Reloaded Wasteland

Chapter 129: Cooperative transaction

The two got into the cockpit and walked awkwardly for a while, because the difficulty of maneuvering is different from that of the assault i-armed mecha, and even much higher. If they used to be amateur pilots, now they must become more professional. The pilot is good.

"Oh..." Faitu didn't notice for a while, mixed his left foot with his right foot, and fell to the ground.

"Okay, don't play anymore, let the mechas given to you by Huimeng to test it, so that you will know these two mechas better, and it will be much easier to manipulate in the future."

Luo Fei smiled slightly and waved his right hand. The two armed mechas flew out of thin air and landed on the roof of Lucky.

"Well, I have to get two mecha cabins." Luo Fei laughed a few times to himself, "It feels like I am not a tank, but a battle fortress...well, it looks good."

Walking towards the car door, Luo Fei was about to board, Tian A's voice came from the roof, "Boss, there is a convoy coming towards us."

The team? ... Luo Fei turned his head, and a black line quickly approached them.

Nearly 50 vehicles of various kinds, including motorcycles, jeeps, and armored vehicles, were filled with soldiers holding weapons. The team was moving in disorder, obviously not regular troops.

When it became clear, Luo Fei discovered that they were the hunting group of the Electronic Foundation. However, when Wei Dong died, the entire Electronic Foundation was taken over by the city guards. However, as soon as the hunting group got the news, it immediately announced that it had separated from the Electronic Foundation and became A purely mercenary group.

After becoming a mercenary group, their lives were not so easy. A piece of complaint letter was handed over to the mercenary union, which made everyone in the hunting group anxious. The key is that they cannot rely on the prestige of the electronic foundation to use violence to make each other. yield.

They parked around Lucky, faintly surrounded, and a strong man with modified hands, feet, ears, nose and eyes jumped out of an armored car.

He is wearing a black steel vest with spikes on the edges, a blaster in one hand, and a heavy hammer the size of a watermelon on his back.

"You are Luo Fei, right." Luo Fei glanced up and down a lot of people, and applauded: "Sure enough, it's a hero who was born as a teenager."

"I am Mond, the head of the hunting regiment, please advise."

Looking down at the opponent's big steel hand, Luo Fei also stretched out the mechanical palm with a smile at the corner of his mouth.

Snap... Two hands of different sizes were held together. It was supposed to be a friendly exchange, but the other's big hand became tighter and tighter, and it seemed that Luo Fei's palm would not be stopped without crushing Luo Fei's palm.

Luo Fei's eyes narrowed, and the cold light suddenly appeared, the magnetic power was activated, and the magnetic power was distorted.

Magnetic distortion: The shape of iron objects can be changed when the volume of the object remains unchanged.

Mond's big hand turned outwards, his strength gradually disappeared. He realized the seriousness in front of him but didn't want to lose face in front of his hands, he hurriedly said in a low voice: "Just discuss it, don't be so cruel."

Loosing his hand with a smile, Luo Fei withdrew his ability, but the opponent's mechanical palm had already reversed his five fingers, forming the same existence as his left hand.

"I wonder why Captain Mond came to see me?"

Mond glanced at the manipulator palm, and smashed it one by one. "When we checked the supplies, we found that four of us were missing, and the armed mecha they were in charge of had also disappeared. Do you know Luo Fei? Know this?"

It turned out that it was from the teacher who came to Xing to inquire... Luo Fei was playing haha, preparing to perfuse, but he suddenly remembered that the hunting group members had said that they were armed mechas found at the foothold of the Xiluli Mountains.

That is to say, the hunting group knew the location of the Xiluli Mountains. As soon as the words came to the lips, Luo Fei immediately replied, "Knowing about this, the four guys murdered me on the grounds of selling armed mechas, but I finally killed them. Do you want to help them?"

"No, no... how could it be?"

The streamer on the roof of Lucky's car began to rotate, and the three-barrel muzzle aimed directly at Mond, and Mond wiped his cold sweat imperceptibly.

He originally wanted Luo Fei to make trouble, and then took the opportunity to blackmail or something, but he didn't expect the other party to admit it directly, which made him somehow continue.

Feeling that the atmosphere is almost over, Luo Fei said directly: "Do you want to take the Flying Man back?"

"As long as you tell me the location of the Xiluli Mountain Range." For Luo Fei, armed mechas are not a necessity. With the improvement of his personal strength, he can personally fight against armed mechas. This is the ability. The difference between a person and ordinary people.

For Luo Fei, leaving here quickly, crossing the Xiluli Mountains is the most important thing.

"Oh? Do you want to go to the Xiluli Mountains?" Mond smiled like a profiteer. "This place is far away, and there are many difficulties in the way. If you want to know the location, you need to do me a favor."

Luo Fei raised his eyebrows. Is this the rhythm that will be blackmailed?

"What's busy?"

The initiative returned to Mond, and he smiled and said: "We found a robotic arsenal in a valley. I hope you can help us take it. If it succeeds, the Flying Sword belongs to you... …Of course, I will also tell you the location of the Shiluli Mountains."

Luo Fei thought for a moment, nodded and agreed, "Deal."

Since the pioneers expelled the snake-men army, the city lord Si Huang has issued the task of capturing the snake-men. For a time, a large number of mercenaries swarmed out to capture the snake-men everywhere.

Along the way, Luo Fei could see scattered groups of mercenaries and scattered snake men chasing each other in the wilderness, but they all avoided the hunting group from a distance. It can be seen that the popularity of the hunting group in the machine city is extremely poor. .

After running all afternoon, the mechanical arsenal that had a quick glance last time appeared in front of Luo Fei again.

"Let's rest here for one night now, how about we attack tomorrow?"

Mond stretched out half of his body from the armored car and observed the surroundings. The sky had darkened and night was approaching.

In the Mechanical City, it was almost impossible to distinguish between day and night. Only at this time did Luo Fei feel the normal routine of work and rest in the world.

"Then wait for one night."

Fighting in the dark is still a bit difficult for humans, and finding a safe place to rest is a wise choice.

The hunting group found an open space composed of several large rocks, surrounded the vehicles in a circle, and set up a circle of barbed wire on the periphery, and then tents were erected in the center.

They didn't plan to invite Luo Fei in, so Lucky Number stopped beside the camp. There was a room inside Lucky Number, enough for the six of them to live in.

The night came as scheduled, Luo Fei lay on his single bed and looked at the camp not far away through the large plate window. At this moment, they were still noisy and carnival, and noisy voices continued to be heard.

The hunting group that came this time had more than 200 people. This is already all of their group members. After the collapse of the Electronic Foundation, many group members have left, or were directly expelled by Mengtai to relieve their financial pressure.

"Xi Huai, let me know if there is any situation."

After giving the order, Luo Fei gently closed his eyes and rested.

In the middle of the night, the earth seemed to sink into a state of sleep, but in fact, this is just an illusion. Those creatures that only appear at night are when they are active.

A group of snake people passed by in the moonlight. Soon, a group of wilderness steel wolves passed by again, followed by a group of sickle spiders.

At this time, on the moonlit earth, countless creatures were leaving in the same direction, but the species that had killed each other were in peace at this time, forming a weird and harmonious picture.

All night without incident, Luo Fei appeared neatly at the rear of the truck, the power room, which had been transformed into a complex mechanical room, and the photovoltaic fusion energy column was placed on a platform.

"Xihuai, how about it? Can you control it?" Luo Fei asked.

"It's still early. This kind of energy pillar has powerful energy. The key is that it can absorb the power of the universe. I want to fully control it. I still need some time." Xi Huai's tone was full of excitement, and Unwilling.

"Then give me a similar amount of time, how long will it take?"

There is another way to control the photovoltaic energy pillar, which is to put one's own consciousness into the energy pillar, let the energy pillar become his new body, and then manipulate the lucky number and the mechanical prosthesis through the energy pillar.

But there is the biggest problem here, that his original body will lose consciousness and die, and the abilities he possessed will have nothing to do with him, and he will appear in the world as a mechanical prosthesis in the future.

"Then what does it mean to live like this?"

So Luo Fei thought of letting Xihuai control the photovoltaic energy column. After all, Xihuai does not have a real body. There is no difference between letting it control the photovoltaic energy column and Luo Fei. In a sense, they are inseparable at present. , An unknown force has connected their fate together, and the death of either party will prompt the other to die.

"About a week." Xi Huai replied after thinking for a while, "When I complete the annexation, my strength will increase."

"I look forward to your good news." Luo Fei smiled and turned and closed the door of the power room.

As soon as he arrived in the cab, he heard a quarrel outside.

"We are not yours, so why let us go? You have to go..."

This is Feitu's voice. What happened? Luo Fei came to the window with doubts and looked outside.

I saw four members of the hunting group standing in front of Feitu and yelling, "Just because we are a hunting group, we are more crowded, and we are better than you, so hurry up and stop them."

Following the direction they were pointing, Luo Fei looked into the distance, and a force of 500 snake men rushed over. The leader was Luo Fei's old acquaintance, the snake man who was blinded and sacrificed his fangs.

"Don't even think about it. We are just a cooperative relationship. If you don't want to cooperate, we will leave here." Feitu yelled back, tit-for-tat, and the weapons of several people were almost reaching each other's heads.

Seeing that a **** battle was about to break out, Luo Fei's voice came in time, "Fei Tuo, come back, sit in your mech and prepare for battle."

"Yes." Staring dissatisfiedly at several hunting regiment members, Fei Tu ran back to Lucky, and immediately got into the mecha cabin that Huaimeng had transformed for them, and boarded the Wilderness II Wasp.

The Hornet has no palms, it is poor in melee combat, and its movement speed is not ideal. Its only advantage is its strong firepower, which can suppress many enemy units.