Changsheng also let Kailan follow. If Richfields can't complete the task, Kailan will take action.

At this critical moment, Li Changsheng did not want to have twists and turns.