Reloaded Wasteland

Chapter 13: Dongling Town

"Hey?" Lucy paused, and immediately understood what the other party meant, smiling again, but this time it was a mockery.

The scarlet mouth was slightly opened, and he blew lightly at the soldier's face, and the colorless gas rushed into his nostrils.

The soldier's eyes began to blur, and his feet unconsciously backed down, leaning on the door of the car and slowly sliding down, and then snoring sounded, and he actually fell asleep.

At this moment, Eimeng came fully armed, wearing armor made of black ant shells and carrying a chainsaw gun in his hand. She wanted to give the soldiers who had broken in with a slap in the face, but he was actually lying there. Asleep in the car.

"Why did he fall asleep? Is their work so exhausting? They came here to sleep under the name of a search?" Hui Meng was very surprised and a little angry. The dismounting she had just prepared was completely prepared in vain.

"Who knows?" Lucy smiled with her arms folded.

At this time, Luo Fei's expression in the cab became extremely serious, and he said to Xihuai in his heart: "What did she do? The soldier fell asleep after a while?"

"I don't know, I only saw the woman blow at him, and then he fell asleep... Hmm? You drool while sleeping... Do you humans sleep like this?" Xi Huai asked curiously. Tao is like a child who has just been born.

Luo Fei didn't mean to answer it either. Xi Huai asked a few questions again and again, but didn't get the answer she wanted, and then went to play by herself.

"Interesting, is it also a supernatural person?" Luo Fei looked at the desolate scenery outside, vaguely able to see the undulating mountains in the distance.

This reminded him of his own time. That night, he was blocked by a sand scorpion in the sand cave and had to inject an awakening potion that was purged from the black market and was said to be a transformation potion.

After experiencing the mental and physical double limit beating, when he recovered, he was fortunate that he was still alive instead of gaining a supernatural power.

Most of the groups with abilities are alien races. As long as they have different talents, they can obtain abilities related to their race. But humans are not like this. Their abilities rely on the ability to seize other creatures, and they are injected into potions after they are made into Within oneself.

The awakening potion will tear human genes first, and then slowly reorganize, and finally let humans get the key to evolution.

Due to the extreme danger in the evolutionary process, the human beings injected with the awakening potion were either driven into despair, or they themselves didn't care about their lives.

After experiencing the hellish genetic recombination, the personality of these supernatural beings will more or less undergo a change, becoming different from the past.

"A capable person, a hidden capable person, ha, he must have his own purpose." Luo Fei looked at the distant scenery, his eyes slowly narrowed.

But Luo Fei did not immediately reveal her plan. As long as her purpose does not conflict with Luo Fei, he will let her go. After all, he can't kill everything that threatens him.

After a long time, when Luo Fei had cooked a bowl of instant noodles and ate them, the sleeping soldiers in the truck slowly got up.

When he saw Lucy again, he showed a meaningful smile, stretched his body to look at the painted dream on the side, and immediately seemed to see something ugly, with a look of disgust on his face.

"You look so ugly, don't come out and wander around." The soldier muttered for a while, and an angry painted dream would use him to test the power of the chainsaw gun, but Lucian was stroked by Lucian in the end.

"There is another disabled person? Take me to see." The soldier frowned without seeing the last person.

"Upstairs." Huimeng said grimly.

"Humph." The soldier snorted coldly. Seeing that no one was leading the way, he had to walk to the second floor of the truck by himself, inspect each room in turn, and finally came to the bed where Lao Hu was lying.

"It's so crippled so thoroughly." The soldier's voice awakened Old Hu from his sleep.

After all his limbs were bitten off by giant ants, old Hu, who was unable to move, could only pass the time by sleeping.

Seeing the soldier's costume in front of him, his eyes lit up slightly and he smiled, "You are Dongling Town, Lord Luo Luo's subordinate."

"Oh? Do you know the name of our adult?" The soldier raised the gun in his hand and looked at him with bad eyes.

"Don't be nervous, I can't threaten you at all." Old Hu smiled and looked at him, "It's just that I once had a relationship with Luo Luo, I want to ask you a favor, please tell Master Luo Luo about my situation. , I am willing to use all my wealth in exchange for his help."

"All your wealth?" The soldier said in a puzzled voice.

"Yes, it's this truck, and all the weapons and supplies in it, worth at least one million yuan." Old Hu smiled and said, "If this matter is successful, you will definitely benefit from it."

The soldier's eyes lighted up immediately, "No problem, I'm willing to work for you."

The contented soldier rode back to the gate of the city on his motorcycle, shouting to his colleagues on the wall: "Open the door, no problem, let them in."

"Okay." The warrior on the city wall walked to a machine that resembled a game console and pulled a few joysticks to slowly open the city gate made of steel.

Luo Fei immediately started the truck and drove into the city gate. After handing in hundreds of discarded coins, he successfully entered the town known as Donglin Town.

The houses inside are all revealing the old blue-gray color, neatly arranged on both sides of the road, and at the end of the road is a black iron castle.

There were not many people on the street at this time, and even the few people who showed up left in a hurry.

According to the practice of real wandering merchants, Luo Fei should go to the store here to wholesale some goods.

But Luo Fei is not a real businessman. He parked the truck on the side of the road and called Lucy to ask, "Who should we ask now? I think the average residents should know Huang Hu."

Lucy pondered for a moment, "I just heard that some people here often provide supplies for Huang Hu. We need to find the person who supplies supplies."

"Hey, it's better to find a needle in a haystack." Luo Fei turned over and sat up and glanced at his broken right hand. "I'm not good at finding people. I prefer to find prey. Why don't you come and look for it."

Lucy curled her lips: "Let me find it alone? You are sleeping here? What's the difference between that and Lao Hu?"

"I'm going to the hospital. If you have any difficulties, please come to the hospital to find me." Luo Fei raised his short right arm, and he was going to connect a mechanical prosthesis.

Hui Meng came in from the back door and heard Luo Fei's plan, and immediately said: "You buy the robotic arm first, and I can optimize and upgrade it to ensure that your combat effectiveness is greatly increased."

Luo Fei smiled and did not speak, just opened the door and jumped out.

What I thought in my heart is, let you optimize and upgrade? Maybe I will be put in a bomb or something. When I see something is wrong, I will be blown up.

As soon as it fell on the ground, a cold air seemed to rise from the ground, causing Luo Fei to shake. The cold temperature here immediately stopped a passerby wearing a coat, asked where the hospital was, and then strode towards Rushed in the direction of the hospital.

Lucy in the truck said a few words to Emeng and went out. Emeng thought for a while, then left and ran to the repair shop.

Not long after, a group of white-armored soldiers came to the truck. They wanted to start the truck, but they couldn’t start it. In the end, they had to carry old Hu away, leaving some people to guard the car. For them, they belonged at this moment. Their property.

Under the guidance of the passer-by, Luo Fei turned directly into a remote alley, which is said to be the fastest road.

But it didn't take long for Luo Fei to feel that something was wrong. The alley was very dim, and at the end of the alley, two big men in overcoats blocked Luo Fei's path.

There was also a sound from behind, and two other big men blocked his way, one of which was the passer-by he asked.

This was not an accident. Luo Fei quickly realized that he was tricked by the passerby, "I just asked for the way, do I need such a warm welcome?"

"Hey, outsider, welcome to the site of the Heiqihui, obediently hand over all the money, I promise, we will generously leave you a corpse." The passerby lowered his head and smiled and raised his right hand. , A dagger shone brightly.

"I want to say no?" Luo Fei was about to take out the Black Hawk pistol from his waist with one hand. The four people at the front and back knew what Luo Fei wanted to do. They all raised their left hands, revealing a small crossbow.

They just waited for this moment, especially the regretful expression that the other party immediately showed, but in the end they disappointed them. Luo Fei did not stop and pull out the Black Hawk pistol at all.

At this time, they did not hesitate to pull the trigger, and all the arrows on the crossbow flew towards Luo Fei, but when approaching Luo Fei, the crossbow suddenly turned around Luo Fei and continued to shoot forward.

The four big guys didn't react at all, all of them hit the arrows, and they were all in the same position, their heart.

All four of them snorted, looked at their chests inconceivably, and fled away without even thinking about it.

At this time Luo Fei had already pulled out his pistol, and seeing that the four of them had disappeared in front of him, he had to withdraw his index finger from the trigger.

Putting the pistol back to his waist, Luo Fei walked out of the alley and saw the door of Dongling Hospital in the distance. "It seems that the passerby didn't lie to me. Next time I encounter it, I will do it lightly."

Feeling that he was wrong on the other party, Luo Fei raised his foot and walked forward, squinting his eyes just to catch a glimpse of the big man lying on the right side of the corner, who was one of the people who attacked him.

It's just that at this moment he faces up to the sky, his eyes are blank, and he breathes black foam.

"Poisoned? That arrow?" Luo Fei suddenly realized the crossbow arrow shot earlier. It stands to reason that the short hand and crossbow can't shoot through their hearts at all. As long as they run into the hospital, they can still be rescued. Poison was also painted.

After walking a few steps forward, he found the corpse of another big man in the ditch. Luo Fei stopped, expecting the other two to be in the same situation.

"You can't live by committing sins." Luo Fei shook his head lightly and strode towards the hospital.

Not long after, the bodies of the four Heiqihui were discovered, but they did not attract the attention of the Dongling Town guards.

At the other end of the town, Lucy, who had found a coat and put on a coat from nowhere, appeared in the alley. It didn't take long before a soldier of Winter Spirit walked up to him, who was the one who inspected.

Before the warrior could speak, Lucy took a step forward and blew into his helmet, carrying warm air through the T-shaped hole and into his nose and mouth.

The soldier shook and knelt on one knee, like a king surrendering himself.

"Tell me, who is going to provide Huang Hu with supplies?"