Release That Demonic Pet

v2 Chapter 1262: When the breakthrough is in progress

Li Changsheng tested it for half an hour, and it was no surprise. With the promotion of the Gate of Light and Darkness, the speed of purifying the abyss consciousness has been greatly increased, a full five-fold increase.

This may seem exaggerated, but it is reasonable. After all, Langhuan Zhibao and Zifu Qizhen are not in the category at all. Even if it is ten times Li Changsheng, it would not be too surprising. Five times can only be regarded as a regular increase.

It has to be said that Fudi only needs to reach a radius of 50,000 li to advance to the sky.

However, this seems simple, but since ancient times, there are only 36 cave heavens that have not been annihilated.

There are more than 72 blessed lands on the surface. These 72 blessed lands are only the most famous blessed lands.

If you really want to talk about the number, there are definitely hundreds of blessed land in total.

To expand the secret realm to a radius of 50,000 miles, it is not that difficult for the ordinary strong.

The prerequisites must have sufficient stable top spiritual roots or special treasures in the secret realm, otherwise it will not be able to maintain such a large range.

Secondly, the Secret Realm needs to be expanded to a radius of 50,000 miles. If it expands at a normal speed, it will take thousands of years to do it. Only the 9th-order Demon Master meets the requirements.

If the king and the double-word king want to advance to the sky, they must have treasures that can greatly increase the expansion speed of the mystery, otherwise it is impossible.

These two conditions are hardly a problem for Li Changsheng. The speed of the Gate of Light and Darkness to purify the Gate of the Abyss is increased by five times, which means that the power of the world generated at the same time has also reached five times.

If you add the speed at which the blessed land and the top spiritual roots transform into the soil, Li Changsheng predicts that it will take only three years to have the blessed land ascend to the sky.

I have to say that this is a very exaggerated speed!

As long as you are promoted to the sky, you can continue to strengthen the door of light and darkness at that time, enough to make these two portals all promoted to the highest treasure of Langhuan, after the combination, I am afraid that they can reach the level of the highest level of Langhuan and even the top level of Langhuan.

As for the rank above Langhuan Supreme Treasure, Li Changsheng didn't know. There was no record of this in the memory of King Yum, King Treasure or other powerful people.

However, Li Changsheng suspected that the complete pursuit of Tao Yujue might be the existence above Langhuan's most precious treasure.

In addition, if the Jiuding gathers together, it is theoretically possible to surpass Langhuan's treasure.

Li Changsheng did not continue to test the Gate of Light and Darkness, his mental power was not far from the peak of the king, as long as a period of time passed, he could try to break through the double word king.

Before that, he planned to organize the monster pets to try to break through again.

The Sun Moon Shuttle Heavy Light Wheel is about to cool down, it's time to organize a breakthrough ceremony.

The emperor's slurry, which is drawn by the sun and the moon, can cover a radius of 10,000 meters, and the range can be said to be far beyond the past.

Except for him and Ning Bizhen, the remaining positions are naturally reserved for cronies, most of whom are ethnic people.

In order to save time, Li Changsheng once again made a hand-off and handed over the matter directly to the Zuo Qiulin organization. He himself worked hard to improve his abilities in all aspects.

Three days later, the Sun Moon Shuttle heavy light wheel has cooled down.

Zuo Qiulin was also ready to send a batch of thousands of demon pets to the palace courtyard where Li Changsheng lived.

In order to avoid crowded people, Li Changsheng didn't invite cronies, but just asked Zuo Qiulin to send the demon pet that was on the verge of breakthrough in their hands, and then return it to them when it was over.

There are only five people in the palace, namely Li Changsheng, Ning Bizhen, Zuo Qiulin, Li Haoqiong and Shi Da steward.

These demon pets gathered in the palace courtyard in a mess, like a vegetable market, as Li Changsheng and others released their momentum, these demon pets slowly calmed down.

Under the command of Zuo Qiulin and Shi Da, thousands of demon pets barely took their positions, including those of Li Changsheng and others.

After everything was in place, from Ning Bizhen's sea of ​​consciousness flew out of the sun and moon like a shuttle of heavy light wheels, suspended in the sky, and the bright and bright moon in the sky.

From the perspective of Li Changsheng and others, it feels like the sun and the moon are in the sky.

At the next moment, the heavy light wheels of the sun and the moon trembled and quickly resonated with the full moon.

It was also at this time that the full moon seemed to be falling into the world of the fairies, and its volume quickly increased, and a large circle of yellowish luster appeared on the surface of the body.

After a few breaths, wisps of silver light rained down, covering the 10,000-meter radius.

The rain of silver light got bigger and bigger, and finally turned into a torrential rain, pouring like a pour.

Thousands of demon pets began to agitate at this moment, but under the organization of Li Changsheng and others, they did not move. They opened their mouths as much as possible, working hard to swallow the fallen emperor's slurry and turn them into resources for promotion.

At the same time, the nearby energy is fading rapidly, and it is about to turn into a ‘forbidden area’.

With so many demon pets trying to break through, the energy required is naturally not ordinary.

Without hesitation, Li Changsheng shattered thousands of middle and low-level demon cores at one time. The energy seemed to turn into mist, which greatly increased the energy concentration nearby.

It is a pity that these energy can last for a minute or two at most. After all, there are many demon king-level existences among the demon pets that are trying to break through, and they require massive amounts of energy.

Among a large number of demon pets, the demon pets of Li Changsheng and others occupy the best position.

In addition, Li Changsheng and Ning Bizhen also prepared breakthrough treasures for some monster pets.

The original crystal of the water source smelted by the blue light cauldron has been completed, and it was directly handed over to the big head by Li Changsheng.

Li Changsheng gave Ah-Dai a sub-earth primordial crystal, crowned with a portion of the Binghuo elite from Huoluan.

Ning Bizhen handed the Profound Origin Crystal of Wind to Jiutian Xun Fengman, and handed the other Binghuo elite to the Great Sun Fire Crow to absorb...

In addition, Li Changsheng also bestowed Zuo Qiulin a prize of a secondary earth's Profound Origin Crystal.

These demon pets have not yet used foreign objects to try to break through. They are holding back their desires, trying hard to absorb the emperor flow, and are ready to wait for enough emperor flow to try to break through.

Compared with a single Lunar Decree, not only the scope of the emperor flow drawn by the sun and moon like a shuttle heavy wheel is wider, but the emperor flow in the range is also much denser. The key duration of UUkanshu www.uukā has been extended to a full one. Hours, it can be described as an all-round improvement.

Soon, some demon pets with low realm reached their limits and had to try to break through.

For a time, a spectacular year-round formed on the court.

Almost at the same time, a large number of monster pets completed their breakthroughs.

Judging from the scene, the breakthrough success rate is very high. As for the effect on the Demon King-level demon pet, it depends on the result.

The breakthrough is still going on, Li Changsheng silently estimated the probability in his heart.

Under the emperor flow driven by the heavy light wheels of the sun and the moon, the breakthrough probability of the demon pets below the elite level is almost 100%, the elite level is about seven or eight, the leader level is about 50%, and the lord level has less than two breakthroughs at the demon king level. to make.

Even if the breakthrough probability of excluding the monster pet itself, it is still a very impressive number.

As for the demon king level demon pet breaking through the demon saint level, we have to wait for the result to come out.

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