Reloaded Wasteland

Chapter 104: Pioneer Bar

"A member of the Hunting Group of the Electronic Foundation actually asked me to sell armed mechas, you are not afraid that I will hit you..." Luo Fei saw through the identity of the other party at a glance.

"Hey... The Electronic Foundation is the Electronic Foundation, our hunting group is the hunting group, nominally we are subordinates, but in fact we are just a cooperative relationship at all, we only do our business, after the business, you will It doesn't matter if the Electronic Foundation is completely destroyed."

The mercenary enthusiastically explained, "Don't think too much about it. I sincerely want to find a master for that armed mecha. If it weren't because our regiment couldn't recruit pilots, I wouldn't sell it. Woolen cloth."

"Come here... even if you don't buy it, you can take a look..." The mercenary opened his black watch and revealed an image of an armed mecha.

The whole body is snow-white and four meters tall. It has a humanoid mech with limbs and a head. The whole body has thick armor. There are two steel wings on the hands and feet. There are also small vents on the wings, which seem to be used for acceleration.

On the whole, it looks very handsome.

Luo Fei nodded secretly, "A good mecha, it shouldn't be from Mechanic City."

"Good eyesight." The mercenary gave a thumbs up, "We found it in a stronghold at the foot of the Xiluli Mountains. Just looking at its handsome appearance feels very powerful."

"Buy it now, if you pass this village, you won't find this shop again."

The mercenaries kept urging, but Luo Fei remained unmoved, and said slowly: "Mecha is not just looking at appearance. Weapons, mobility, and defense are all very important."

"Expert..." The mercenary gave a thumbs up. "It's in the heavy truck in our parking lot. It's not far away. Let's go and see?"

Luo Fei thought that it was all right now. It would not take long to see in the past, so he nodded and agreed, "Well, since you are so warmly inviting, then I will go and see."

Following the hunting group mercenaries left, the other three mercenaries sitting on the table also got up and followed far behind.

Go out of the lobby, come to the parking lot, and follow the mercenaries into a heavy truck. It is not divided into two floors like the Luo Fei heavy truck. It is very spacious and full of many seats. The seats are also equipped with safety belts. .

The two came to the rear of the truck one after the other, where a white armed mecha was secured by iron chains.

"Yes, how much is it?" Luo Fei turned his head and asked.

"Then how much money do you have now?" The mercenary looked at Luo Fei with a smile.

"102 scrap coins." Luo Fei took out 9 more scrap coins from his arms. "Add these to 111 in total."

"Only this little are too insincere." The original enthusiastic mercenary's face immediately turned into a look of disdain.

"Oh, then I can't afford it... Then I'll leave..." Luo Fei said he was leaving, but Luo Fei didn't even move.

The mercenary's expression became weird, and he directly took out a short-handled submachine gun from his back and aimed at Luo Fei, "Want to go? You are a prey worth 20,000 coins, how could I let you go, brothers... we are making a fortune today. It's...haha..."

At the door of the car, three figures of mercenaries appeared together and walked over to surround Luo Fei.

"You must not have thought that we would fool you here, haha..."

The four mercenaries laughed at Luo Fei together, but they soon discovered that Luo Fei had maintained a plain appearance.

"Aren't you surprised?" One of the mercenaries realized that something was wrong and smiled.

Luo Fei said indifferently: "Of course, I am not a pilot, and the operation level is very low. It is obvious that you are looking for me to sell armed mechas because of the drunkard's intention."

"Then you still dare to come in, so you are fully enlightened?" The mercenary with the chin modification said cheerfully: "Then quickly put down all the weapons and let us take you to the Electronic Foundation headquarters, where , You will be punished brutally, haha..."

Luo Fei shook his head and looked at them with a sneer, "I came here because of this armed mecha. Anyway, you are not my opponent at all. No one will know if I killed you here."

"Hey, look down on us, then don't blame us for killing you..." The mercenary with the modified nose winked at the others, and the three of them nodded unanimously and pointed their guns at Luo Fei.

While the bullets were flying, Luo Fei raised his right hand, the light blue magnetic shield blocked him, and then took out a Black Hawk pistol with his left hand and pulled the trigger at their heads.

Boom...the heads of the mercenaries whose noses were modified suddenly blossomed, followed by the mercenaries whose ears were modified.

The remaining two people saw that they were killed in an instant, and the bullets that shot Luo Fei either flew to the side or were blocked by a transparent defensive cover.

Seeing that he was about to be killed, the mercenary whose chin had been transformed immediately knelt down and said: "Forgive me, I know a secret that I can tell you, as long as you don't kill me..."

The other mercenary whose eyes had been modified took a step slower, and then, like the other two, his head blossomed instantly.

"Oh? What's the secret?" Luo Fei pointed the muzzle at his head, and the black shadow enveloped his face.

The mercenary hurriedly said: "Our hunting captain Mond likes Lucy, but the Electronic Foundation is looking for Lucy. Now our captain is very dissatisfied with Weilun, and has already spoken out that he will be in trouble in the future. Will never help him."

"Oh? Is there anything else?" Luo Fei thought for a moment, thinking that this should be good news for himself.

"Well, then please go and die..."

The gunshot suddenly sounded, and the mercenary opened his eyes wide, watching the bullet fly into his forehead, "No..."

The keys of the heavy truck were found from the four people, walked out the door, and closed the door again.

"Leave it here first, and then drive this heavy truck away when you come back."

Luo Fei stuffed the key into his pocket and returned to the mercenary hall.

As soon as he came back, a robot wearing a windbreaker walked towards Luo Fei, stood in front of him and invited, "Master Luo Fei, please come with me."

The person in front of him was a member of the law enforcement team. Luo Fei didn't expect him to be the one who would pick him up. Luo Fei followed the law enforcement team into the counter of the mercenary union as the people around him exclaimed.

After entering a metal room, he blocked the hot sight of all the mercenaries outside.

This room was an elevator, and under the control of law enforcement officers, the elevator moved up quickly.

"Does Lord Luo Fei also have a tank?" The law enforcement team standing next to Luo Fei suddenly said, facing the elevator door.

"Well, that's it." Luo Fei thought about it and nodded.

"But Master Luo Fei did not become a fully mechanical body, did he not integrate his consciousness with the tank?" The law enforcement team continued.

Consciousness and the chariot become one? ... Luo Fei whispered secretly, are Xi Huai and Xi Huai considered to be one body? It should not be counted, because I can't control it at all.

"It seems... right." Luo Fei lowered his head in thought, it should be considered.

The law enforcement team seemed to want to ask something, and opened his mouth, but at this moment, the elevator stopped, apparently reaching the destination, and the door opened at this time.

"Please come in, Lord Luo Fei..." The law enforcement team member stretched out his hand.

Luo Fei walked out of the elevator door and saw the magnificent bar in front of him at a glance. All the furniture is decorated with mahogany. The wine on the bar counter is made of glass, and the wine glasses are also glass goblets, which are similar to those in the mercenary hall. The metal style is completely different.

Because of the problem of rare materials, these wood furniture are expensive things in this mechanical city.

The top of the head is a semi-circular sky made of glass, which can clearly see the dim light beam outside, and also overlook the scene on the street outside.

In those seats, there were all pioneers whose whole bodies were transformed into mechanical prostheses. They saw new people coming in, they all looked over and raised their glasses together.

Luo Fei also nodded to the pioneers he didn't know, and walked to the table of Aolaiwen who greeted him.

"Come on, sit down." Aolaiwen pointed to the mahogany chair, "I'll introduce it to you."

There was a woman sitting beside Olai Wen, "This is Ling Jing, attacking the tank from a distance, and his attack power is exploding."

Seeing Aolaiwen introducing her with a cheerful smile, Luo Fei kept smiling and nodded to Ling Jing. She is also a mechanical prosthetic body. The whole body is painted in sky blue, but the face is white and silver. The delicate facial machinery It can also perfectly reflect the other person's expression.

Ling Jing's eyes curled with a smile, "Hello, welcome to join our ‘assembly team’."

"Assemble the team?" Luo Fei showed a puzzled look.

Aolaiwen put down the wine glass in his hand and explained, "Because our tanks are all assembled, which is very different from the ordinary tanks produced in the Mechanic City."

"But our team is the strongest..." Ling Jing blinked.

"Actually, we still have a captain." Ao Laiwen next to him interrupted: "However, because the last battle did not follow the instructions, it almost caused a catastrophe, so he is now in confinement, and he will not be able to come out until a month later. ."

"Therefore, our current manpower is a little insufficient. It happens that you are here, and your truck tank can carry a lot of armed mechas, which is just right for our task."

Silently listening to Aolaiwen's commentary, until the end, Luo Fei uttered what he wanted to say a long time ago, "Aolaiwen, Ling Jing."

Seeing Luo Fei's face serious, the two of them straightened their bodies and listened quietly.

"Now our Mechanical City has been surrounded by an army of snakes, and now the whole city is overcrowded, should we just look at it like this and don't do anything?"

The two looked at each other and sighed together, and they drank the wine in the glass in front of them.

Then proudly slammed the glass on the table, and with a snap, the glass shattered.

The two were speechless for a while, and the law enforcement team members who acted as waiters walked over and cleaned up the glass shards blankly.

When the law enforcement team left, Aolaiwen turned his head outside and slowly said, "In fact, the snake-man army is nothing at all. We pioneers alone can repel them."

"But..." Aolaiwen paused for a moment, but Luo Fei was surprised by the previous words, but he was more focused on Aolaiwen's next words, and he felt that the next words were the most important.