Reloaded Wasteland

Chapter 115: Generous

It lasted for about ten minutes. When the last red mushroom exploded, the squid in the elevator never appeared again.

"Disappeared, there should be no more..." Bing Xuan ran to the elevator door and looked down. Then he saw an even more desperate scene, "No..."

A scream came from his mouth, and he took a step back involuntarily and fell to the ground. Luo Fei ran over to take a look, then pulled Bingxuan and ran backwards, yelling: "Let’s run quickly... What a secret room."

"What's the matter?" Xihua asked puzzledly.

"There is no time, let's go quickly..." Luo Fei didn't mean to stop.

The people around him also hesitated for a moment, and followed Luo Fei to run forward. Xihua even shouted: "Go to our villa, where is my castle."

When they returned to their previous starting point, the metal gate was quickly closed by the toothed tiger, "Now it's time to say, what exactly did you see?"

"You will know right away, now the primary purpose is how to get out of this floor. Is there a secret road?" Luo Fei checked back and forth, hoping to see the weak spot on the floor.

"How could there be a secret road? If there were, we would have left here long ago." Ming Qi walked to the sofa and lay down, and walking around made him tired.

"Then it's troublesome..." Luo Fei frowned, Bing Xuan lying on the ground also looked desperate.

"What's the matter?" Huamao was also aroused by curiosity.

At this moment, there was a dense sound of wind and sand outside, and as time passed, it quickly turned into the rumbling of a flood.

Outside, tide-like squid rushed out of the elevator and quickly spread to all corners of the prison, like cans of sardines, crowded.

When Huamao heard movement outside, he jumped to the door, and the window on the door was opened with a sigh of relief, and saw a dozen tentacles sticking out from the outside, searching for something irregularly.

Cang-dang, the tabby cat immediately closed the small window and pinched off those tentacles at the same time.

Like an electric shock, the tabby cat jumped behind Luo Fei and screamed: "They are all blocked at the door, this...there is too much...any one of you is going to think of something..."

Everyone was a little anxious. At this moment, the rustling bites rang out intensively. If a solution cannot be found, everyone present is likely to become the prey of those squids.

Ming Qi, who was also shocked, quickly got up from the sofa, holding the sofa in one hand, and shouting: "What are you guys doing in a daze? Come and help."

As the sofa left, a large hole one meter wide was exposed below, and there were bright mushrooms in the hole.

"You did it privately?... You actually kept it from us." Xihua looked at Ming Qi dissatisfied, and the others did the same.

Originally everyone was in jail, but one of them had already dug a tunnel. Once he escaped, the rest would be dragged down.

"What do you guys look at me for..." Ming Qi was even more uncomfortable with the unkind eyes of everyone, "Huh, what's the matter with me doing an experiment? If it weren't because they were not easy to control and affected the reputation of my genius, I was Don't expose them."

Ignoring their quarrel, Luo Fei was lying at the entrance of the cave and found that the mushrooms were decomposing acidic substances all the time, and a strong pungent smell emanated from it. After a little sniff, he felt that his mouth, throat, and lungs were all Hot pain.

After a while, I stood up, blocked the pungent smell with the magnetic cover, turned to look at everyone, "Okay, don't make any noise, those mushrooms have not opened the downward channel, how much distance is there?"

Xihua stepped forward and took a look, and measured the distance with only his eyes. "It has been around nine meters, but there is still a distance of about one meter. It can be said that it is not far from the next floor."

"Then the question is, how long will it take for the remaining one meter?" As Luo Fei asked questions, everyone looked at Ming Qi.

Ming Qi raised his head, calculating in his heart, "It's about a month left..."

Hearing this answer, everyone had the urge to beat him brutally.

"One month? We don't even have any bones in a month." Toothed tiger shouted, "Those squids are coming in soon."

Outside, the clicking sound continued to sound, and the sound of friction was like the sound of a devil's teeth grinding, constantly beating on the hearts of everyone.

"It doesn't matter, I can only force it..."

Luo Fei took out a newly created explosive mushroom and threw it into the hole. A burst of flames burst into the sky, and the mushrooms and acid in it were all burned. After a jump, Luo Fei jumped down, pulled out the long sword on his back, and attached magnetism to it. Heat it, then stab it hard, and the long sword goes straight into the end handle.

"Turn..." As Luo Fei entered his dantian and gritted his teeth hard, the long sword began to rotate at a slow speed.

While Luo Fei was struggling in the prison, in the Mechanical City, Building No. 10, on the top floor, on an iron tower.

A pearl-like house was built on it. Inside it was magnificent and made of precious mahogany.

The clown-like man sat behind a mahogany table and looked at the big screen in front of him. What was displayed on it was a blue mecha, a metal cap, a long knife and a long barrel gun. It was the mecha that Luo Fei met last time. Codenamed Knives.

And sitting on the mahogany table was the president of the Electronic Foundation, Kui Dong, who was still smiling, pouring himself a glass of rare wine, and the blood-red liquid swayed gently in his wine glass.

"You mean, a white mecha suddenly appeared, easily defeated the claw wolf, killed the Hornets in one blow, but you escaped back..."

"Yes, that's it, that white mecha is too powerful..." The Daoist replied tremblingly.

Watching Kui Dong take a sip of the blood-like grapes, the knife man on the screen couldn't help swallowing his saliva, and continued: "President, the bishop has been killed by us, and he pretended to be suicidal. The fake list is also Searched by the city guards, now the entire Mechanical City is captured by the city guards, should we do it?"

Wei Dong put down his wine glass, his smile on his face became more frightening, "Yes, it's time. You first let the Snake Man sect dispatch to attack the city gate, first attract most of the city guards, and then let the mentors instigate. Those residents go to block the back of the city guards, and then it’s time for us to dispatch."

"Yes, I will do it now." The light screen flickered and turned into a black screen.

While shaking the remaining wine, Wei Dong muttered to himself: "Half of the pioneers have been bought by me. If the remaining people do not want to fight the civil war, they can only stay where they are, and they can't even without the order of the city lord. Action, and the city lord... actually disappeared, this is really good news..."

Kui Dong got this important news from the pioneers who were bought out.

"He's been sitting on that throne for too long, and now it's time for me to sit on it." He stared at his wine glass with a smile, "The power is like wine, no matter how good it is. After drinking for a long time, I get tired of it, and I need better wine..."

She was outside at this time, the invisible figure pressed her ears to the door. Although what she heard made her feel incredible, she still had no intention of giving up the original plan.

A magnetic bomb was placed on the door without a handle. After pressing the button, there was a bang, and the door... was intact.

"I would have given it two..." Lucy pursed her mouth and was about to try again. At this time, a ball of electric light burst out from the entire pearl room, and the electric light spread out in a ring.

Unfortunately, Lucy was hit, her figure appeared on the spot, and at the same time it caused the surrounding sirens, and a large number of violent and heavy armored warriors rushed.

At this moment of crisis, a rope fell from the sky and was grabbed by Lucy. As the sky passed by, Lucy disappeared before the eyes of the violent heavy armored warrior.

Climbing on the back of the sonic bat along the rope, an old man with eight claws on his back was looking at her with a smile, "It's really thrilling. Fortunately, I came in time."

"Thank you, I owe you another favor." After a moment of silence, Lucy whispered: "Did the crazy wolf look for you?"

"Isn't he who else?" Wei Lao sighed, "You are too self-willed. To assassinate the president of the Electronic Foundation alone, do you think you will be benevolent if you fail?"

"Why do you hate him so much? As far as I know, if it weren't for him, you wouldn't be able to live so much."

Lucy was silent for a moment and shook her head, "I don't know... Maybe it's... for the fool father who was being played around, and myself."

At the end, Lucy’s voice became smaller and smaller. At first she didn’t know that Huang Hu was her father. Even if the names were the same, she didn’t think about it because Kui Dong often told her that her father was already He was executed by the city guards.

This also made her very disgusted with the city guards in Mechanical City, but when the real father appeared in front of her, she felt that she should do something for their lives.

"Okay, I won't be involved in your young things." Wei Lao manipulated the sonic bat while turning around, "Welcome to join our Blood Shark Club."

Lucy was taken aback, and then slowly nodded, knowing in her heart that this was the price of the crazy wolf requesting her rescue, and it was not bad at all.

She inadvertently glanced down, her pupils tightening, "What's that?"

The manhole cover under each building was opened, and groups of soldiers in black with guns ran out from inside, painted yellow snake-shaped patterns on them, and rushed towards the city gate with a very clear goal.

"No, they want to open the city gate to let the snake men in." Wei Lao reacted quickly, "They are from the Snake Man sect, and they are actually doing it now."

Then he exhaled, "The city guards shouldn't let them succeed, I'm the one who cares."

Before long, a large number of city guards rushed to the city gate, and soon a battle started.

However, it didn’t take long for Wei Lao’s heart to pick up again. Behind the city guards, a large number of people began to march with flags, and soon blocked the back of the city guards. Especially the number of these marchers was too great. There are hundreds of thousands of them densely packed.

"this is?"

Commanding more than half of the population of Mechanic City, with such a large handwriting, he completely lost his square inch. Wei Lao, who has always kept a calm smile, couldn't help screaming this time, "Jubaotang...Electronic Foundation...Kai Dong... What are you doing?"