Release That Demonic Pet

v2 Chapter 1330: Heavenly merit

After becoming a treasure of the Purple Mansion, the effect of Dragon Slashing Platform has been strengthened too much.

Not only is it accompanied by seven elemental damage such as Thunder Light and Frost, but any dragon within a distance of 10,000 meters will be weakened to a certain extent according to the realm of the dragon.

Li Changsheng specially tested it. The ordinary giant dragon seemed to have encountered a scourge of beasts within the influence of the Dragon Slashing Platform. It became shivering, and its combat strength was ten to eight, and even more directly fell into a state of shrinking.

Demon King-level dragons go to five in ten, while Demon Saint-level dragons go to three. In view of the fact that Li Changsheng does not have Demon Emperor and Demon Emperor-level dragons, the effect is not yet clear.

Even so, it is quite impressive, after all, this is only the scope of influence, and the lethal power of the Dragon Slashing Platform against the dragon has not been calculated.

Since the Dragon Slashing Platform is a special treasure made specifically for dragons, although it has little damage to other creatures, it greatly increases its damage to dragons.

According to Li Changsheng's estimation, the Dragon Slashing Platform can easily cut off the head of an ordinary demon saint-level dragon with a single knife. The key Dragon Slashing Platform also has a certain locking effect.

Unless the dragon is out of the scope of the Dragon Slashing Platform, the sword beams released by the Dragon Slashing Platform will follow.

This is the ability of the Dragon Slashing Platform, worthy of Li Changsheng's title of calling it the Dragon Nemesis.

After the experiment, Zhanlongtai turned into a brilliance, dropped into Li Changsheng's Yintang acupoint, and disappeared.

Li Changsheng used his spiritual power to search in Bernama Castle, and released the Vientiane Spirit Eater, looking for treasures that slipped through the net, especially the broken tip of the Jade Sword.

This time, the Vientiane Spirit Devouring Rat made another contribution. It got out of the muddy ground in the backyard of the castle, with a sword blade about a foot in its mouth.

Li Changsheng took out the Huangquan Sword, and there was an obvious reaction between the two, causing the Huangquan Sword to tremble constantly.

After confirming that it was the missing blade of the Huangquan Sword, Li Changsheng put it into the space ring and prepared to repair it when he returned.

After confirming that there was no legacy, he left contentedly.

He did not return to the fairy world. Since Bernama and the demon leaders were killed, Li Changsheng would naturally not let go of his plan to occupy the 175th floor of the abyss.

However, unlike the occupation of Langya and Xi, a place like the Abyss is not suitable for Li Changsheng to live for a long time. Li Changsheng can only temporarily hand over the heavy task to the command of a few demons who surrendered to him.

Their mission is very simple. One is to close the channels connecting with other abyss planes. After all, if other abyss planes learn about the status of 175th floor, they will definitely not let go of the idea of ​​occupation; secondly, manage the 175th floor of the abyss for Li Changsheng , The collected resources will be handed over to Li Changsheng every once in a while, including the output of those resource points.

To put it simply, the leadership of these demons is equivalent to the identity of a manager.

One thing we have to guard against is that we must try our best to avoid the collusion between these demon leaders and other abyss planes. For this reason, Li Changsheng didn't plan to work hard to destroy those spatial passages.

In this way, you can worry-free in a short time.

As for the lairs led by the fallen demons, because there are too many, and they are distributed in every corner of the 175th floor, it will undoubtedly take a lot of time.

Therefore, Li Changsheng handed over this errand to a few demons.

As for whether they will be full of their own pockets, Li Changsheng didn’t care too much, because in his eyes these demon leaders are like fat pigs waiting to be slaughtered. They can be slaughtered when they eat their brains and intestines, and then eat all of them. Just get it back, so it's not much more convenient.

Due to the existence of the gate of the abyss, Li Changsheng can enter the 175th floor of the abyss at any time. As a product of the will of the abyss, the leaders of these demons are naturally indestructible.

After explaining everything, Li Changsheng returned to the fairy world.

For the first time, there was a vision in the sky. A large group of meritorious and mysterious energy fell, and then it was divided into two nearly equal groups, which fell on the heads of Li Changsheng and Ning Bizhen, respectively.

This time, a total of eight or ninety demon leaders have been killed, plus Bernama, an extraordinary demon lord, will the heavens give merit.

As for why God knows Bernama to be the leader, this is not what Li Changsheng can know.

Li Changsheng stored the merits of the mysterious and yellow energy in the sea of ​​consciousness, and merged with the previous accumulation.

According to his estimation, even though these merits cannot be turned into merit golden wheels, even if it does not even reach eleven, it is quite expensive.

At this time, Li Changsheng collected all the stumps and broken arms near the gate of the abyss.

In the end, they are under the command of the devil, and they have a lot of value, and it is naturally impossible for Li Changsheng to let it go.

Due to the cover of Hunyuan Heluo's forbidden formation, there were no bystanders in this battle. Li Changsheng and Ning Bizhen were also silent and did not tell anyone, only that the matter of the gate of the abyss had been resolved.

At this time, the gate of the abyss had returned to its original level, and it was no longer vomiting the abyss consciousness and devil energy as before, but the vitality of the abyss gate was greatly injured, and it needed to digest the devil energy and the abyss consciousness to slowly recover.

Taking this opportunity, Li Changsheng began to test whether the purifying light of the gate of light and darkness could purify the gate of the abyss.

Compared with before, the effect of Purifying Light on the Gate of the Abyss is obviously much better, and the destruction speed obviously exceeds the recovery speed of the Gate of the Abyss.

This is related to the rank and status of the Abyss Gate. The higher the rank, the higher the resistance and the faster the recovery speed.

This gate of the abyss is already badly damaged, and the effect is naturally more remarkable. If he goes all out, Li Changsheng will take another month to purify the gate of the abyss.

What is certain is that as long as you purify the gate of the abyss, you will definitely gain a lot of merits and virtues. After all, including the three emperors and six emperors, no one has destroyed the gate of the abyss in hundreds of years, and the difficulty is often proportional to the harvest.

At the same time, this is of great significance to the fairy world. As long as it can destroy the first fan, it means that it can weaken or even curb the invasion and assimilation of the Finally, just like the first time for a woman, destroy the first The gate of the abyss must gain the most merits, and it will be greatly reduced in the future.

However, Li Changsheng thought for a while and decided to give up temporarily.

One, being too pushy, it is easy for Xiao Xiao to make an idea and rob him of the door of light and darkness, maybe the three emperors and the six emperors will not be able to resist the temptation.

Second, once the gate of the abyss is destroyed, it will be difficult for Li Changsheng to control the 175th floor of the abyss. He still wants to search for more treasures.

However, although he didn't want to destroy the gate of the abyss, Li Changsheng would also give it a few purifying light from time to time to prevent the gate of the abyss from regaining its peak.

Li Changsheng stayed here for three more days, making the gate of the abyss weak to a certain level, and then he returned to Yecheng Palace with satisfaction and entered a state of retreat again.

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