Reloaded Wasteland

Chapter 108: The Flying Swordsman

In the sky, the two mechas collided together, Luo Fei directly ignored the opponent's claws, allowing the solid magnetic shield to block all his attacks.

But he put on a boxing posture and slammed an iron fist fiercely. The opponent was in a state of chaos for some reason, so all his attacks were tolerated by the claw wolf.

The sound like a hammer sounded intensively, and then there was a crackling sound in it. At the chest of the claw wolf, the black line suddenly cracked, and the pilot in the cockpit could be seen from the gap.

Taking this opportunity, Luo Fei kicked on the crack and fell to the ground with the body of the claw wolf. After a loud noise, the claw wolf cockpit shattered, and bright red blood emerged from it.

With his hands on the edge of the broken cockpit, Luo Fei exerted his full strength. Amid the sound of metal tearing, the cockpit was completely opened, and he dragged out the dead pilot inside, dragging the broken claw wolf mecha into Lucky. .

As long as it is repaired a bit, it is a very good armed mecha.

"Who is it for? Tian A or Feitu? It's a pity that he is too tall to squeeze in..."

Being entangled in the ownership of the claw wolf mecha, Ao Laiwen's command instruction suddenly flashed on the light screen in front of Luo Fei, "Luo Fei, come here to support, and drive your armed mecha."

Actually still have to support, what kind of firepower is this encounter? ...With no time to think, Luo Fei fiddled with the claw wolf's steel claws and hand-armored machine guns, and found that they were all welded to death.

At this moment in the building, Aolaiwen and the others are in trouble.

Originally, Aolaiwen thought that the two mechas were retreating because of difficulties, but they hid in the dark aisle waiting for an opportunity to attack the scattered violent heavy armored infantry.

A series of light bombs hit the alley, and two violent heavy armored fighters were immediately swallowed by the fire.

"They have appeared again... here..." The violent heavy armored warriors around the accident site greeted the defender mecha not far away.

The speed of the defender mecha striding away is only the speed of ordinary humans, which is pitiful. When they passed through a dark metal corridor, a bullet suddenly flew out of the defender and hit the defender’s head accurately. superior.

Boom... There was a harsh explosion, and it was obviously not an ordinary bullet. The defender's head suddenly shattered, exposing precision parts. At the same time, a mechanical eye was also blown up, which seriously affected his vision. Influence.

The injured defender immediately turned the muzzle, turned to the metal corridor, and shot out a chain of bullets. The depths of the metal corridor exploded again and again, but the shadow of the attacker was long gone by the light of the fire.

The other defender just arrived at the first incident site, but did not find the attacker, so he took a few people into the alley to look for the attacker's trace.

The alley is very narrow, and only the defender can just pass through. Because of the length of the Green machine gun, the defender can't even turn around.

At this moment, the sound of opening the door suddenly came from behind them, and the violent heavy armored warrior who followed turned around in surprise and found that a hidden door appeared on the wall for some unknown time. The wasp whose hands were transformed into multi-barrel cannons walked from inside. come out.

"What an idiot... Didn't you see such a simple trap?" Between hehe and laugh, a gust of bullets erupted from the wasp's multi-barreled gun.

The shields of the violent heavy-armored warriors were instantly shattered, and their metal bodies shattered one after another, followed by the ammunition box on the defender's back.

The defender caught by the Green machine gun cannot turn around, and can only be attacked by bullets shot from the rear as a fixed target.


The shell of the ammunition box was broken, and then the ammunition inside was smashed. There was a louder noise, and the photovoltaic panel behind the defender exploded again. In an instant, the defender became a piece of scrap iron.

"Haha... easy..." The wasp hid in the secret door again and disappeared.

When Aolaiwen came to the scene, apart from the raging flames, there were only parts left on the ground.

"Asshole..." Aolai gently kicked towards the metal wall, leaving a pit.

A figure ran over at this time, and the violent heavy-armored warrior stopped in front of Aurawin and reported: "Report, we have found the list and the bishop, but the bishop has committed suicide."

"You committed suicide?" Aolaiwen took the paper notebook handed by the violent heavy-armored warrior, opened it and glanced at it. Suddenly, his mechanical eyes widened, "Is this?"

"Ao Lai Wen, here I am, where is the enemy?" Luo Fei drove the Flying Xia to use punches and kicks to disperse the Snake Man sect personnel supported by the stairs. He heard a violent explosion and hurried away. Come over.

"'re here..." Aolai gently closed the notebook and stuffed it into the dark compartment opened on his stomach.

A snow-white figure stopped in front of the metal alley, and Luo Fei's voice came from inside, "Is it resolved? How many enemies are there?"

Aolaiwen walked out with someone with a distressed expression on his face, "It's very tricky. The opponent has two armed mechas, one with strong long-range firepower, and the other not only has strong long-range attack power, but also good defense. Strength and melee ability."

"To make matters worse, they hid in the alleys where the four links were well-developed, and there might be hidden doors. They used the advantages of the terrain to attack us. One defender was blown out and the other was damaged. "

Glancing at the dark alleys and confirming that it is indeed difficult to see things inside, Luo Fei also frowned. This Fei Xia ship did not have a night vision goggles...

"It's a bit difficult to do, but I will find them to let you complete the task, but is it an organic weapon? My new one has not been specially equipped yet."

"The task was completed and their list was obtained, but the target bishop committed suicide." Olai Wen asked the violent and heavy armored warriors around him to go to the fire to lift the defender's alloy axe out.

"This battle axe is a bit heavy, so you will just use it."

Taking the Tomahawk is really heavy. It requires Fei Xia to hold both arms to make it smooth, but it is obvious that this will reduce Luo Fei's speed, but it does not matter. Luo Fei can use magnetic force to reduce the weight of the Tomahawk.

"The task is completed? It will be much easier. You took the list and evacuated quickly. I am here to stop them. As long as they get out of it, don't even want to escape from the palm of my hand."

"Well, then I beg you." Ao Lai Wen was also polite, and quickly left with all the violent heavy armored warriors.

After a while, the entire building fell silent, and the harsh horns and the loud noise of human voices could be clearly heard in the distance.

Waiting quietly, after a short while, the mecha wasp hiding in the alley finally couldn't hold back, quietly revealing half of his head to observe, but only saw a metal mecha in the avenue.

"Why are you all gone? It's so boring..." The wasp swaggered out from the alley, the multi-barrel cannon on his arm aimed at Luo Fei, "Are you here to stop us? With a tomahawk? Haha... Do you look down on us too much..."

As soon as the last word was spoken, the two bullet chains flew out of the opponent's multi-barreled machine gun.

A foot-long light rose from the jet of light behind him. At this time, Luo Fei's speed increased to the extreme, jumping left and right, avoiding the blast of the bullet chain, the figure pulled out a phantom, and quickly approached the wasp not far away.

The wasp was taken aback, "Why are you so fast, Swordsman, save me..."

As he asked for help, he backed away, but to Luo Fei at a speed of 80 miles for the Wasp Mecha, it was like a grandmother's walk, slow to death.

When Luo Fei passed an alley, a flash of light suddenly appeared in front of Luo Fei across the darkness.

A sneak attack... Luo Fei quickly glanced at the end of the metal alley. At the end of the metal alley, a blue mecha raised a long knife, with a plume of smoke rising from the tip of the knife.

Magnetic coil...

A magnetic field was generated around the Fei Xia, and the flying bullets were slightly shifted. The bullets that originally hit Luo Fei’s head flew by about a foot from his ears, exploding one by one on the metal wall not far away. A large pit with a width of meters.

Luo Fei's speed did not decrease, and the target remained unchanged. He continued to move in the S-shape, quickly dodge the flying bullet chain, and quickly pulled into the distance of the Hornets.

"No, no, no... Swordsman, Swordsman, hurry, save me..." The screams rang out, and the Hornets only asked for help except for retreating and shooting.

At a distance of less than ten meters, Luo Fei waved his hand, spinning the tomahawk in his hand and threw it over. At the moment of the moment, the wasp fell to the ground in fright when facing the tomahawk flying towards him, and the tomahawk flew from his head. pass.

After the rest of the catastrophe, the Hornets laughed happily, "Haha, missed, missed..."

Just as he was happy, there was a sudden sound of wind behind him, and the wasp turned his head in doubt, and saw the rotating battle axe flying back somehow.

Before he could react, the alloy battle axe slashed on the wasp's neck, from the neck to the cockpit position.

Luo Fei stepped forward and drew out the alloy battle axe, a scoop of blood splashed out.

There was one left... Luo Fei picked up the Hornets and blocked them in front of him, waiting.

"Hornet, are you okay? Did that guy get rid of..." The knifeman's voice came from the metal alley, but he was nowhere to be seen.

What a cautious person... Luo Fei walked into the alley where the sound was heard. He wanted to respond a few words, but his voice is too different from that of the other party, and the difference will be discovered as soon as he opens his mouth, so he doesn't say anything at all. .

Finally approaching the metal alley and just pushing the Hornets to the front, a burst bullet flew over and exploded on the Hornets’ cockpit.

The knife man saw that the wrong person had been killed, and he missed a hit and immediately disappeared in the secret door. Soon Luo Fei was thrown out of the battle axe in his hand.

"It's gone again, really peek-a-boo."

Luo Fei was about to go in to find the swordsman, when a large number of chariots roared outside.

Is it here to support? Who is it from? ... Luo Fei dropped the Hornet mech and ran to the window to see. A large group of city guards and defender mechs rushed towards the building. The leader was Huiyu, the law enforcement team captain who had not been seen for a long time.

"It turned out to be his own." Luo Fei breathed a sigh of relief. "The remaining guy will be handed over to the city guards. With such a large number, it is enough to turn this place upside down."

Rumble... Numerous city guards and defender mechas came to the third floor and surrounded Luo Fei without hesitation. The guns and machine guns in his hand were all aimed at Luo Fei.